Nazi Poland wants to pass a law. Oven dodgers all over the world say it's annuda shoah.

40  2018-01-28 by cavides

So the Polish government is trying to pass a law that criminalizes statements that say that the Polish people were responsible for the atrocities committed by Nazi Germany on Polish soil. Lots of Israeli politicians and Jews all over the world have spoken against this law and seem to be interpreting it as a blanket denial that Poles were in any way involved in killing Jews, even though that's not even close to what the law says.

The Guardian wrote about it.

So did The New York Times.

There is an article from The Jerusalem Post too.

There is lots of drama on twitter. Mostly between Jewish and Polish autists. I think this Israeli politician had started it all and got a response from the Polish embassy in Israel that said: "Your unsupportable claims show how badly Holocaust education is needed, even here in Israel".

Netanyahu said that the law is a form of Holocaust denial.

Lahav Harkov's entire timeline has lots of drama too. Apparently somebody is trying to hack her social media.


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. The Guardian wrote about it. -,*,

  3. So did The New York Times. -,*,

  4. There is an article from The Jerusa... -,*,

  5. Israeli politician had started it a... -,*,

  6. "Your unsupportable claims show how... -,*,

  7. Netanyahu said that the law is a fo... -,*,

  8. Lahav Harkov's entire timeline has ... -,*,

  9. trying to hack her social media -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

You were supposed to tell us who did this! You had one job!

Unlike in most European countries occupied by Nazi Germany—where the Germans sought and found true collaborators among the locals—in occupied Poland there was no official collaboration either at the political or at the economic level.[71][72] Poland also never officially surrendered to the Germans.[73]

When I was a kid I was pretty hard up for pornography (pre-Internet days). I did have one book my parents had though that had pictures of naked people in them. At the time i didn't understand what I was looking at, but years later i realized they were photos taken by the Nazis of Jews during the Holocaust. As a child I masturbated to the Holocaust.

I bet you liked the shower scene in "Schindler's List".

Ngl, my bussy did get a bit wet when I watched that scene lol.

I personally always thought Amon Göth was pretty thicc.

It was so sad. I only used a single tissue

Is this joke based on the fact that in the Time-Life WW2 books there was that one about Nazis that had paintings of naked German women in it? Whoever snuck that one section into that series of books did a great service to those of us who grew up before internet porn was practical. They deserve a medal as much as anybody who went ashore on Omaha Beach.

I want this to be tru


Louis C.K. irl.

National Geo. Gimme those africa titties!

do you have a fetish for skinny chicks now

This better be pasta

Blaming the Poles for the Holocaust is one of those convenient fictions that makes people with evil ancestors happy. The Germans get to pretend they were just being ordinary folks when they systematically murdered millions of people. Nein! This totally isn't the culmination of generations of depraved ideology. Ve're just like you!

I don't get Jewish twitter's needs to always remind everyone they're perpetual victims. It's like they think the 2nd Holocaust is literally around the corner. But then again, my ethnicity was never genocided so I don't know 🤔🤔

What's your ethnicity?

I have no idea lmao, I'm Brazilian.

Fucking gross man. No one would even bother, y'all are doing a good enough job yourselves.

throwaway in the username


Well ya. Youre mexican. You dont have any opinions?

Do me a favor bud, go bang your mom and wait for the aids to set in

throwing a bunch of shit and hoping something sticks is exactly what a monkey would do

Holy fuck I missed you

I guess you would know


Gotta do better than that, fam


He asked for your ethnicity, not your dysfunction.

And nobody asked for your opinion.

So angry. No wonder you guys are always in a crisis.

I 😍 love 💗 Brazilians 🇧🇷 they be speakin 🗣porch of geese 🐤 n I be like 👅💦💦💦 damn daddy 👶 quack quack 🐥

How do you manage to be more annoying than Ed? I'm not exactly convinced you're not one of his alts, honestly.

It's a gift lol 😉

I'm 70% sure it's an Ed alt. I couldn't fake being Ed as well as this account does, and also his main account has been noticeably quiet lately.

Persephone also goes through lots of alt accounts... hmm... Ed, are you sure you're not her?

I recently binged on Parks and Rec for the first time. Loved it. Now I'm watching The Office. Currently on S03. That's why I'm "quiet".

He's not my alt lol. I can do what he does with my own account. Why make another one? 🤔

Because youre autistic

Use your main account newfag. Smh

I recently binged on Parks and Rec for the first time

Same! It gave me a new appreciation for Aziz's scandal. Now I don't care if they frame him for pedophilia if it means I never have to watch someone being so unfun on TV.

Please consider deleting yourself. Smh

porch of geese

more like porch monkey

I unironically think Jews could be in deep shit right now.

Both extreme ideologies hate them, one because (((Jews))) are supposed to control the world somehow, and the other because they fall for Muslim anti-sionist propaganda.

And both the far right and the far left seem to be growing.

Same thing is happening with trans people. Gender-critical feminism is growing absurdly fast somehow, their presence is very noticeable on Twitter mainly, so they have to deal with that too.

Well just because there's a growing number on some social websites doesn't mean that's representative of the general public though. I mean I don't know about you but I don't know many people who use twitter.

both groups pushed too hard and too fast with their extremist rhetoric

you have to boil a frog slowly you cant just dump it in hot water

Gender-critical feminism is growing absurdly fast somehow, their presence is very noticeable on Twitter mainly

I cannot express how relieved I am to hear this.

Well, speaking only for myself here, I think fake dicks are way better than organic units attached to a dood. At least in my case. The organic penile unit I am married to appears to be dependent upon a hormone in order to function properly. A doctor has diagnosed this 'low' condition in him, and I've been told it's common in males 30-45+. I personally would not want to look at a life-like male sex toy/bot. This seems to be a male thing, wanting a replica of the whole woman. I am perfectly content with just a healthy approximation of the needed appendage. I can get mine, wash the thing and put it away and forget all about it until the next time I want it. That's the perfect 'man' in my opinion. Best of all, dildos don't talk or expect me to do stuff for them, they don't stink up the house with chili farts, they will never be caught staring at other women, and even better, the size you bought it is the size it stays. It will never shrink or lose girth from atherosclerosis and low male hormone levels. Males absolutely do have these issues starting around 30 or so...don't let them play you like hormone deficits happen only to women. I think it actually happens to them more than us, and sooner.

Beautiful pasta fam. 10/10.

Meh, as I see it, there's one side who don't to be legally forced to call men with tits implants wearing make-up "she", and the other side wants to inject 4yo children with hormones making them sterile for the rest of their life.

“Supposed to control the world somehow”

Yeah I wonder why they think a group with a hugely disproportionate presence in media, politics, and finance are trying to control things 🤔

Next they will try to tell me that Jews run Hollywood or some other crazy thing.

It's like they think the 2nd Holocaust is literally around the corner.

Well Trump won the elections sooo 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

they think the 2nd Holocaust is literally around the corner


At what point do we honor all of the other victims of bad stuff?

Apparently they think selling out your neighbors so you can live is collaboration

wow poland is going full trump

Poland taking a big stand against politically correct censorship culture. "Polish concentration camp"? Three years in prison for you

Prisons are inefficient, they should put concentration camp truthers in concentration camps.

It wouldn't be a crime if they do it since we know no Pole could ever commit a crime.


It's a pretty progressive state. They're doing away with the gays, the non Christians and having huge neo Nazis rallies. I wonder why they all of a sudden want to ban comparisons of them and Nazis 🤔🤔🤔

backstory for that law:

some guys were LARPing as nazis

one of the TV news stations broke this news

left wingers and wannabe neolibs blame goverment for nazi enabling

I think the idea behind the law is much older than that. Polish right-wing politicians were talking about stopping the "Polish death camps" meme years ago. I think it intensified when Obama used the phrase.

you have right too; I just writing why my gov is trying to pass that law just now

Poland saves Europe once again

Fuck you stupid chink

Poland dindu nuffin, it's a good nation, trying to turn its life around n going to church n school n shit.

alt right now defending laws about what you can and cannot say


Who do you mean by "alt right"?

People I disagree with

Damn right! They're all Nazis and Commies.

Also Jews.

Poland sure is innocent. The german choose to put auschwitz in a country that was rebelling. Sure.

They didn't even trust us, frenchs, enough to put a deathcamp here. And our government collaborated with the nazis.

Slavs were next to oven

Which make their dedication to the extermination of the jews all the more impressive.

unironically thinking Poland (as whole nation) is collaborating with their own opressors

keep yourself safe

Fam, france in ww2 was pretty fucking terrible. Which is why the choice of putting extermination camp in poland is strange. After all, if france, that was chock full of fucking collabos, so what happened in fucking poland to make them choose it over austria, france, germany ... for extermination camps.

Its been explained to you over and over again you fucking autist.

Fam, I am not the one loosing my cool over a meaningless internet retard fight.

Lol It's not a retard fight when its this one sided

Yet you still need to post.

Your point?

Don't worry, you are very clever.

Surrender monkey sure is throwing a lot of shade for one of the least effective resistances in the war.

French resistance was a joke. Which make it ever more impressive that poland was considered more worth of trust to establish death camps than france.

The reason the camps were in Poland is because most of the Europran Jewry was in Poland or close to it.

Most were in eastern europe, sure, but extermination camps were exclusively in poland for a reason.

Because it didnt make any sense to build camps where there weren't many jews.

But to build them only in poland?

Not sure if he actually is retarded.

Nah they trusted you french heaps. They let your soldiers fight against the allies, let you control half your country under the armstice.

Heck the communist half of the resistance didn't even bother fighting until nazis punched daddy stalin in 41.

Yeah, yeah, france was shit.

As for their position, as I have pointed out, all death camps were in poland.

Despite the fact that the URSS had 2.5kk to the 3kk jew of poland. Despite the 1kk in romania.

Poland had all the death camps for a reason. And it wasn't the position of the jews, otherwise the URSS would have some death camps. Otherwise romania would have some.

Yeah, yeah, france was shit.

But you still think it's cause they didn't trust the french or something retarded.

Poland had all the death camps for a reason.

Because they had the most jews, were close by and occupied in in sept 1939, not being an active frontline again until 1944.

otherwise the URSS

Which was further away and most jewish operations were done by firing squads.

Otherwise romania would have some.

Which wasn't occupied by the nazis.

So where are the extermination camp in URSS. In romania.

All death camps were in poland for a reason.

They weren't occupied by the Germans. Then this "eastern front" thingy happened and the Krauts had bigger problems than building new camps.

Czechoslovakia+austria had around 1kk too. Where are the extermination camp in either.

Austria was Germany when the war started and they didn't build the camps at home where their people could see them.

Most of the Chechs were supposed to be assimilated into German society. They weren't supposed to know about the camps either. Their undesirables were moved to other countries.

The german minority in poland was supposed to be assimilated, much like the czech one.

You might want to check how big that German minority in Poland was. There were about 750k of them. They were 2% of the population of Poland and they lived in the areas close to the border, where there were no camps. About half of the Czechs were supposed to be assimilated.

You being a frog explains a lot.

They didn't even trust us, frenchs

Onikaan ni ov baguette. It is always wise to mistrust a French.

On the serious note. The point is not whether Poland was innocent, it is that they were not an active collaborator (officially) in exterminating the Jews.

Onikaan ni ov baguette. It is always wise to mistrust a French.

It's the perfidious albionese that you should mistrust. You can trust us. Except around your boyfriend. :^)

You can trust us. Except around your boyfriend. :)

Damn, you win this one.

criminalizes statements that say that the Polish people were responsible for the atrocities committed by Nazi Germany on Polish soil

interpreting it as a blanket denial that Poles were in any way involved in killing Jews, even though that's not even close to what the law says

Not even close. Not even close. Not even close

You don't get to say that a Jewish village was massacred by Poles if it's a known fact that the Nazis killed the villagers, but you do get to accuse Poles of some other pogrom.

Where are the free speech warriors obsessed by laws against holocaust denial?

why would they not be?

what's your stance on the polish law?

We need another partition.

if you have to make it illegal to say something didnt happen it prob didnt happen

i can say all sorts of shit didnt happen and nobody cares

hey we never went to the moon and 911 never happened and neither did the vietnam war

also america never nuked japan

haha crazy right who believes that? then why would you need a serious law to punish people

I knew you were retarded, but I didn't know you were a holocaust denialer.

This polish law would make things complicated for you, not so easy to believe poles killed ton of jews and holocaust didn't happen.

im a questioner and if i cant question it then im hardly just going to believe it on peoples word am i

at very very least the holocaust was exaggerated as wartime atrocity propaganda, its dumb to think otherwise

unless you think they made a rollercoaster to dump jews in an oven or a big cage with an eagle and a bear in it

hey guys look at all these soaps and lampshades and shrunken heads made from jews!

oh no sorry that was a lie but the rest is real, like steaming and electrocuting jews to death!

oh no sorry that was a lie too but there were definitely 6 million killed

oh no sorry more like 1.5 million but were not lying about the rest! honest!

This polish law would make things complicated for you, not so easy to believe poles killed ton of jews and holocaust didn't happen.

yeah it was a war with prison camps plenty of people died, duh

what this comes down to is that jews want to be able to blame poland, they dont care about anything else

Kys. Also Jewish groups have been bitching almost as much as Poland about that phrase.

lol want to know another reason trump won

nothing i said was even controversial you guys are so sensitive

nothing i said was even controversial


what part is controversial? the steam deaths and the electric rollercoaster of doom and the shrunken heads and the soap were all admitted as fake not long after the war

thats history, are you guys still taught that shit was real? lol

I was taught it was real in school, only found out recently that it didn't actually happen.

Gas yourself

lol for people who pretend to be media savvy you sure do over react sometimes

ill forgive you specifically though because your novelty was funny

also for the record zyklon b kills lice not people, the more you know

Kill yourself.

nah theres plenty of better candidates if you get my drift

You should kill your whole family, everyone close to you and then yourself.

nope just jews LOL

people like you shouldn't be authorized to think by themselves

your reaction should be to think not lash out like a mongoloid lol

you should read some holocaust survivor testimonials sometime theyre hilariously made up

I cant believe people think questioning EVERYTHING is bad.

Challenge your own narrative from time to time. Explore foreign concepts that repulse you.

The truth is always somewhere in between.

The truth is always somewhere in between.

Are you really retarded or totally stupid?

Whats the middle of that? Average? I guess Im average.

Holy fuck...I think I proved a point using logic! Thats pretty neat.

Is slavery right or wrong?

...taxes help build roads?

Holy shit man. Have we discovered something here?


The average of retarded and stupid is not average

its not even about questioning absolutely everything, just stuff people tell you youre not allowed to because thats the most egregious bullshit most of the time

How, exactly are you going to investigate what happened 80 years ago? I mean, the camps are tourist attractions now. You can go visit, but you can't see what happened there in real-time. You pretty much have to accept the reports from the time. You aren't a questioner, you're a skeptic/denier.

How, exactly are you going to investigate what happened 80 years ago?

fucking lol dude do you know what an archaeologist is

we can tell what went on in ancient egypt nigga

for instance you could look for the bodies or bone fragments with ground x rays if you werent explicitly banned from doing so

You can go visit, but you can't see what happened there in real-time.

did you know what stands at auschwitz today is a reconstruction because all the actual evidence was destroyed after the war

but they still put a wooden door on the gas chamber LOL

You pretty much have to accept the reports from the time.

by law

funny how theres no laws about other events right

almost like the current hegemony relies entirely on the idea being perpetuated

You aren't a questioner, you're a skeptic/denier.

making the questions illegal doesnt actually delegitimize them fyi

theres no laws about other events right

it's forbidden to deny armenian genocide in france nobody cares but the turkish goverment you're too brainwashed to see you're a victim of an (((armenian conspiracy))

its hardly enforced as zealously though is it, denying the armenian one is mainstream now

i dont see any 90 year old grannies sentenced to prison

its hardly enforced as zealously though is it

how would you know?

denying the armenian one is mainstream now

in australia?

how would you know?

because you can read about specific incidents, using the internet

in australia?

online among the idiot mostly liberal college age crowd

online among the idiot mostly liberal college age crowd


lol are you trying to say im wrong

ive literally never seen an armenian genocide denier that wasnt some kebab fascist so yeah that seems like a reasonable position to take

its trendy for american pretend leftists to side with anyone ethnic like a contrarian, is this really an unknown phenomena

shit like this is why australia is a joke country

nobody that tries to make fun of australians is satisfied with their own life

It is 6 million u retard, only Stormfront says it isn’t. Gtfo the internet and actually learn true facts

nice meme history

TL;DR You're retarded.


You know, the quickest way for me to think you were complicit in the holocaust is to pass a law making it illegal for me to say you were complicit in the holocaust. Its just like Frank's "It's no good diddling kids" song.

And since Israel banned Holocaust denial, that must mean it's a hoax! This is brilliant!

Not quite. They banned saying "the holocaust didn't happen", as opposed to a state saying "you can't blame us". The law in israel isn't "you can't talk shit about israel", but in poland its absolutely "No, we had nothing to do with it! How dare you say we had anything to do with it! Gulag for you!"

They banned saying "the holocaust didn't happen"

They banned saying: "the Jews faked it, it's a hoax they are profiting from"

in poland its absolutely "No, we had nothing to do with it! How dare you say we had anything to do with it! Gulag for you!"

in Israel it's absolutely: "No, we had nothing to do with it! How dare you say we had anything to do with it! Gulag for you!"

Well shit dude, I guess that invalidates the literal tons of documents we have from the camps. Unless all those people writing and signing them were ethnic poles with such common polish names like Hans or Jurgen.

A Kike and a Pollack walk into a bar.

OH COME ON!!! These guys literally went out in the qualifiers and suddenly they are being blamed for the ref waving red card after red card to signify the train leaving.

I know its not exactly football matches and Hornby fiddlers but just imagine if people were actually hurt back then... it would almost be an insult!