Confirmed: Trump literally shitposts from bed.

48  2018-01-28 by IAmAN00bie


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Holy fuck. Im basically Trump.


Let's see you pay a porn star to bang you after a pizza dinner, fraud man.

Ive legit bought chinese for a hooker before. Not even kidding.

Checkmate libertarians

The fuck kinda entitled whores you hiring that you need to feed their asses?

Unless you were dumb enough to think you might have a romantic relationship with a hooker.

Naw we partied all night and got hungry. She went "off the clock" and I ordered chinese and kept partying through the next day.

I totally forgot that happened until I write that earlier. It was a really fun encounter.

Chrissy, if youre reading this, your blow sucked. Hit me up if youre in town again.

Is there any political ideology you won't checkmate?

Just because you use social media (🤮) in bed and a flight of stairs makes you wheeze does not mean you are basically Trump.

But what if Im awesome and chicks love me?

Checkmate anarcho-capitalists

But what if Im awesome and chicks love me?

Then you would not be posting in /r/Drama.

You cant be at parties or slaying pussy all the time

Checkmate mercantile imperialists

You cant be at parties or slaying pussy all the time

Sounds like you lack stamina. Sad.

Cocaine helps...but its Sunday yah know.

We cant all be God Emperors. Only One was chosen. And only One shall reign.

Checkmate kakistocratic environmentalists



Lips that touch drugs shall not touch mine.

You sound cute. Want to cyber?

I swear I was joking about the whole hooker and cocaine stuff. Im really a jesuit student learning to lie.

Slip out of those pants baby, yeah.


If you are not shit posting in bed, the toilet at work, or a bathtub you really are not living imo


Fuck the toilet, you should be shitposting when you're working.

That's REAL communist rebellion!


Being at a job that is almost entirely on the computer has motivated me to spend more time shitposting on Reddit. I am proud to say that I spend no more than 3 hours a day doing actual work.

This is right and just. You should honestly Pump those numbers down

Sadly a literal fedora-wearing neckbeard ruined working from home for everyone, so now I have to show up and actually act like I am doing work on occasion.

I would appreciate if you shared the story of how said neckbeard did it.

Sometimes when I'm at work, I look at /r/drama on the toilet. The problem is though, I slip into a mindset where I'm at home and let out particularly loud farts. In my small office, this can be embarrassing. So what I've done is started to make a conscious effort to fart before I turn my phone on. How do I keep them quiet, you might ask? I take two sheets of toilet paper, fold one over the other and then place my index finger on my right hand into the middle of the folded paper. I then fold the paper around my finger (I call it a teepee of TP) and then insert it about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch into my asshole. The fart flows effortlessly around this paper contraption without a sound. If it's a particularly vigorous piece of gas and I'm holding my finger just right, my colon will expand to beyond the circumference of the toilet and the air pressure will keep my Teepee TP in a kind of suspended animation for the duration of my flatulence.

Nooo he does it from the gym #SwolePrez

Gotta build that girth #FatLife

That's what I like about this Trump guy: he is not afraid to say things how they are, even when he is in bed at 4am.

Out of all of the articles written to make Trump look bad, this has to be one of the laziest.

Ten dollars says it wasn't written from bed tho

This was already confirmed in Michael Rosen's award-winning exposé, FIRE AND FURY

Truly the man's man.

A suprise to literally nobody.

He really is just like the rest of us! But can't string together coherent sentences.

/r/drama wishes we could cause such mass pantshitting while lazing in our rooms

No shit, what else is he gonna do? Fuck his wife? Thara what his body guard is for