Post in /r/MapPorn reminds everyone that all gun owners are blithering imbeciles who can't even wipe the slobber off their mouth let alone wipe their ass. Imbeciles try to disagree with their betters.

52  2018-01-29 by LightUmbra


Imagine being a rural retard

Just imagine being that fucking retarded and rural


Thank science I'm an urban liberal with an IQ of 1000. I can't even imagine being one of those Mongoloids. Their miniscule frontal lobes must be the reason they can't vote right.

This, but unironically.

found /u/jumbledfun's alt account

Found a Mongoloid. I'm obviously /u/spez's alt.

Hey no mean pings

Yeah, but now that you're here we can call you a retard, you retard.


There seems to be this strange overlap between gun owners, uneducated rednecks, and Trump supporters. We need more data!


die of aids already, ed

Pathetic alt. Fag

C'mon guys hug it out

He has a point though

No. I have a point


Oh fuck, I’ve been ♛ ♔ ♛ed

Africans must own a shit load of guns

Being educated =/= being intelligent.

Source :

Donald trump

George Bush Jr


Additional source:


Lol fucking retarded rural gun owners with their trade jobs and blue collar work. Must be dumb as hell to not go $60k in debt for a psychology degree like me and my urban friends.

Dance therapy is the real money maker.

And seriously in many instances trade jobs are under appreciated and overlooked. Guy in my home town didn’t go to uni. Goes to a trade school to learn about tractor maintenance. I went off, got a law degree, thanks to some fast talking and work, escaped with “only” 100k of debt. My ex went, got her masters in English, 200k in debt.

Blue collar dude 5 years out of trade school bought a nice house, has a couple decent cars (including a brand spanking new King Ranch truck), and is rolling.

I’m a lawyer and doing ok now that the loans are gone. Nice house and a pair of Honda Accords for the wifey and I. If I had a do over I’d probably go to trade school because literally, less stress, happier clients, less debt.

English major lives in her parents house and is a barista at Starbucks. Likes to LARP on the weekends as an antifa. Complains endlessly on how she’s a perpetual wage slave because of her crushing debt.

Moral of the story: durrrrrrr I live in the redneck part of California, have lots of guns and got drool on the IQ test. Rock taste good.

I’m a gun owner with a masters degree in fine art from an extremely left wing college and now I LARP as a tradesman because I don’t have to work due to a decent sized inheritance. I also spend eight hours a day shitposting on the internet at 33 years of age.

Huge if true. Keep yourself safe friendo, you’re a dying breed.

My dance therapy major friend from college seems to spend all her time in Facebook making self hating posts about being white.

My dance therapy major friend from college


Well her undergrad degree is in anthropology but her masters is in DT

Ok, now I sorta believe since you know it's a graduate degree. She could honestly get a job, though, if she wasn't busy being crazy on Facebook. I always thought Expressive Therapists' jobs looked fun as hell. It doesn't pay much for a Master's though so maybe people are dumb for majoring in it, I don't know.

The thing about trade jobs is that while they pay pretty well initially, there isn’t a ton of upward mobility.

My barista majored in petroleum engineering.

Rurals are literally the only thing worse than niggers

dude my poli sci degree was definitely worth the money.

No gun ownership in Philadelphia

Into the garbage it goes.

Probably means "legal" gun ownership...

Wow those retards who didn't even go to college still managed to legally buy and register their guns? Really wets the ol' noodle 🤔

register their guns

We're not all in the DPRC. Most of us don't have to do this at all.

Na. Philly used to have an assault weapons ban or something similar but the state ruled that it was unconstitutional. Plus the surrounding counties get pretty rural/rednecky pretty fast. At best it should be a small speck of white around Philly. Instead it's a fucking ocean. Total nonsense. And South jersey to. Jesus. That place is redneckt as fuck. Lots of guns there. Map is total malarky.

You said it, man.

My buddy in the heart of South Philly is one of those gun collector types - only time I've ever seen/held an assault rifle irl. Surprisingly light.

assault rifle

ackchyually that probably wasn't an assault rifle, since assault rifles are full auto and those very rare and very expensive. If it was actually an assault rifle, I'd like to meet your friend.

I will have to take your word for it.

Yeah, I don't recall it quite looking like any of those. I THINK I remember him saying its a civilian version of an M4? Maybe? I dunno, if I see thim this week I'll ask.

That would be an AR-15. An M-15/M-4 is the same as an AR-15 except AR-15 are semi-auto.

Yeah there's no way gun ownership in PA is that low. Like an hour west of philly and the first day of deer season is a school holiday.

Ha if I lived in either California or New York I wouldn't own a gun either. Too many rules and regulations, and the guns you can buy are fucking retarded.

This "featureless" California Compliant Gun is many things. Ridiculous, hard to handle, uncomfortable, and basically an insult to our Armed Forces. But it certainly isn't an AR.

Of course ARs are basically useless as rifles. Unless you're planning on hunting coyotes, feral hogs, and . . .well people.

Clearly we should all go back to using front loading dueling pistols, accompanied by long swords, like real Men. . .and overtly masculine Women.

Of course ARs are basically useless as rifles.

[Insert REEE]

"But Muh 2nd Adamants"

"the founding fathers didn't want people to have military weapons"

[please ignore the privately owned canons]

Haha a few months back I told some of my friends about transferrable machine guns. How it's completely legal for people to own full automatic weapons, they just cost a fuck of a lot. Like $25-$30k for a M16.

They were basically stunned. They thought all full autos were banned and only available to cops and soldiers. I told them it's way more likely for a criminal in America to have a full auto than a cop.

Remind them that only 3 crimes have been committed with legal machine guns since 1934 and that they aren't really an issue.

Facts are for faggots

I hate when I get mugged by some black dude at an ATM with a machine gun.

"I swear he had a sawed-off minigun!"

You’re right. AR10 is where it’s at.

Right! If I only have 10 rounds I'd like if they were effective. not that many people survive .556 rounds

I like .308 mostly because those caliber of guns are easier/cheaper to get in Canada. Also I don't need a restricted license, which is nice.

A Canadian who assumes AR10 is for .308.

Oh sweety, get your hands on 6.5 Creed.

Also for the AR15, 6.5 Grendel is where it’s at. 556 is for the slobbering masses.

Whenever someone tells me about 6.5 I get so salty and think to myself. "Uh huh and fuck you too for being rich. I bet you also prefer 10 mm too."

It’s only expensive if you’re a pleb that buys factory 😤

Learn to reload and watch those costs fall away. At those point my Creed reloads are roughly a penny more than my 308 reloads. 🤑

Save up and then move to Alaska to shoot real guns with the Palins!

I only use .950JDJ.

/u/zombies_hate_ninjas and now we can both hate this rich fancy pants.

I just like 10 mm because of Fallout 3.

Memphis has a lot of people graduating college? Now I am shocked.

/r/MapPorn is probably the only subreddit I wish I could moderate only to remove every single post that doesn't have a key, source ,or has inaccurate data. That sub is full of shit yet I still use it.

I just researched it a bit. I have a feeling the data might be a bit skewed since the ones who gathered this data are actively working for the Democratic Party. They are called Clarity Campaign Labs.

How can it be skewed of it's collected by a group that is inherently anti-gun and pro traditional higher education with a strong desire to divide people upon those lines?

Is /r/MagPorn the smartest sub on reddit

Seems like a strange pair of data sets to compare.

Not when everything posted on reddit has to be some dumbfucks political opinion.

What sort of peasant disarms himself. Might as well keep your arse lubed for comfort.

Smartbois keep theirs lubed for rectal carry

Wow, they didn't even mention anything about training your anus to have trigger discipline.

everyone knows that guns subconciously implant their will into your mind the second you touch them and force you to vote republican and not go to college

I disagree! As a gun owner, I can easily wipe the slobber off my lips with my asshole!