A 55 years old woman discovers the animepillow (wich - guess what - features a minor) of her 27 years old failure of a son ( who obviously still lives with her)

170  2018-01-28 by 1171798


I decided to get myself a... slightly lewd cover (exposed chest) for it with my favorite anime girl, Shinobu from the Monogatari series (yes, it's her young version). Best decision I've made in my life... get to sleep with Shinobu every night now, it couldn't possibly be better.

I tried to explain to her calmly my stance and that it's just anime merchandise of a favorite character of mine but she wouldn't listen.

...I'm a lolicon, not a pedo...

"Gosh mom, just because I bought a pornographic pillow of an 8 year old girl does not mean I am a sexual deviant / degenerate."


(The pillow in question - NSFW.)

"But officer, she's really almost 600 years old, and a vampire!"

and she was created by a Japanese dude who drinks too much!

I love this excuse / concept.

It is so lazy it a child probably came up with it.

Nisio Isin is pretty blatant about including fetishy tropes in the Monogatari series, so I feel like having such a lame excuse was at least partly an intentional joke.

Besides, most of the girls in the series are like 13 or younger anyway, so it isn't like having one of them actually be a 600 year old vampire would make it that much better

I feel like I'm on a list just for looking at that pillow. Imagine not only buying that, but thinking it's reasonable to tell anyone about it.

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Lolicon is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries jerking off to 900 year old witches in the bodies of 8 year old girls is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around jerking off to pre-pubescent girls who are actually 900 year old girls. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.

I’m not... hmmm...

Oh man that is spicy pasta.


How is the Reddit app so fucking awful idk if it's the parenthesis or what but that link is unclickable. While we are at it how the fuck does Reddit buy alien blue then force you to use an app that's total shit compared to it. And how do they fuck up image hosting when one autist created imgur.

No need to worry, friend. Here is the full link so that you can enjoy this picture of an 8 year old girl masturbating and (presumably) orgasming:


With regards to the app, it makes perfect sense to me: Reddit is run by a mixture of morons and people who do not give a shit. Reddit is surviving off of its momentum, but hopefully it slows down and dies soon.

Yeah it was just rhetorical complaining. Thanks for the link though, vag out is quite a detail for him to leave out

Just a small detail, probably slipped his mind.

If he posted a photo of the actual pillow do you think it would have a hole in it somewhere? Yes or yes?

At least two. I'm just surprised his mom was able to make it out through all the stains because you know that guy isn't doing his own laundry.

The whites in that pillow are probably a nice crusty yellow by now.

this is the image on the pillow? are you kidding?

Nope, that is the actual pillow.

As you can see the mom was just overreacting and being a drama queen.

dude. the internet is fucked up but that is something else man..

If you ever have the misfortune of stumbling across a loli account on Steam or Twitter their network is a rabbit hole.

They will have hundreds of followers and friends all posting/posting as sexualized prepubescent girls. It is disturbing as fuck.

dude there’s no denying that pillow cover. that’s disgusting

Ikr. I'm not exactly one to object, though, given that I browse /r/HentaiBeast.



d-do I remove this post?


Do what you feel is right, snallygaster.

You must believe in yourself.

Allowing lolicon on /r/drama

Allowing lolicon on /r/drama to get regulars to sperg out.

I don't envy your position.

I use sync for Reddit instead. Haven't had any of the problems that people have been complaining about.

Not on iOS. All we ever had was alien blue and they took it


Get a good phone.

being a phone fanboy.

Keep yourself safe.

Using Apple anything.

Get one of the other ones, I like reddit is fun

I'm an apple fag and the only other options involved bacon or narwhals in the name which I refuse to support. Just looked and there's some new shit called Apollo so we'll see how that goes

Reddit is fun

Only freaks have android phones.

Only nerds have ios phones

wtf man...

That character has tits, can’t be pedophilia.

With all of the GMOs and chemicals kids are being fed these days their tits are coming in at record speeds.

I have been keeping a keen eye on this trend, and I can assure you there are some busty children out there.

Those “busty” children are just fat. Otherwise they’ve hit puberty and they’re fair game.

How do you properly evaluate whether they have a bit of fat, or are experiencing a beautiful metamorphosis?

Fat people are fat? It’s not hard to tell.

Menstrual cycle? Pubes? There are a number of signs.

"Hey little girl, do you mind taking off your clothes so I can check whether you have pubes yet?"

Hey, it worked for Larry Nassar.

🤔🤔 Good point.

by metamorphosis do you mean being foliated at high temperature and pressure?


Otherwise they’ve hit puberty and they’re fair game.


With all of the GMOs and chemicals kids are being fed these days their tits are coming in at record speeds.

No no. The chemicals are making the frogs gay. Get it right Alex.

I have been keeping a keen eye on this trend

Knit Yourself a Sweater


Objective analysis right here. I have no idea why the imaginary weeb didn't make this argument to his mom.

Here's a quick rundown of ephobophilia for those uninitiated.

(The pillow in question)

Stopping at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a mistake.

I agree.

That's... actually about 5 times worse than I expected.

Your image is broken.

Are you really complaining that you cannot see a pornographic picture of a prepubescent girl?

Yeah actually, you're right. Maybe it's for the best.

That link stays blue, but I'm wondering, like almost everything else associated with Japan would it be a good candidate for /r/ATBGE/?

nah, the proportions are weird and consensus among the weebnoscenti seemed to be that it's a pretty poor likeness lol

click the link you little bitch 😡

Nah.... that thing has huge insect eyes and no lips just like every other japanese cartoon abomination. Also, the subject of this "execution" is so salient, I couldn't for the life of me see anything about it "great execution".

Oh what the hell. I don't regret clicking links very often but yup, that did it.


People actually buy that shit? O I am laffin.

Degeneracy knows no lower bounds.

Oh-oh god no

I’m not sure what I was imagining but...he left out a few details about that pillow

yes it's the young version


OP is fucked


You said it

slightly lewd cover (exposed chest)

look at pillow cover

masturbating with an orgasmic face

That poor mom.

look i'm sorry you're an uneducated gaijin but the "kid" you refer to is actually a 598 year old vampire, thus making her over the age of consent.

Wow that actually a thing.

holy christ hopefully this comment is ironic

Of course, he's playing on otaku tropes

Nah look at his comment history

pls dont

Physical age: 8

Gas the weebs

What. Is. This. Shit. Reading this makes me aggressive. Everything about this read likes the cringy fanfic of a mentally ill, mentally challenged 12 y o which should have been hidden on a secret Word document forever.

she had no idea that I was interested in stuff like that and called it gross. She also implied that it was the reason I had never been in a long term relationship and now wants me to see a psychiatrist because she's worried about certain tendencies I might have, which I really don't have though.

She thought you were a faggot. She was not particularly happy to think she was wrong about that and instead, you are a perv.


How do you even fuck up like this?

if this is a troll, it's honestly genius.

Like most of the drama things who look like they have potential, it probably is.

Poe's Law tho

Whether or not he's trolling, everyone in that sub telling him to move out are real. They would value a pedophilia sex toy more than their own mothers.

I mean... he should fucking move out.

He should also stop this weeb shit and start fucking real women - but he absolutely needs to move the fuck out.

and start fucking real women

As a woman, I disagree. These kind of persons stay inside pls.

I wanna see a pic!

Someone linked it upthread:


Seems like pedophilia till you realize she’s actually a 900 year old dragon.

I think this needs a different but related name to pedophilia. These aren’t images of real children so no kids are being harmed here. I mean humping a cartoon pillow is better than humping a child. It’s still weird but not terrible.

It's ebifjsjvjdjvndnvndngnsnphilia

I would highly advise against it

I am forever scarred

Agreed, I can't believe someone would waste the money on such a shit waifu

Parking the issue of "Is loli pedophilia?" which is here everyday and is never going to be resolved.

Yeah, it won't be resolved until all of the pedophiles on that sub stop saying that it isn't pedophilia.

Here's the thing. You said a "Ephebophile is a Pedophile."

Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.

As someone who is a Ephebophile, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls Ephebophiles Pedophiles. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.

If you're saying "Pedophile Family" you're referring to the fetish of Pedophaila, which includes things from Pedophiles to Ephebophiles to Hebephilies.

So your reasoning for calling a Ephebophile a Pedophile is because random people "call the ones who like kids Pedophiles?" Let's get Lolicons and Shotacons in there, then, too.

Also, calling someone a BDSM Lover or an Fetisher? It's not one or the other, that's not how fetishes work. They're both. A Ephebophile is a Ephebophile and a member of the Pedophile family. But that's not what you said. You said a Ephebophile is a Pedophile, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the Pedophile family Pedophiles, which means you'd call Hebephiles, Lolicons, and other Fetishers Pedophiles, too. Which you said you don't.

It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


Just because you put a Rothbard mask on kids before, doesn't mean they're age. Step away from them.

/u/semajdraehs why can't you just pleasure yourself to women that are not minors? And not animated?

I think "loli" is paedophilia, I don't think you should be sexually attracted to children and I'm only sexually attracted to adult women.

However, I wasn't going to convince OP that he's suffering from a severe psychological problem, and everyone else in the sub has heard the arguments before. So I moved past it.

However, I wasn't going to convince OP that he's suffering from a severe psychological problem, and everyone else in the sub has heard the arguments before. So I moved past it.

That's about what I thought when I read all the non-confrontational replies in that thread.

Or until people can finally understand that it isn't

This is why anime fans need to be eradicated off the face of this earth




Oh man I fucking love the Zozzlebot.

All those in favour say "zoz".



Moral of the story: Your mother in law will hate you even if you are a dakimakura waifu.

They make their sons enmeshed with them and then start they "why I don't have grandchildren" shit.


Well until she found it yesterday. I was gone for the day, went hiking with a friend,

fake, no way a person like this has friends

Yeah that was a big red flag, friends and a healthy hobby

AND a job that gives him the financial freedom to move out.

I do not believe it for a second.

What if this guy is like a handsome stock broker with a bunch of friends and this is like his one weird thing.

No, he's a pedophile and everything else is his normal thing

Maybe it was his 8yo friend.

Or leaves the house to go hiking.

Someone check missing person reports of children in Germany for yesterday?

If I get over 100 upvotes, I'll make a video about this, I swear to god

I can't decide whats harder to understand, your title or OP's pos

I like how OP assume everyone knows what a animepillow is



that about sums it up tbqhwyf

I tried to explain to her calmly my stance and that it's just anime merchandise of a favorite character of mine but she wouldn't listen. Now she insists on me seeing a psychiatrist while I don't see the reason for it at all.

Well, let's hear his side

I'm also a big anime fan and a couple months ago I decided to get myself a dakimakura and a slightly lewd cover (exposed chest) for it with my favorite anime girl, Shinobu from the Monogatari series (yes, it's her young version). Best decision I've made in my life, the pillow is super comfortable and I get to sleep with Shinobu every night now, it couldn't possibly be better.

Something is deeply wrong with any culture that permits this.


My mom bought my Daki for my 24th birthday

I admire those people for their mental fortitude. I would want to kill myself every morning I wake up to those dakimakuras.

27 and living at home still? Thats almost worse than being a pedo.

I moved out shortly after I hit 26, guess I dodged a bullet

No joke, my parents moved out when I was 25.

Technically counts?

'I don't have those tendencies' doesn't add up to 'Also owns a sexual pillow with a little girl on it.'. Just kinda saying.

Guys, why all the pitchforks and torches? Can't a grown man enjoy a picture of an 8 year old girl playing with her cunt any more? It's literally $CURRENT_YEAR already!

beat your kids

I'm a lolicon, not a pedo.
