thieving poorfriends get very upset when reminded that they do indeed steal

20  2018-01-28 by girlyboybussy


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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If you want something then you should pay for it.

giving a shit in current year

lmao pleb

I don't mind pirating software. The repercussions are nonexistent in my country and companies are getting increasingly scummy. The inability to purchase software, just rent it and pay forever, all under the guise of "its cheaper cause you don't have to pay upfront!!" or spitting out unfinished/early access games with microtransactions and a fuckton of DLC are the kind of practices that make me not want to pay for things. If you eat that shit up, you're a really good goy.

Make me, nerd.

If your pirating something its because you don't want to pay for it

I just don't get the attempt to add this weird "morality" to it with "technically the supreme court said its just copyright violation" or "I'm punishing corporations"

If you want something for free just say you want it for free, don't pretend your a hero

People don’t give a fuck about what they do. They only care about how it makes them feel.

I don't mind paying but if piracy offers a superior product im going to steal that shit for the superior version.

Hey /u/RESEV5 is it stealing to borrow a book from a friend?

No, because you return it. Do you return a game to the company? No, you dont

You loan a game or a book to a friend; they complete it and get the entire experience from it. The rest of the time, the book is sitting on your shelf.

Intellectual property can't be controlled because you can't take the experience back. It's not stealing; it's sharing.

Doesnt happen the same with games? I mean, you play the game, but in some time you will eventually stop playing it. I bet you wouldnt be playing the same game for 12 years, for example.

Most of the games I play are ones I've been playing for years. TF2 and Age of Empires II are mainstays. Brood War has only gotten more popular this year. I still do replays of old cRPGs.

That being said, I almost never pirate games. I'll pirate anything else, though.

Yeah, i got your point... some games have that replay potential, but are no so many of them.

It's a young medium. A lot of books also aren't worth a re-read, and lots of movies aren't worth re-watching, but there's generally a few per decade that are. Games have fewer because they've been around for a shorter time.

And I'm fine with that.

lmao imagine paying for books or movies nice life nerd!!!!

This but unironically