Confused (((leftists))) cancel subscription to the NY times, claiming it's a White Nationalist paper

166  2018-01-29 by masodeq


TLDR; Jews (J-left) throw hissyfit about Jews (NY-times) promoting Jew (Stephen Miller).

I love this because it is both retarded AND has Jew-infighting.


Oh, you naive child.

Just because I look prepubescent does not mean I am a child.

Thank god


Paradoxically, tolerance should not be granted to the intolerant. The @nytimes doesn’t get that. That’s why they promote garbage like this.

"Most Americans support legal status for 'Dreamers.' We talked to some who don't: ' I don't care about being popular. Amnesty is wrong."

I agree. Dissidence is the enemy of progress and thus providing a platform f or differing opinions should be a capitol offense.

Democracy was a mistake.

So...execute all Twitter users?

Politics aside, I think that using Twitter in itself is proof that someone should be excluded from the gene pool.

Yes. Execute #Order66

That's the dream.

Slow down buddy. He said it was a capitol offense

So we drop a capitol building on all Twatters?

It's just crazy enough to work

Thank god for reasonable people like you, AnnoysTheGoys.

I do not want people to get the wrong impression for what I am advocating.

this, but unironically

Oh, I wasn’t being ironic bby

tolerance should not be granted to the intolerant

How can anyone not immediately stab himself in the temple for thinking this retardedly circular brain-thought

it is a rather famous philosophical paradox

Good old Karl fucking Popper.

Zizek disproved Karl "neolib cuck" Popper ages ago. Don't know why you'd bring up someone who is so thoroughly discredited when you could re-read Marx instead.

I didn't bring him up. The geniuses at wikipedia did.

His stance is a tiiiiny bit more nuanced than those SJW tards are making it out to be.

It's pretty common, fam.

That thought is pretty common on both sides of the political spectrum. It looks like a lot of people need to keep themselves safe.

Um, Islam doesn't suck because it is "intolerant". That is just adopting leftist cuck language. Islam sucks because it is the enemy of the West and it is pure filth.

leftist cuck language

I knew it, /r/The_Donald is being infiltrated by LEFTIST CUCKS!

The West in general has been infiltrated by Pozgressives for about 25 years.


I dunno, it got Herb Marcuse tenure, didn't it?

Getting tenure at poz-gressive universities and stabbing yourself in the temple should be matched requirements.

Most Americans support legal status for “Dreamers”

Did she bother to show any statistic for this or this another “fact” they pull out of their bums.

Only alt-right trolls are against foreigners, and therefore only alt-right trolls are against immigration.

The alt-right is a small fringe group, ergo the majority of the Americans support legal status for Dreamers.


There is at least one poll stating that is true.

It seems to be sort of “meh” as in people are very divided on the issue. Not surprising, really.

That poll suggests 73% of the general population support it and 49% of republicans do. I guess it's just that the people that don't support it REALLY don't support it.

It works like this

> Pull something out of your ads

> Others clap out of obligation

> Someone points out that it's not true

> They're called a nazi

> Clapping continues

First person to stop clapping gets executed

clapping intensifies

It was literally just a screencapped headline from the article he’s complaining about

But even if it was an asspull, why would he pull out stats for a hypothetical example among people who agree with him? Quit being so autistic for a sec and think about what the context could possibly be

How dare the NYT reports on the news and not the (((narrative))). This is why ShareBlue is the most respected name in journalism.

This but unironically. Bring back feudalism I say

Today in “Anything remotely to the right of me is white nationalist!”

Seriously saying the NYT is right wing would be like Alex Jones declaring Fox News is left wing. Oh wait.

Anything to the left of Donald Trump is literal communisms libterd

Wtf I love Karl Marx now!

Being a neo-liberal Democrat is like fucking traps: you aren't full Karl Marx gay, but you might as well be.

This makes me prouder to be a neoliberal

I don't see how cucks can have pride.

Socialist countries can't afford the pleasure of being cucked

Sorry, I can't hear you because your mouth is full of peasant semen.

that would mean he was fucked directly

which would mean he’s not a cuck

No, it means he slurped it out of his wife's asshole.

oh! hot

Vile, actually. proud of my wife for taking that huge cock today.

being a liberal and a leftist are similar

You can probably pick up cod liver oil pills from any nearby grocery store, or a Guardian if that fails.

A liberal is someone who isn't sure whether he is a fag/Marxist yet.

Trump’s 3 am twitter rambling on the shitter is not a valid definition my dude

I am not the God-Emperor. I am a simple farmer, tending my memes.

Doesn’t meme imply an underlying humour?

I don't know. I used to think "woman" implied an underlying vagina, but we are through the looking glass now.

Imagine being so closeted that you make every conversation about women with penises

women with penises


We get it, you’re questioning.

Are traps gay?

fellas is it gay to want to fuck a guy in a dress even if he’s cute

So, you are saying women don't have penises??

No I’m saying traps are gay. You really should pick up that cod liver oil, and maybe a couple of books to read while you’re at it.

Why are traps gay

Methinks you’re letting this exchange get to you a little

I need answers!

[here you go](

I made cheese

Except, you know, nobody says that.

Who pissed in your popcorn?

Don't kink-shame me. Get in line if you want a turn.

Pretty sure he just did

$5 says these shondas never subscribed in the first place

Nobody does, that's why the NYT resorts to publicity stunts and grocery store tier click bait gossip headlines.

>Daddy says they're failing
>(((Chosen))) says they're doing well

Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Who's a little ole mayo like me to believe?

Part of the reason they're doing so well is because Daddy keeps advertising for them. NYT and WaPo should send him gift baskets tbh.

3 million is nothing.

Alex Jones reaches double that audience every week.

Pewdiepie has 60 million subscribers.

3.5 million paid subscribers

Lol, the best part is Miller is Jewish as well.

is he REALLY jewish, like Shapiro, or “““jewish,””” like Milo?

paying for news in 2018

paying for propaganda in 2018

It's like they've never listened to Sepultura in the 90s. Damn kids, they've lost their will to revolt to worship their asses and what they put inside.


Republicans would never win an election again if only the retarded far left would shut the fuck up for a year or so

That is an alternative timeline with zero intersecting points.

Nah. If you go orange because of the commies you should be skinned alive and boiled.

You sound angry. Are you angry?

I am, I'm ANGRY! what am I angry about?

Oranges I think

Orange is the New Hitler: Cucking is Cool. The new Netflix special

Nah, I'm just bullying US posters.

Should post some mutt memes then.

Just glass the US tbqhwy

You have two sentences there. One doesn't follow from the other. No one said people that get spooked by SJWs into voting R are smart cookies, but that doesn't mean those dumb cookies don't exist.

Not an argument.

I'd rather have a completely incompetent president than someone who's only competent at being corrupt or an incompetent socialist ideologue like Sanders.

Exactly how is Trump incompetent?

I wouldn't say incompetent but he's mostly a meme president. At least now he's finally getting some good stuff done (tax bill).

a completely incompetent president

I think you would say that.

It doesnt change my point.

Yasss queen

There's an opinion piece by a Trump economic advisor saying that the booming US economy is Trump's doing which has over 800 outraged comments. The NYT is definitely alt-right.

You see, Daddy told us that Obama's economy was a disaster but it changed immediately after his first day in office.

>I know millennials are the poorest generation since the Depression but Obama's economy was great

Interesting takes, tell me more about your stock opinions

If you ever want a laugh head over to /r/investing and watch the kiddos heads spin trying to reconcile their Berning hatred of corporate tax breaks while simultaneously trying make money off those same corporations increased stock prices.

Wallstreetbets is the only investing sub worth visiting. It's kind of like if drama had a passing understanding of options trading and more nihilistic autism.

One of their mods banned me for a throwaway joke that he was anti-semitic tho

Hey, there's self-loathing, and there's fucking with one's portfolio.

I'm just weirded out when I visit other subs and see mods actually working tbh

Remembering to wear that back brace when heading out to the Winn-Dixie is a job in and of itself.

Obama caused the Great Recession

The genius economists of /r/drama are at it again

Maybe i'd be a democrat too if I was as dumb as you.

do you always argue against what someone didn't say to feel like you "win"?

Dude you got pretty buttmad when I call out your bad economics. Maybe you could channel that energy into learning about economics from anything other than the Internet or Fox News.

Blaming Obama for millenial's economic troubles is pretty retarded when clearly the Great Recession had a lot to do with that. Hey, that Recession happened under the guy who came before Obama. Who was that? A Democrat, right?

>the housing bubble crashed under Bush

> The banks did so badly that they were bailed out under Bush

holy shit you are actually retarded and you have the gall to "call out bad economics" but yea something Millions of people know about is wrong because Obama was just the best President sure

Democrats can only do good and republicans can only do wrong

> i'm a retard who thinks GDP Growth rate reflects how many poor people there are and I'm so buttmad I'm srs posting in Drama


Obama caused the Great Recession

The genius economists of /r/drama are at it again

you do understand that you are arguing about something I never said and that's why I think you're a fucking retard right?

how can I not think you are retarded if you don't know the difference between caused and affect.

Why did I bring up Carter and the Great Depression? You don't have the brainpower to figure this out?

You must be literally brain dead if you think I'm srs posting against a guy who thinks real GDP growth doesnt matter. We are also at full employment too, but clearly the economy is determined by how many lootboxes /u/Imgur_Lurker can buy.

Also the Democratic platform is far different from the times of Carter and FDR. Of course, politics to you is a cosmic game of football or something, so "Democrats ooga Republicans booga" makes perfect sense to you.

"Democrats ooga Republicans booga"

You literally said everything bad during Obama's term is because of Bush and everything good during Trumps term is because of Obama and you have the backbone to say i'm partisan lol

You just said Obama was to blame for the Great Recession

I didn't you're so out of touch and delusional you're making up things to argue about rofl.

You're attacking a strawman that I never said because you can't "win" against what I actually said.

Millennials are poor is what i said and you turned that into something crazy in your head rofl no wonder you suffer from TDS

Millennials are poor

Millenials are poor because of the Great Recession fucking up their prime earning years. Like I said, if you think that is Obama's fault you need to stop drinking that lead-enhanced partisan juice.

You literally said everything bad during Obama's term is because of Bush and everything good during Trumps term

Wow, I definitely said this. Good thing you aren't making any strawmen, like I apparently have.

I think Obama fucked up a lot on foreign policy. Economically, however, it's well accepted that Bush fucked up, Obama had to fix it, and Trump hadn't done much of anything until the tax bill.

full employment

Full employment is a very basic economic term to refer to lowest level of employment in a country before it generates insane levels of inflation. Unless you like $10 bananas, the current level of unemployment is about as good as it gets.

Like you've been whining from one end of the town to the next about the economy, when all signs are looking really good. Do you have any evidence, besides your own personal economic failures, that Obama hurt millenials?

> I know so little about economics i think the Great recession is the single and sole reason there are so many poor people

I said this

Yea around the time you said Bush was to blame you fucking retard, at least try to remember what you wrote

Full Employment

again, real simple question everyone who knows anything about the Job market knows the answer to; If everyone has Jobs how are Millennials still so poor.

You should already know this because it's a basic component to the conversation I am having but it explains why you are so fucking dumb that you don't.

Do you even have links to how poor the millennial generation are? Just because you work a dead-end job doesn't mean everyone else does.

Do you have any sources whatsoever? You're really passionate about the economy for a guy who's never heard of full employment. Maybe you're passionate about physics too, should I teach you about gravity?

Like, name what Obama did to make millenials poor. And what Trump did to fix it.

Wait, I know: Dems ooga and Republicans booga.

See you wanting source for something literally everyone who knows isn't doing as great of a job of making you look not retarded as you think it is.

Interesting doubling down instead of answering my simple question everyone who knows anythings about Jobs knows.

I've never heard of full employment

You dumb fuck I said employment doesn't reflect on the quality of the jobs, you still don't understand that basic part. Maybe now you can finally put together why so many of the Younger Generation are poor compared to Boomers.

If only there was something that Obama did that encouraged Business to hire more part time workers instead of hiring people full time, some sort of the world's largest employer doing this more maybe.

I wonder how that would affect people's jobs.

You are literally so dumb you can't even keep up with the very basic conversation i'm having jesus.


See you wanting source for something literally everyone knows isn't doing as great of a job of making you look not retarded as you think it is.

I know Reddit and Xhentai must be taking up all your bandwidth. I'll kindly Google a source for your claim.

Hey, looks like the income disparity between millenials and boomers comes from:

  1. Millenials going to school and having less work experience

  2. Millenials are taking jobs makes less money at the start than blue-collar jobs, but earn more over total career

  3. The greatest economic disaster since the Great Depression

Clearly Obama is making kids go to school, be educated workers, and caused the Great Recession.

I'd like to restate how you handwave the Great Recession, the most obvious answer to millennial economic issues, because then you would have to admit that Republicans booga'd instead of ooga'd.

If only there was something that Obama did that encouraged Business to hire more part time workers instead of hiring people full time, some sort of the world's largest employer doing this more maybe.

What are you talking about

How you handwave the GR

Yes this is the same as telling you "wow holy shit you really think Millennials are all not super fucking poor even after you google a list of reasons they are all poor"

It's the republican's fault

I'm not partisan


Here's my projecting capeshit

wew lad

what are you talking about

so you always pick fights when someone says something bad about Obama even though you have literally no idea what the conversation is about?

explains a lot tbh, you'd have to be a complete fucking unironic retard to know as little as you've shown yourself in this conversation.

Maybe learn just a little about the difference between being employed and having a Job that earns you enough to not be poor Like i've been trying to explain the difference to you for this entire fucking conversation you complete moron wow.

Ah yes stocks, that explains my entire generation starting to learn Organic Canning like no generation in literally 100 years.

After all poor people own stocks right you dumb fuck

Sorry you're too poor to own stocks

yea, what does being poor have to do with what I posted about.

Fucking Retard.

idk, u keep bringing it up

Yes i'm the one who is bringing up one year of stocks because I think that's what the Economy is or it reflects on how poor people is and posted a Yahoo link.

i know my post unironcally triggered you so badly you had to rush off and find the literal first google result to "prove" me wrong but this is just sad.

tell me more about your stock opinions

Don't ask for things you don't want

Right I should have realized Autistic Drama posters like yourself would think i'd want stock opinions from the retard i was responding to who doesn't know any poor people.

He refered to 2015's economy when he said that, which was truly stupid. Something about 42% unemployment being hidden and that.


Immediately? It's been over a year now.

Yes, it’s been over a year since Our Lord and Prez announced the Obama economy is over

If the economy were going to shit, would that be thanks to Obama too?

So yes or no?

Truth is that presidents don't have that much of an effect except in narrow circumstances. Trump barely has done anything and most of Obama's actions were many years ago in the middle of a clusterfuck that started before he assumed.

So if it were going to shit, whose fault would that be? Nobody's?

depends on what's going to shit and why

Many people to blame, really.

No that would be different

well, it'd be literally the opposite i guess

probably. helps a lot to look at the graph or a timeline

don't get me wrong though. sure, the Dow would still be hitting all-time highs if he was still in office, but those highs would definitely be like 500 points lower

They always eat their own.

It's happening on the far right too, my man. You have Nazis calling "race realists" cucks, they call Nazis Fed plants, it's pretty funny all around.

the nyt is pretty much entirely neolibs and neocons, idk what the alignment of this twitter broad is but if shes actually any sort of leftist then they were never an ally to begin with

FAILING New York Times


Horseshoe theory at it's finest.

the only thing the tips of the horseshoe have in common is a disdain for the centrists. agreeing that the NYT is trash doesn't mean commies and ancaps have anything else in common.

Yeah the other thing they have in common is that they're retarded.

yes but so are centrists

usually not as much as ancaps or tankies though. Unironic support of the DPRK or proposing dictator insurance is peak retardation.

I concede

leftists two people on Twitter arguing with an opinion piece


like any newspaper, the times would be dramatically improved by removing the opinion section entirely

kill all pundits

Recently I read an opinion piece by this 17 year old girl in my local paper and it was actually pretty good.

my hatred of opinion columns makes this sound like a good idea, but i can’t help but worry what would replace them

i mean, /r/politics isn’t going to start posting actual journalism all the time


We Christian's have a similar saying: Deus Vult!

It is with a heavy heart I must announce the check marks are at it again

Bob Garfield with the two handed yam!

John Oliver is going to be so upset. He was trying to get people to buy NYT subscriptions to stick it to Trump.

I also assumed it was because NYT readership is plummeting and they need new blood to stay afloat.

Jayson Blai is laughing in his mom's basement.

These must be the same retards who think /r/politics is run by conservative mods abusing their power.

lol it’s just a fuckin op-ed

if any of these people had spent any time on the website for any actual newspaper they might realize they let the dreaded “other side” pen these things three times a day

She has to be a plant. Nobody's this retarded, right?

Confused leftists is redundant or at least superfluous.

Pooping the panties

This is the most bipolar/schizophrenic sub I’ve seen

F*** you @nytimes for publishing this article on #HolocaustMemorialDay from me & from those in my family whose voices were silenced during the Holocaust. Shame on you!

How the fuck is somebody supposed to know what random holiday it is on a given day?