Soybeans storm Steakhouse in Melbourne CBD

12  2018-01-29 by justanotherusername_


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Thirty-five protesters from activist groups Direct Action Melbourne and Melbourne Cow Save marched into Rare Steakhouse on King Street in the CBD holding graphic posters of cows in slaughterhouses with slogans such as “Steak = violence, death and suffering”.

Actually the academic definition is that Steak = Power + Seasoning.

I have to force people to pick a side. Hmmm...~ I hate it when people tell me what is morally right and wrong! Hmmm..~! I'm an annoying faggot and dad fingered me. Ah.

Hopefully we gas vegan activists with the rednecks

Be the change you want to see in the world.

For once OP isn't doing an exaggerated meme title.

Is this the Soyboy uprising?

They'll pry my slow cooked brisket from my cold dead fat hands.

Isn't all meat gonna be grown in a lab soon anyway? Chill out, estronauts.

It's Melbourne it's full of cunts like this that drink soy lattes have been doing a bachelor arts degree for the last 15 years they are as annoying as the fucking Nazis that also seem to be over representative of Melbourne tldr just nuke Melbourne from space the rest of Australia would be thankful.