Jordan Peterson officially joins the Alt-Right

43  2018-01-28 by Deity_Of_Darkness


you tried. and failed.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Jordan Peterson. The insight is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the degeneration of western civilization most of the jokes will go over a typical recipiants head. There's also Jordan's chauvnistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal PhIloSoPhY draws exclusively from psychology literature, Carl Jung for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these ramlbings, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about CULTURAL MARXISM. As a consequence, people who dislike Jordan Peterson truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the self-help in Jordan's existential catchphrase "Clean Your Room!" which itself is a cryptic reference to Molyneux's epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those post-modern simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Petersons genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Carl Jung tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're willing to have 5 children of my own and no professional ambition beforehand.

Fathers and Sons

This is where it falls apart. You gotta replace it with something from Nietzsche.

Carl Jung tattoo

More like a lobster or Pinocchio or a dragon.

clean your room, bucko!

Such butthurt in that pasta. You need to go rescue your father from the underworld, bucko.

Those patreon bucks gotta come from somewhere.

RADICAL CENTRISM is the only side I need.

Shh...hide your power level. The day of the horseshoe is coming.

That mustache on the left. Quarantine that fucking room and incinerate it at extremely high temperatures so nothing that has been exposed to that filth exists as more than dust particles.

What's that on his little knockoff MAGA ball cap?

This is a dystopian future where the extremes of the political spectrum are represented by bad mspaints drawings of anthropomorphic animals.

Now you realise you're in the worst timeline possible, not because daddy Trump or dem wypipo, but because it's fucking retarded in its entirety.

anthropomorphic animals

It’s always been like this dem donkey and repub elephant OwO


Ur wrong lol

*Rawr v nuzzles*



hey funboys get a room

Get a room and clean it?

Not surprised about this. That tranny holding a fuck trump sign from the other day is probably the closest thing to a political cartoon most of these guys have seen.

But there's a jew cap in the top right...

It's called a Hanukkah.

My mistake, sorry if you felt disrespected by my ignorance. Have a great matzo, l'chaim kvetch.

Sheckles be with you

How to throw away any credibility you had left 101

the guy makes >50k a month on patreon.

Good for him, doesn't affect what I said.

Who needs credibility, he can just cry into piles of cash

Good point

I thought he was a self-help guru for insecure young men, and there wasn't any reason to take him seriously to begin with

are you one of those retards who gets worked up over a cartoon frog?

Isn't it obvious?

well i don’t know about worked up, but i have noticed using it IRL is the universal sign for being an autistic dumbass

right, and those who think it's the new swastika have both legs planted firmly in reality

uhhh yeah I guess not. But we’re talking about jordan peterson

it’s more like the new Pigasus, except for the right

Yes, because NOW he's lost the snowflakes.

The fame is going to his already massive head

Why do adult men own flags of a cartoon frog? This is peak manchild.

To annoy you. Probably.

I really don't understand this label. Laugh at that, if you will, but I've read this declaration about Peterson before, yet I fail to see why it's seemingly applicable, let alone convincing to others.

The guy is an undeniably intelligent professional, regardless of agreeing with him. His most recent popular interview, and how he conducted himself so calmly under some rather heated journalistic interrogation, concisely answering questions and even stumping the quite provocative and antagonistic reporter really support that too. He makes great videos with hundreds of hours on psychoanalysis, religion, ideologies - you name it - basically anything you'd expect from a tenured psychology professor who has taught at world class universities.

But I must ask, from your own perspective, since you have chosen to continue on the label, why do you think this? He's so well argued, well read, rationale, and a natural orator. Although many disagree with him (which I personally would largely attribute to wilful and slanderous misrepresentation), he seems like a good guy. He's not vindictive or malevolent, and doesn't appear to really be after anyone, especially since he covers numerous topics in his videos, speeches, and interviews. Personally, I think part of the reason he has gained such a following is because he's a) not afraid to speak out for what he believes, b) he seems to be a very rationale thinker, and c) he's saying quite agreeable things, which of course his followers concur with. Of course, those who would be deemed his opponents detest everything he has to say, and would disagree with the three lettered points I just listed, except for a), perhaps.

What makes his followers stupid people? Or, rather, what makes them so much more stupid than his opponents? Is it because his opponents disagree with him, ergo, his followers are stupid? If that's the best reason to be surmised, well, then that's disappointing.

Is it not possible that, since he presents himself as a logical and concise thinker, that he attracts perhaps a more intelligent demographic? How can his opponents and detractors be so certain that they are they intellectual ones?

Oh come on, these people are not alt right. For one that guys hipster fucking beard and for two...every fucking time.

/r/drama is infested with Circlebrokers these days. Everyone is alt-right to them.

This guy is just a bog-standard libertarian. I don't have a very high opinion of libertarianism, but that's here is on the political spectrum.

I don't know who he is and I don't care.