Noted soyboy male feminist rapist /u/phedre bans innocent free speech advocates from SRD in shocking display of nazi mod abuse

10  2018-01-30 by TOAST_IS_FLAVORLESS


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Another illustration that the srdine definition of "troll" is "anyone, anywhere who says anything that makes an r/subredditdrama moderator's dick hurt"

I hear /u/phedre is an silken tofu soyboy.

Note to admins: This is a fucking joke.


Scum manifesto is not jobs Valerie Solanas' baby So by getting it wrong surly you must bam yourself.

Though it doesn't surprise me your type worships genocidal manfestos by extremely homophobic and transphobic garbage. Fricken Nazi, thinking the genocide of minorities is a joke you get the privilege to make.

Man, /r/SubredditDrama has really gone downhill since notable power mod /u/_lilPoundcake resigned.

Jesus another Ed alt.

phredre is a phaggot I don't even have to user ping him because he reads every goddamn post on this entire website.