/r/politics implodes when the House Intel Committee releases the dreaded "memo". This is great for dramacoin

136  2018-01-29 by Zappert


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Not released yet.

It’s great for drama coin that just the vote did this to politics.

It doesn't matter what is in it, the mere existence of it is enough to ensure Putins coup is complete.

This is the top comment almost verbatim.

That's ridiculous. Damn you for making me click on a politics thread to find out though.

Yeah the entire top comment thread is actually implying that this is the start of a coup... the closest reasoning I can find as to why seems to be general delusion.

A coup by the person already in power to... be in power?

It's the perfect plan muahahaha

The retardation is just out of this world.

The GOP is no longer even pretending to be unbiased

Lmao. A political party being partisan? Stop the fucking presses, we got a legit treason case on our hands.

Just lake Jade Helm 15. The US government is planning on taking over America!

well the idea is it's a coup to not be impeached

which is still retarded, memos do not work that way

the idea is it's a coup to not be impeached

Anyone who thinks this is a thing needs to wear a helmet while walking on the sidewalk

hate to be the "both sides" guy, but that narrative has been built up over a long time by hysterical fringe elements on both sides

the investigation has been hyped up so much that any dotards who consider it a political threat are convinced that it's a deep state conspiracy to remove the president, and think the memo is gonna flush the conspirators out, who'll be replaced with the Real AgentsTM who will finally make the Demoncrats answer for their crimes. which is retarded

but then you have resistards hearing that and buying into the exact same narrative, except in their version "the conspirators" are just regular, responsible agents of the law, who'll be replaced with fashy agents that will start persecuting and arresting Dems or something. which is retarded

t's a deep state conspiracy to remove the president,

Which would actually be a coup. Which was my point, not that trump wouldn't try to consolidate power.

responsible agents of the law, who'll be replaced with fashy agents that will start persecuting and arresting Dems or something.

Fuck i wish

Coup isn't a great word choice. But, it's alarming that the president just abdicated from his duties by not signing an overwhelmingly bipartisan bill against Russia. Like, he's not even trying at this point.

The Nunes memo is also an attempt to throw a wrench in Mueller's investigation, and these aren't the actions of people with nothing to hide - or so I think.

So Putin's coup? Not so much. But if the geopolitical strategy of harming nations with "information" to divide them, then yeah, that's Putin.

alarming that the president just abdicated from his duties by not signing an overwhelmingly bipartisan bill

Like enforcing the border?

We are all Russians now.

No you.

He'd be better leader for US than majority of national leadership muricans have ever "elected"

Might as well make him world dictator tbh. The soyboys have had their chance. It's time for dearest Putin to initiate mayocide.

AFAIK the memo is basically a trump campaign goyim got a peice of paper and wrote "dems are bad daddy did nothing wrong" Its gonna be massive drama with repubs flipping out going
and dems going "Fucking kys"

For real though, their argument seems to be that the Russian agent the FBI caught should get off on a technicality.

That was the Unibomber's defense plan originally, "Disregard the cabin you found full of bomb making supplies, because your warrant was kinda weak."

the Russian agent the FBI caught

I haven't really been keeping up with this stuff. Who are you referring to?

I believe it's Carter Page this time. But Flynn and Manafort are also agents.



thanks for your input

you're dumb, and flailing.

daddy defense force assemble!

Glad you could share your insider information completely baseless speculative opinion with us.

Your welcome because thats all there literally is surrounding the memo, opinion, mostly the opinion of trumps loyal ball fondlers who are totally trustworthy and we should trust them to tell the truth about daddys investigation.

The side I like is definitely trustworthy though unlike those slimy retardlicans

implying demoncrats are anywhere near the level of daddy alternative reality level lies

Trump literally ran on lowering tensions with Russia. Do people forget what it was like 3, 4, years ago?

I picked a good time to be going to Argentina. Keep the drama going while Im gone boys and gals.

I didn't realize he ran on illegally overruling congress

He did praise Andrew Jackson a whole bunch...

Suddenly the law isn't open to interpretation? You lefties sure can't be consistent about anything.

No, it's fucking not. Separation of powers is a fucking fundamental part of our government and trump being a corrupt cunt to keep daddy putin happy is a terrible thing you dense motherfucker

God can you even imagine getting this assmad about a meme president. There's local politicians probably fucking up so bad and you nerd rage on the internet about something that's probably never ever going to affect you in any meaningful way. Reddit makes people retarded.

I'm from MA, that's called Tuesday, I'm used to that

So you must have been 100% on board with the Neil Gorsuch appointment for SCOTUS. He is, literally, one of the most impartial judges ever. So Trump did well and acted in the interest of the American people by nominating him, right? I mean, that would only be consistent with your views expressed here.

Wasn't he the one that wasn't qualified? Or the one that was so right wing he thought the federal government was illegal? He's nominated a lot of judges

Name them.

He's nominated a lot of judges

Lmao, good one.

Federal judges, fucking learn how the government works.

Lmao, so retarded.

Its not like I specified one judge and the court seat he was nominated for or anything. Lol. And I'M the one who needs to "learn how the government works".

You're either dodging the question because there is zero consistency to your views and you don't want to face that fact, or your just another teenage retard who doesn't actually know shit about fuck but thinks Trump is basically Hitler because your mom's boyfriend told you so, so you jerk off on r/politics all day because it makes you feel like you have half a clue.

Lol, it's definetly the latter. And since you OBVIOUSLY need me to clarify simple statements, that means you're a retard.

You're either dodging the question because there is zero consistency to your views and you don't want to face that fact, or your just another teenage retard who doesn't actually know shit about fuck but thinks Trump is basically Hitler because your mom's bull told your stepdad to tell you so, so you jerk off on r/politics all day because it makes you feel like you have half a clue.

what? I just said the judges he nominates are terrible and that the exception to the rule isn't worthy of praising him over?

Lol, it's definetly the latter. And since you OBVIOUSLY need me to clarify simple statements, that means you're a retard. Too bad MSNBC hasn't talked about the specific judge I brought up in the last two weeks, or else you might know what your opinion is supposed to be on him.

to quote /u/T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy "I once ate a melted tire at my cousin's behest because he said he'd let me touch his balls afterwards. I lost a lot of brain cells that day, but not as many as i did from reading this comment."

Lol 😂 I was just paraphrasing Big Money Salvia

Oh thank god.

Ayy 😆. Do you watch Internet Comment Etiquette too? He's the best!

I'd rather kill myself

Pls do😡😡

It's not illegal, administrations do things like this all of the time. Until a court tells him he has to, he isn't doing anything illegally.

It goes against tradition, but it's entirely possible that the tradition itself violates the wording of the constitution, which basically makes the President a minor god when it comes to foreign relations. 'Advise and consent' is a murkier area of government than most like to acknowledge.

It's not illegal, administrations do things like this all of the time. Until a court tells him he has to, he isn't doing anything illegally.

I'm pretty sure congress has the ability to pass laws the president can't violate. Like the one they passed and he's ignoring because he's a Putin buttboy. Why do you love treason so much? Is it taking it up the ass from a foreign power? Or the denial?

say hi to the pseudo-mayos for me!

Guys, try not to shoot up any baseball fields again. I know you'll get that urge but try to keep it a little more civil this time, k?

Shitlords activated.

Oh shit hahahahaha! I was watching Schiff's interview with CNN while I was at the gym and the dude looks like he's about to walk in front of a firing squad. Dis gon be good.

If this continues either democrats retake the government and lay fucking waste to the republicans or there’s gonna be a civil war.

/u/Visco0825 Can you explain further about this Civil war idea you have?

Haha well actual civil war is pretty far away and highly unlikely. I don’t want to get on any domestic terrorism lists here.

But it’s obvious that Trump is compromised by Russia and the GOP and fully will to stoke the fire between democrats and republicans. What if it comes out that the FBI does have evidence that Trump has deep ties with Russia. Then the GOP decides to discredit the FBI and have mueller fired so eventually nothing actually happens. So either the democrats retake congress and correct this or the republicans stay in power and they continue to prevent bringing America together. It’s obvious that the GOP has consistently spat on any bipartisan actions. Many Americans we protest, there’s already a whole list for people to protest if mueller is fired. And look at charolettesville. All you need is for it to get out of hand and someone to get killed and the leaders do nothing to unify America. It’s sadly obvious that the GOP isn’t trying to unify America here.

Lol the investigation has already been compromised with the texts

Haha well actual civil war is pretty far away and highly unlikely.

Maybe with that attitude. Where's your fire?

Meh, I'm not one for starting wars




Well close enough, I appreciate the effort

Only steers and queers come from R/politics private /u/Visco0825! And you don't look much like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down.

I’ve prove my worth sir!

Soy right?

It isn't about starting the war, it is about finishing it.

...it is about ~finishing it~ nuking faggots.



billy joel sucks

You are a complete fucking retard.

You definitely seem like a troll


Welcome to r/drama.

Dont forget to read the side bar and feel free to post bussy.

(bussy is mandatory)

This subreddit is actually hilarious, thanks for introducing me

Please stick around and tell us more of your fascinating theories

Holocaust v2 when?

12:30 AM est work for you?

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Good Bot

I’ve got practice during that time

Damn. We'll have to postpone then.

Lucky, i cant seem to find a reliable holocaust team in my area. I guess i will stick to practicing by myself.


When was v1?

I actually like you visco, but let me give you a warning:

/r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

fuck. who told you our cheat codes

you can stay just don't tell anyone else

Y... You too

But it’s obvious

ShariaBlue talking points don't work here, booboo.


ShariaBlue talking points don't work here, booboo.

Are you slow? I wasn't confused by what you said, I'm confused by what talking points you think I'm trying to "make work"

Of course you are!

If it's so obvious, where's a shred of proof?

dont worry hes one of the local trump agenda posters and all this anti daddy propaganda has given his bussy hemaroids.

All this winning is giving me persistent erections!

Sorry to hear about your limp cock

/r/transpassing is thataway, fam ------------>

Are you slow?

You can say "retarded" here. I actually encourage you to do so.

And for the particular imbecile you're replying to, you're probably correct.

What if it comes out that the FBI does have evidence that Trump has deep ties with Russia.

What if it comes out that the FBI was spying on a previous administration's political opponent and couldn't find anything? Would you support locking Obama up?

Well I guess it depends. I mean if the FBI has reasonable evidence to support such spying then yea that's fine. But if it's done illegally then obviously I would support locking Obama up. However, there is no evidence that Obama wire tapped him.

You seem more reasonable here than in /r/politics tbqh, why?

Cause I feel like it’s easier to get upvotes when you’re less reasonable. Especially when something big comes out

So you are pretending to be retarded for karma? Welcome to your new home here.

one of us! one of us!

Wait we are just pretending???

No, Timmy, you can still be yourself, don't worry.

Oh shit I gotta un mayocide a couple people

The retardation on /r/drama is 100% authentic, they're just pretending that they're pretending.

So you just go along with the outrage for internet points?

Good lad

I respect your hustle.

Someone mod this guy

If being a karmawhore is enough to warrant a mod position, put the whole sub on the line.

Welcome to the fam, fam.

Do I have to sign a suicide pact or something now?

Nah, but you must commit yourself to the Mayocide...And lots of sexual favors.

And bussy

Welcome home friend

You're what's wrong with this country lol


It was so nonexistant, nobody could imagine it if they tried.

I always respect a guy who willingly supplies the hot takes that we all demand

However, there is no evidence that Obama wire tapped him.

Somebody was, though.

The FBI was spying on Russian agents and Daddy was talking to them for some reason. Now go swallow Daddy's cummies and don't ask questions.

This is deeply and unendingly depressing

Brb getting some lotion.

msg me on AIM my username is GAYBOI69

Hey asshole the AiM joke is mine.

Friend request sent.

Holy shit that's where that copypasta comes from? Google came up with this which appears to confirm. Thought it was an Ed original.

Also I'm not sure I've ever seen autism take such an extreme form; people are investigating fucking meme origins.

So either the democrats retake congress and correct this or the republicans stay in power and they continue to prevent bringing America together.

Like calling everyone who disagrees with your politics a dumb racist?

It’s obvious that the GOP has consistently spat on any bipartisan actions.

Yeah! Like when they voted down party lines let the government shut down over illegal immigrants!

People aren't calling certain people racists because of they don't agree with their politics... I mean if those policies are racist then yea I guess that would make them racists as well.

Also they didn't vote down party lines.... Some democrats voted to not shut it down and some republicans voted to shut it down.

Also they didn't vote down party lines.... Some democrats voted to not shut it down and some republicans voted to shut it down.

Meh. Close enough.

Some democrats voted to not shut it down

"Aha! This 2% of the group invalidates the 98% consensus!"

I mean if those policies are racist then yea I guess that would make them racists as well.

Democrats call everything racist, though.

Its like how pedophiles think all children are sexy. No discrimination whatsoever.

Yeah! Like when they voted down party lines let the government shut down over illegal immigrants!

wait i thought it was over poor people having healthcare

United States federal government shutdown of 2013

From October 1 to October 17, 2013, the United States federal government entered a shutdown and curtailed most routine operations because neither legislation appropriating funds for fiscal year 2014 nor a continuing resolution for the interim authorization of appropriations for fiscal year 2014 was enacted in time. Regular government operations resumed October 17 after an interim appropriations bill was signed into law.

During the shutdown, approximately 800,000 federal employees were indefinitely furloughed, and another 1.3 million were required to report to work without known payment dates. Only those government services deemed "excepted" under the Antideficiency Act were continued; and only those employees deemed "excepted" continued to report to work.

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dude one happened last week it was just for less than a weekend cuz Dems have no balls

The poors don't deserve healthcare tbh

What the fuck is happening to our government

Obama/Clinton deep state bout to get purged. I'm so excited, you have no idea.

when you are so retarded you think the dem liberals are deepstate despite republicans being the actual authoritarian party

This probably sounded better in your head

Dems don't wield authority. They just ask pretty please for people to do things, its like a voluntary anarchist collective.

But I thought Obama was the monkey Antichrist who would steal everyone's money

That sounds pretty authoritarian to me

sorry, I forgot this /s

im so retarded i dont know what liberalism or authoritarianism is

just lol if you think words mean things

i think thats one of the most objectively retarded things i have read on /r/drama 10/10.

Whoah, buddy! That is way over the line. You could hurt someone with that savagery. I have a family.

when you are so retarded you respond to lolcow bait

i was only pretending to be a retard . jpg

when you are so retarded that reading usernames is hard

that must be hard on you because you obviously havent switched to an alt like you meant to.

The Republicans invented the "deep state". Go read up on Cheney and Rumsfeld's Continuity of Government protocols during the Reagan administration.

Reagan also signed our current immigration bill. Most Republicans who know either of these things about him don't like him.

Ah yes, the fabled Deep State that somehow miraculously lost Clinton the election because everyone knows the real power is in the yugioh shadow realm political sphere.

The Deep State that also apparently entangles the FBI despite Comey and Mueller being republican and the former releasing information which likely swung the election in Trump's favor.

The all powerful yet some magically incompetent deep state.

Do you talk this out to yourself?

Trump is compromised by Russia

My sides. Piss tape when?

The GOP would side with Trump & Russia over American interests

Have you never seen Bitch McConnell or Lindsey Graham speak?

But its also obvious the FBI used the Russian-supplied-democrat-funded laughable "steele Dossier" to initiate spying on the Trump campaign and attempt to prevent his presidency.

When that gets proven i'm pretty sure Washington, NYT, and shariaBlue and r/politics will explode in a process similar to nuclear fusion.

And the Apocalypse celebration shall be had on T_D.

But that's not true at all. Wasn't it initiated because both the Australians and Dutch went to the FBI about Russian involvement? Also wasn't in papadopolus the one who was bragging about Trump's and Russia's relationship

Wasn't it initiated because both the Australians and Dutch went to the FBI about Russian involvement?


Truth: We have no real fucking idea. The reporters don't really know, either. They'll just pretend to so that if it pans out, they'll win a Pulitzer, and if it doesn't, they figure most of us will just forget about it.

They're probably right. Look at the same dems who swore never to trust the MSM after the Iraq War suddenly go, 'WTF, I love being lied to now!'.

Could you point me to a single factually evidenced link between Trump and Russia?

I'm pretty sure he went to russia once or twice

He played a game of dota2 once in region EU west

Damn, you got me. Wrap it up boys, the partys over.

'Member this?

President Obama got caught in private conversation with a hot mic today in Seoul, South Korea, telling outgoing Russian president Dmitry Medvedev that Vladimir Putin should give him more "space" and that "[a]fter my election I have more flexibility."

I 'member!

But he is a Democrat, so it was obviously a move toward unification and mayocide so it was cool.

It's this way with all of Trump's scandals. It's basically the media playing 'Reddit Mod' and only enforcing the rules against Trump because they dislike his trade policies. Obama colluded with a number of governments--most famously, Canada, before he was even elected. Half of Clinton's team was dick-deep on Israeli and Chinese money. And every country on earth runs 'fake news' propaganda stories to influence the elections of every other country on earth. Shit, America was doing this mobile radio broadcast platforms since the 50s.

But because Trump isn't 'one of them', the insiders, the Village, they suddenly discover all of these rules they never enforced before, and which honestly don't even seem to exist in law, to declare Trump uniquely evil.

Holy shit, I'm a secret Canadian!

Are we talking about just Daddy or daddy jr and the other stepford children because there’s a decent amount of factual evidence about the latter’s connection to Russia.

omg i knew I'd get all this salt from you hahahaha

im not the one agendaposting to defend daddy here.

you're agendaposting to do the opposite lol

way more embarassing

anything being more embarrassing than being a daddy defender

yeah, it's you and the "Putin is now in charge of the US" retards lol

jesus that was so bad im embarrassed about how embarrassing you are to the human race, keep yourself safe buddy.

Nigga you talking to yourself? You're the one on heavy duty damage control and I'm the one laffin.

Best part is I knew this was coming for probably a week or so now, so I'm fucking jerkin it right now, god I love being right more than any gussy or bussy

Nigga you talking to yourself? You're the one on heavy duty damage control and I'm the one laffin.

LOL this entire drama is damage controll by trump because hes buttmad about mueller investigating him so they are trying to smear mueller

Best part is I knew this was coming for probably a week or so now, so I'm fucking jerkin it right now, god I love being right more than any gussy or bussy

You knew it was coming because they have been reeing about how evil mueller is for the entire investigation in full damage control you tard.

STILL not realizing Democrats have been damage controlling this memo about Obama illegally spying on Trump, since Trump won, with "muh Russia", because we must protect the first chocolate president's legacy and also avoid the noose

soy, not even once.

None of those people are Trump himself.

and none of them are literally a person called russia , its all fake! how are you this unironically retarded?

Also there is entire sections on trump himself you mongoloid

Nothing that would suggest Trump is influenced by Putin.

But go on being triggered by the fact that your conspiritards are the entertainment for everyone else.




Don Jr.

The link being?

We had more than this on Clinton/Gore when it came to the Buddhist Temple scandal, and that ended up going nowhere.

Actually we had MUCH less than this on the China Campaign finance stuff.

Sure, it's entirely possible this will go nowhere. That's not really the point though. The point is that there is a credible evidence, and that's enough to start looking. And the proper response as the person being looked into is to go "look, i think if something happened the FBI should investigate, and I've got nothing to hide".

Firing the FBI director for investigating you on obviously suspicious shit is either (a) incredibly stupid, or (b) incredibly guilty.

He's had dealings and business ties with Russia for over a decade, even before he got into politics.

Now that doesn't quite mean grand conspiracy, but there's always been a relationship.

This is your mind on /r/politics

I have a question ? You realize that a dem vs reb civil war mean that you guys get mulched right ? Like its not even close.

Idk, I mean you guys definitely have more guns but I’d say we are a little smarter. It would be brawn vs brains.

i think 85% of the military and 95% of the CIA combind with the fact that your two major bases or power are 3000 miles away from each other is sort of an insurmountable disadvantage.

I would not want to be in CA dependent on water supplies coming from far away inland.

I would not want to be anywhere north of VA for a winter with sabotaged natural gas and electricity.

Eh, Washington held out in Valley Forge.

We can't even keep people from eating Tide Pods here in 2018.

The men in Valley Forge would have sold their firstborn son for a Tide Pod to snack on.

Finally someone has actully thought about this a lot

How are we going to distinguish who is an R and who is a D?

I mean for soyboys and Neonazi's it's easy, but are the rest of us going to wear armbands with R or D emblazoned on them?

I think the Rs just gun down the soyboyd and kick a bunch of Mexican to Mexico and call it a day. I don’t see this being a big protracted thing

No. The biggest problem is the gender divide the liberals themselves created.

Trump won the male vote by a whopping 30%. Males have 80% of all military training in this country. Any liberal army will have to rely on a very small recruitment pool, or put their money where their mouths are and recruit female soldiers.

The army will side with Trump, because he's their commander and they voted overwhelmingly for him.

The army will side with Trump, because he's their commander and they voted overwhelmingly for him.

If the Liberals started it I would say yes. I think if Trump tries to stay in office after his term is up less so.

I’d say we are a little smarter

Not smart enough to arm yourselves before starting a war. :-D

You popped my gigglecherry

I mean, just letting California burn instead of putting the fires out would take care of most of you.

War isn't about brains, it's about training.

Give me ten retards who've been put through Army or Marine basic, over ten Harvard Grads who haven't. I know which team will win every single time.

But it’s obvious that Trump is compromised by Russia


and the GOP


and fully will to stoke the fire between democrats and republicans.


What if it comes out that the FBI does have evidence that Trump has deep ties with Russia.


Then the GOP decides to discredit the FBI


and have mueller fired


so eventually nothing actually happens


So either the democrats retake congress


and correct this


It’s obvious that the GOP has consistently spat on any bipartisan actions.


All you need is for it to get out of hand and someone to get killed and the leaders do nothing to unify America.


It’s sadly obvious that the GOP isn’t trying to unify America here.


That's a lot of "no's", maybe it's time you added a little "yes" to your world?

7 more years


But it’s obvious that Trump is compromised by Russia
and the GOP
and fully will to stoke the fire

You just got pranked, son.

shit is about to hit the fan for the democrats


But it’s obvious that Trump is compromised by Russi

You have a source for that, obviously? A smoking gun?

they continue to prevent bringing America together.

Pretty sure a large part of why America is in two halves is the efforts of far-left lunatics like yourself.

Many Americans we protest, there’s already a whole list for people to protest if mueller is fired.


I like how you conveniently ignore all the alt-right protests because it fits your narrative.

Haha well actual civil war is pretty far away and highly unlikely.

But say it did happen. Who do you think would do better in an ugly domestic conflict? Is it the pro-gun side, or the side full of people who lose their shit and have a panic attack if someone uses the wrong pronouns?

But it’s obvious that Trump is compromised by Russia


What if it comes out that the FBI does have evidence that Trump has deep ties with Russia

every day I am surprised even more by how retarded you people are

Colored hair retards against autists with frog masks, obviously.

Their frog masks are no longer available due to copyright violation.

They will start using the Guy Fawkes mask. Simple enough.

The irony of using a Guy Fawkes mask in SUPPORT of a Protestant president is on another level

They probably don't know who is Guy Fawkes or what he had done.

Didn't he have sex with Natalie Portman? That's all the history I need to know.

No, His dick was chopped off.

Lmao, you think people know the history behind things they latch onto?

We have a Pepe's Retarded Little Brother design that is not trademarked.


Whoever wins we all lose Unless none of them win and they all slaughter each other, then everyone wins!

They will stare and scream at each other for about one hour, then they will return back to their basements.

Trumpeters would smoke em like an Indian peace pipe lol

Okay, so some terrorist blows himself up, people die, and that is somehow the Avengers’ fault.

Iron Man and the government suits insist that the Avengers cause too much collateral damage (despite multiple scenes of them trying to minimize it in previous movies), and that it would be much better if the Avengers were government stooges. Captain America gets super pissed and tells Tony to take his idea and shove it up his iron asshole.

Later, another terrorist attack happens, and another black man doesn’t have a dad anymore. One grainy photo is apparently enough evidence to allow an extrajudicial execution to take place, but shit goes sideways, and Captain America, the One-Armed man, and black man end up in police custody.

There, the guy from Inglorious Basterds makes the One-Armed man speed out and try to kill everyone. Captain America insists that “no, the brainwashed assassin is really a great guy once you get to know him”, and goes on the lam.

Later, everyone meets up at the airport and Spider-Man and Paul Rudd are there too for some reason.

These superhumans with weaponry and powers capable of obliterating a small nation fight, and somehow no one dies, and only one dude gets hurt. Captain America and the muscular emo glee to Russia because a climax has to happen.

There, it turns out that the man who worked for a fascist shadow government apparently did some bad stuff and Iron Man flips out and decides to kill a man who was clearly forced against his will to do these crimes. He and Captain America have a knock down-drag out fight where miraculously, nobody dies. Again.

Later, Captain America calls up Iron Man and tells him that it’s all good, he’s sorry, and that the status quo will remain intact because god forbid the MCU ever take a risk. Even the paralyzed guy is already walking again.

So yeah, that’s how the civil war plays out.

It will be like a real civil war except with posting instead of bullets

Guys, try not to shoot up any baseball fields again. I know you'll get that urge but try to keep it a little more civil this time, k?

Someone tring to calm down the REEEEEEEEEEE.

That's a quality shitpost. Its posts like that that keep me coming back here.

you know that guy was an ancap right? calling them leftists is retarded

where does it say there that he wasnt an ancap?

Hodgkinson had posted Bernie Sanders signs in the yard

and if reading is hard the article has a picture of him holding a tax the rich sign at the very top. at least make an effort before being more retarded than me, which is pretty difficult to do.

oh totally missed that, guess he was a actual leftist thats pretty rare usually disgruntled mayos shooting people are hopped up on jesus and reganomics

That’s a lot of words when ‘oops I was totally wrong’ would suffice

You expect /r/drama agendaposters to admit to a mistake?

but i did? i just used it to agendapost about how awful mayos are too.

But you failed to post bussy.

And that's a capital offense around these parts, boy.

i like how you made you being wrong about a bernout shooting a bunch of republicans playing baseball for charity a long winded comment on how shitty right wing white people are

no i was saying how shitty mayos are, not my fault they are right wingers.

The hillllls are aliiiiive with the sound of RECKONING!

Damn, y’all sound excited for war 🧐

I'm always excited for a good war. It's the American way

Imagine being anti war as an American.


It’s the ONLY thing I want my tax money going to.

What about state enforced homosexuality?

Internal purge of globalist anti-American traitors. More of a police action than a war.

Tbh, if support traitors over pedophiles any day

Go with the Democrats, you can do both!

Spoonfeed me, what's supposed to be on the memo?

what's supposed to be on the memo?

A series of random pictures with red lines mspainted connecting them all. Some bold and CAPITALIZED words to really make the case.

What do I find out?! There is no Pepe Silvia. The man does not exist.


The memo claims that FBI was investigating Trump as a person of interest due to him being connected to the Russian Mafia

The current laws say that the FBI can investigate Americans with no real warrant or permission if they are connected to an non-citizen under investigation and are not the focus

The Dems say the memo ignores the second part and just says that FBI was looking into Trump without cause and framing it as a illegal spying

Supposedly the idea is the FBI already has a kill stroke ready for Trump they just need to get an official on paper connection be able to use it and this memo is a way to claim that everything go was illegal and should be thrown out

So the repubs are trying to undermine the investigation by dumbing it down and pissing off their base

Its the Republican way and that's coming from a registered Republican

Republicans make things either right or wrong or as they put it "Jesus or Black (aka something a democrat did)" and Democrats make things "actually it was only wrong in context" aka a republican did it

So what does this mean realistically? The memo gets through and righties shake their fists and reeeeee and democrats get booty blasted and call trump a fascist

Unless Trump is a retard and uses this as justification to gut the FBI it will be bias conformation

Left sites will say he is bending the law to favor him and his friends, right sites will say he is protecting the citizens from illegal spying and all the investigations are from deepstate types avenging Clinton and radical central sites will just say what the law actually says over and over with no real point

🤔 this is more complicated for my faggot brain but whatever happens I hope it’s funny and not spooky

I'm likely simplify it by a million points and there is also allegations that the FBI knowingly used "biased" information and several shots at disloyal Republicans in the DOJ who singed off on investigations against Trump's boys

definitely will be dont you worry

oh wow my brain can not handle all these TOTALLY UNEXPECTED ADMISSIONS i'm reading tonight

this is more complicated for my faggot brain





You’re going to have to annunciate your point more clearly because I’m having a hell of a time trying to parse what you just tried to say

"error... memoreleased.exe has result in a system failure... shutting down"

awww too bad, bye

U tried ⭐️


uh oh

Please, fix the republican party. What you need to do is run for "Precinct Chair" (it's just like any other elected office) for your party, then actually participate.


Supposedly the idea is the FBI already has a kill stroke ready for Trump

If true, it would have long ago leaked.

its a rumor

If there is nothing to it than this memo is kind of pointless other than maybe color public opinion but that's not something Trump has really been doing super well in. I guess it could offer conformation to his base but they already think he is innocent.

its a rumor

Just like the thousands of other rumors every day for the past year?

Oh no, this one MUST be different this time. You guys DEFINITELY got him.

I like the grand ones that are some what believable

Child sacrifice, no

massive embezzlement, totally

im pretty sure daddy cares a lot about public opinion fam, he just knows REAL AMERICAN PATRIOTS love him and the abysmal approval ratings are just more FAKE NEWS from the FAILING mainstream media

To be fair, the approval ratings are from the same folks who gave Hillbot a 90% chance of winning. Can't really trust them.

7 more years.

to be fair, i dont understand statistics

Where is your degree in inferential statistics from?

dont need a degree to know what probabilities are


Rasmussen has him around 40 percent, and that's a pretty biased poll in his favor.

Trump is not liked, that should be obvious.

I guarantee he gets reelected.

40% is not bad at all. That's well inside the range of "likely to be reelected if the vote were taken today".

But I suppose you read what you want into these things.

you realize trump basically acts like an r/drama poster and you still take the bait

at least half of our regulars are incredibly insecure so i dont really see how that invalidates what i said

something Trump has really been doing super well

lmao. even in context.

Notice how it conveniently sprang up as a rumor over the course of a week or two?

FBI abused NSA wiretapping capabilities to spy on political opponents (Trump) during election and outsourced the data to civilian oppo research firm FusionGPS with no oversight. <--- illegal and treasonous

NSA chief Adm. Mike Rogers noticed and shut them down. <-- patriotic

DEM DeepState actors pressured Obama White House to fire Mike Rogers <--- treasonous

Clinton Foundation, FBI actors & FusionGPS operators needed FISA warrant to resume spying, so they fabricated the Piss Dossier and used it as falsified evidence for warrants from FISA court. <---- illegal and treasonous

Trump unexpectedly won, throwing Clinto crony plans into disarray. <---- patriotic and awesome

CF, and Deep State black-hats now needed to prevent the previous acts from coming to light since Hillary had failed to secure the White House. So, they tried to use the Piss Dossier as a means to churn up some ersatz cause for impeachment. <--- fake, treasonous and non-heterosexual

That's the simplest summary. There is a lot more malfeasance, comspiracy to sedition and attempts to hide evidence, but these are the basic facts that will bring a shit ton of globalist Deep State faggots down.

No it won’t lo, the dems and the media will just point to being unable to release their rebuttal, and say that the whole thing is exaggerations and lies

They can sing that song all the way to the firing squad.

Lol u wish nobody not already brainwasbed by Trump will believe the Republican lies.

The military tribunal that sentences Hillary to hanging will.

Pograms first, comrade <_<

Is permitted to wipe out rich bourgeois merchant class if they are kulaks rather than Jews.

NSA chief Adm. Mike Rogers noticed and shut them down. <-- patriotic

I can't believe no one has juxtaposed this with Snowden .... which makes all of this so fucking hard to follow.

who was President when the Snowden shit happened?

(((i wonder)))

But ... that was the rest of America .... not Black Daddy.

oh yeah I distinctly remember when all 250 whatever million people chased him out of the country while holding their shoes like a weapon and Obama tried to stop them but they all said "fuck off darkie"

2012 was cray

o_0 wtf ..... you and I seem to be having a different conversation.

Admiral Rogers doesn't care about spying on little people.

But will it be enough to #ImpeachHillary?

Just means Bernie still has a chance after both trump and hillary get thrown in prison!

I haven't heard much about Mike Rogers, especially him shutting down wiretapping. Is that speculation or is there a source?

Ohhh shiiiiiiiit this is gonna be EPICCCCCCC

Why are they scared to release the minority memo? 🤔

Is it normal for the president to be able to block things like this? Feel like there should be a separation of powers thing here...


Has there even be a president at war with his own intelligence services?

At this rate he is going to have fire them all and replace them with desk clerks from Trump holdings

Has there even be a president at war with his own intelligence services?

Carter killed a bunch of them in a desert in Iran, so there's that.

and then the massive cock of KING REGAN (born in the USA) showed them how we do


Except for that whole Beirut thing, yeah.

"Killed" is too kind word for what was one of the CIA's most miserable fuckups alongside the Bay of Pigs.

can you give me a keyword or something, I'd like to learn about this

Operation Eagle Claw

Operation Eagle Claw (or Operation Evening Light or Operation Rice Bowl), known as Operation Tabas (Persian: عملیات طبس‎) in Iran, was a United States Armed Forces operation ordered by U.S. President Jimmy Carter to attempt to end the Iran hostage crisis by rescuing 52 embassy staff held captive at the Embassy of the United States, Tehran on 24 April 1980. Its failure, and the humiliating public debacle that ensued, damaged U.S. prestige worldwide. Carter himself blamed his loss in the 1980 U.S. presidential election mainly on his failure to win the release of the hostages.

The operation encountered many obstacles and was eventually aborted.

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appreciate you bud

Happens a lot actually

Has there even be a president at war with his own intelligence services?

Yea, JFK.

He lost.

Most of them, tbh.

So everyone in there is screaming about Trump not enforcing sanctions on Russia. Can anyone tell me what the sanctions actually are? Does it mean I'll have to start shelling out the big bucks for vodka now or what?

You wouldn't feel any effects. The U.S. trades more with Chile than Russia. It's one of the reasons I laugh at dipshits who was poetic about some kind of alliance with Russia when the reality is that we share virtually no geopolitical interests with them.

we share virtually no geopolitical interests with them.

Wrong, we have to team up with them again in the near future to defeat the Reichaliphate.


That's a different issue

Trump's aids told congress that the sanctions bill itself was a “deterrent” so they should ignore anyone who breaks it

They already banned the import of russian firearms.

They have nothing else to take away from me at this point :(

Now an interesting the note, the whole bipartisan Russian sanction thing was supposed to be signed today. But it wasn't, of course.

This is a good way to cover up that unsavory little nugget.

Good news at least we'll get to laugh at MUH DEEP STATE people in about a week from now.

This is the first all natural spontaneous erection I've had in weeks.

Democrats seem about as excited as they always are about transparency.

Yeah, would be great if the dems could release their memo too

They're so bad at winning these days.

What's transparent about a partisan memo meant to derail an investigation?

If everyone is innocent, why stop the investigation? Why not let it continue to be completely absolved so you can say with full smugness "see, nothing was wrong, now go away?"

You gotta be living in a full tub of gelatin to think this is "transparent." Not the good kind either.

The point is that the memo may provide proof that this investigation is built on a sham lie

I love seeing leftists freaking the fuck out over transparency.

This is good for Bitcoin.

Apparently the DNC chairmen just resigned today as well. I hope it's related.

"Putin is now in full control of the White House".

Where do these people come from?

Shitholes (that is, fucking children's anuses, not bad countries)

Middle and high school, mostly.

Let the tendies hit the floor.

lol, look how sad and guilty the Dem members of the House Intelligence Committee look:


A coup. Putin is now in full control of the Whitehouse

This spongebrained mongoloid is actually convinced America has been conquered by Russians. I would ping him if I hadn't just called him a spongebrained mongoloid.


>If this continues either democrats retake the government and lay fucking waste to the republicans or there’s gonna be a civil war.

Fucking W E W

On the same day they decline to sanction Russia


Yeah lets all laugh about the 'drama'

Death camps any second now

So the scandal is that Republicans are releasing a memo that says in their opinion the FBI was unfair to Trump or some shit? Literally no one who's not immersed in le #resistance 24/7 can comprehend this or cares.

I just heard some dude on CNN say the counter memo was only produced yesterday and not many in the house have read it while the majority memo has been around for weeks.

The implications are that this is gonna be so much fun. This Don Lemon dude seems really upset.

the GOP said they didn't have time to read it and would consider releasing it later

so we'll never see it

The Nunes memo references the sources used to corroborate the statements and was read by most of Congress. The House Intelligence committee read it and deemed it to not contain direct classified information likely to compromise the functioning of intelligence agencies, therefore releasable to the public.

Schiff's #metoo memo was just whipped up a couple days ago and has not read by vetted by many Congressman, so its redaction of classified info has not been determined.