Trannies celebrate getting a harmless sub banned because it eroded their collective delusions

17  2018-01-30 by IAintThatGuy


If you want to know who rules over you, simply learn who you are not allowed to criticize.

That sub was about mocking pictures of white males, so of course it had to be removed.

You're the fairy, faggot.

I happen to not be a bundle of sticks. And that doesn't respond in any way to what I said.

The Contextualization Fairy is a joke wrapped around a legitimate criticism of a recurring discourse phenomenon. The word "fairy" doesn't actually matter to the criticism. Interact with the meaning, not the words.

Interact with the meaning, not the words.

You expect me to read stuff, and then think?

Aaaaa... I forgot, this is the sub where people intentionally and semi-ironically corrupt discourse.


That would be too much effort.


Was there any to begin with?

I don't think making a sub to point and laugh at a group of people's appearance is the same thing as "criticizing". To me that's just being an asshole.

Like if you don't like transgender and all that you associate with it, sure whatever. But don't act like your "free speech" is being trampled on. If you got a problem with how Reddit runs their site, take it up with them.

Also, are you seriously trying to imply trans people rule over you? Like, seriously?

there's plenty of subs to make fun of how people look, /r/awfuleyebrows, /r/awfuleverything, /r/holdmyfries, /r/beholdthemasterrace

Trans people just want special treatment and are extremely fragile, mentally.

Well, I don't think those subs are great either if it makes you feel better.

Trans people just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace and honestly, with the amount of trash some trans people have to deal with in their lives I think they're very strong for it.

Well, I don't think those subs are great either if it makes you feel better.

Those subs are just as inexcusable. FTFY

Fighting the good fight out here in the Capitol Wastes.

Well done sister. ⭐

Yeah, sorry about my initial response to you, I misunderstood what you meant by your quote.

with the amount of trash some trans people have to deal with in their lives

Like being around other trans people.

...are extremely fragile, mentally.

That's the whole point tho. There is a real danger of someone keeping themselves safe in this situation. Reddit really don't want that on their hands. If everyone believed that white, straight young men were one spiteful comment away from an engagement with a belt and a coat-hanger then the admins would give more of a fuck.

The clear answer is for you to top yourself and then the rest of us can make bank on muh opression.

I feel like people are pretty close to just admitting this is mental illness.

Until there is either a real 100% complete gender change proceedure like in Iain M. Banks books I'm afraid it's just a delusion.

Or better yet, just a cure.

There is a real danger of someone keeping themselves safe in this situation.

Every time I read a sentence like that, I create a new sub to make fun of low effort transitioners.

Watch your tone, whelp.

They are a tranny, friend.

Yeah /u/katiecharm is one of the worst ones. She thinks they should all be taken out back and lightly dusted with lye then thrown in a ditch. She went mad with cis privilege.

Everyone else is kidding but she really goes too far sometimes.

I'm not 100% in love with your tone right now.

What did you think I'd say to that. "Sorry I didn't realise I was upsetting you" or something?

You must have an idea of how it works here by now.

  • Albert Einstein

they didn't ban it. they renamed it to /r/transpassing

That's an interesting point of view. Might explain all the positive comments over there (all ironic).

So when does CringeAna*chy get banned?

When /r/Dr&m@n gets banned.



Polite request to come participate in this thread.

/r/Drama died for me long ago. It is a dark place now, far fromt he light of bussy.

Unfortunately it became much more altreich recently.. at least that's my impression. There's also been some comments by users who have been on this forum for way longer than me who said it didn't use to be so mysogynistic. Some people said I'm like a Trump supporter, I yearn for a glorified past that never existed, at this point I'm not sure anymore.

nigga, you talkin mad

are you just name dropping random people now? I haven't been directly involved in the machinations with the harassment subs.

I'm just pingign people in the thread linked.

so you just ping random people? is that a thing you guys do over here?

Yeah, pretty much, We used to do it with insulting messages in the comments with the username mentions int hem, but the admins have forbidden us from doing so.

Did you take a good rip of salvia as you started writing the comment?

I may have made a mistake commenting here but w/ever. Honestly I didn't have to have anything to do with the hate subs, but if bigotry get shut down I'mm gonna be happy of course.

Oh geez, what did I do to get roped into this? I deal with ignorance enough on r/politics...

Just notifying you, buy agreeing to participate in this discussion you waive your right not to get insulting username mentions from this subreddit.

Anyways, why do you consider criticizing images that you posted publicly on a forum platform to be harassment?

I definitely consider it shitty and sub-human. As for harassment? That would be pretty broad but I suppose it could apply, especially is the poster ended up getting hate for it, I believe that is against reddiquette. Of course insulting others is against that as well. I don't see any point in what the offending redditors where doing, being hateful and asinine is just shitty. And it looks like it broke Reddit's rules, otherwise it would still be here. T_D exists and I'm sure it's been reported a ton. I don't know that what they were doing constituted harassment per se, I'd say it's far from rational and decent. And many would consider it harassing to take those pictures and insult the posters. Though that IS a risk you take when posting on public forums.

tl;dr: I don't know that it constitutes harassment, but Reddit's policy against hateful subs seemed to be a strike against it. I guess if you want to be shitty, go to Voat.



Yea, I consider it beneath people to be such immature, trollish assholes. How utterly miserable must someone be to need to mock other people that are just trying to be themselves and be happy? It's very sad.

I think its beneath men to dress like trollish females in public. Isnt it our inalienable right to be able to think and say what we want, as long as someone isnt hurt as a result of it?

Dont become the thought police just because you can never become a thot.

as long as someone isnt hurt as a result of it?

Well see, thats the issue. People do get hurt because of that mindset. transWOMEN are killed by insecure men that are terrified they'll be called gay because the thought a woman was attractive.

A Transwoman being out as herself isn't trolling or being mean to anyone. Honestly the same should be said of Crossdressers. Who do they hurt? Why should it be your business to be horrible to these people ad hurt their feelings or try to harm them?

Youre making mountains out of penis stumps here.

Were talking about WORDS here. On a public forum. Where people freely post their own thoughts and images.

Im allowed to retort, same as you.

You need thick skin to be a man these days. Does that not grow with all the hormones a drugs you guys take?

I can still call being a jackass being a jackass. You're free to be a jackass, and as I said on another comment if it doesn't break Reddit's rules there is nothing to be done. I don't try to thought police, though I would advocate we all be nicer to each other and have common decency towards people.

Call people jackasses then. Thats completely acceptable.

Forcing people to play nice will never work, and in fact will only bring about the worse in people.

Hope you havea good day :)

And to you!

T_D exists and I'm sure it's been reported a ton.

they must be the main character of reddit. they have Plot Armor

Oh no. Thats a scary thought! lol.

Why link to TvTropes unnecessarilly? We get it, you browse Tvtropes.

So, would it have been better if they enforced blurring out usernames and personal information, and banned directly insulting the person in the image isntead of criticising their looks?

I believe that would be the Reddit rule, yes. Better is subjective though. Sure it would have been more inline with the rules but it's still shitty. It'd be the same as a fat shaming Sub or a sub hating on people of color. I don't know if any of those exist, I'm not interested in that kind of thing but I do feel that if you really need to mock people for being themselves it says a lot about your own character. The people of transpassing just want a place to go where they can get critique and support from like-minded people. Why is that wrong?

It isn't wrong, but personally I believe that even if it's immoral to do so, people shoudl still be allowed to criticise such psots ins erperate subreddit sif they take appropraiet precautions.

I can vehemently disagree with their reasoning, but if they follow the rules then it's "legal" I suppose would be the right word. Logically if the situation was turned around somehow I'd want to be able to post. I do hope that the creators/contributors of the offending sub can get some help, that kind of toxic mindset can't be good for you.

I agree, m8. I use Reddit in part to find things to argue about, but wasting time on such stuff just seems sad. Anyways, It's strange to have such a polite and civil conversation in /r/Drama. Could you try to insult us or somehting?

Sorry, I'm not great at drama, I prefer hard facts and logic, Umm, fuck you cucks, you suck!? Umm, Trump is an orange monkeyman? How am I doing?

It's a good effort, but it'd be better if you advocated for white rights, since we're semi-ironically proponents of anti-white ethnic cleansing.

Oh well shit, I'm no good at that at all. Umm White guys rule? Eh?

I deal with ignorance enough on r/politics...

What ignorance could that be? Everyone on that sub posts and upvotes the same shit on a daily basis...

I like your username. Honestly on that sub I keep it on new and I see a lot of stuff before it gets downvoted to hell. And I'm a SJW leaning lib so you can imagine I get involved in the odd argument with a righty from time to time.

I like your username.

Thanks, I thought of it all by myself.

Honestly on that sub I keep it on new and I see a lot of stuff before it gets downvoted to hell. And I'm a SJW leaning lib so you can imagine I get involved in the odd argument with a righty from time to time.

Ah i see, you like to browse new to get in early for the sweet karma and see all the posts the other side of the propaganda machine is pushing before it gets down voted to the Netherrealm.

Yes, exactly! Sweet sweet karma.

It's hard to have a decent argument when you oponent isn't able to comment due to being downvoted.

Yes it is, and honestly not worth it. Although that doesn't always stop me.

Have you tried /r/moderatepolitics or some of the other centrist or moderate political subreddits?

I think I may be subbed to hat one, or it may be in a multi. I swear I've been on it before. Honestly I'm less combative than I used to be.

I didn't even know transpassingfails existed and now I'm sad I'll never see it.

Für einen Moment hätte ich dich fast hochgevotet, obwohl ich ein schlechtes Gewissen habe wegen diesem Transhass-Thread. Aber dann sah ich deinen Username und dass das definitiv unter meiner Würde ist. Opfer.

Wenn du die GEZ so sehr liebst warum heiratet ihr dann nicht?

Alter. Du bist so verwöhnt. Wo ich wohne muss man 20€ im Monat zahlen, und das unabhängig davon ob man überhaupt ein TV/Radio besitzt. Nicht das ich das bezahlen würde, bin nicht beim Amt gemeldet.

Btw ist das dein Alt account?

Nein, das ist mein alt right Account. Im echten Leben kennt man mich als Claudia Roth.

Wo ich wohne muss man 20€ im Monat zahlen, und das unabhängig davon ob man überhaupt ein TV/Radio besitzt.

Ist in Deutschland genauso, egal ob Empfangsgeräte oder nicht. Okay, 17,50€ statt 20€.

Außer man ist behindert, dann zahlt man nur 5,83€. Aber mein Arzt weigert sich noch.

Sämtliche Sozialphobiker die ich übers Internet kennengelernt habe haben so eine offizielle Behinderungsanerkennung. Mein Gott...

Nein, das ist mein alt right Account

Es hat schon die Konnotation.


lmao, was es nicht alles gibt. Hat sich die Frau ein Kreuz in den Brustkorb implantieren lassen oder wie wird sowas gemacht?

That's a shame looks like it was a laugh.

Although yeah, transpassing is pretty much the same.

The fun moved to /r/TrannypassingFails

They started brigading the sub lmao

Think you're giving yourself a little too much credit with that title OP. I never even heard of this sub until after it got banned.

Yeah, I'm glad it's gone. Y'all need some better hobbies than laughing at a couple of transition pics. From what I've seen from the replacement sub, it's just pathetic honestly.

Like seriously, hang out with friends, play video games, watch that movie you always meant to see. You're wasting your time with this crap, live your life and let me live mine. That's all I'll ask from anyone.

Think you're giving yourself a little too much credit with that title OP

I had nothing to do with the sub getting banned, or the subs rejoicing because of that.

Not what I was referring to, I meant the "harmless sub that eroded their collective delusions" part.

Why then would they care that someone thought some people aren't passing? Once you post your picture online publicly, you take the risk other people might comment, even in unflattering ways.

I just think it's a dick move to make a sub dedicated to making fun of people who could be already self-conscious about their appearance.

Like if you had a relative/friend/partner and some people made an online group that took all their photos from social media and they all made fun of them, that'd be pretty shitty, right?

But that's the person's fault for putting themselves out there on social media. That's the risk they took by posting pictures online, right? Other people can comment on them in "unflattering ways".

You beginning to see how insidious that kind of logic is?

But that's the person's fault for putting themselves out there on social media. That's the risk they took by posting pictures online, right? Other people can comment on them in "unflattering ways".

Yes it is. If people went out of their way to get pictures out of a private forum, it would be a dick move. But if you post your pics in a way that random imgur browsing could unearth them, or a fucking web crawler could pick them (and they end up in Google Image searches for random keywords), you're taking a huge risk that other people will look at those pictures and have opinions you don't like.

But ye bloody did go out of your way, didn't you? Ye set up an entire subreddit community over this shit, collected images for it, wrote up the guidelines for it and moderated it.

Don't try and play coy asshole. That sub was malicious trash and so are you. If I fucking find your Facebook, take the public images from it and make a "u/IAintThatGuy sucks" subreddit dedicated to making fun of you, is that your fault?

No, obviously fucking not.

Being harrassed online is not some fact of life that we just have to accept, it is a choice that dickheads such as yourself make to hurt people. There is no justification for it, there is no reason for it.

But ye bloody did go out of your way, didn't you? Ye set up an entire subreddit community over this shit, collected images for it, wrote up the guidelines for it and moderated it.

I was never part of it. What's wrong with you? I know you're delusional about some things, but my lack of participation in that sub is easy to confirm.

Don't try and play coy asshole. That sub was malicious trash and so are you. If I fucking find your Facebook, take the public images from it and make a "u/IAintThatGuy sucks" subreddit dedicated to making fun of you, is that your fault?

If I post something publicly I expect that it could be spread. That's why I think because I post shit online. Everybody who has a job that means people might google your name does it. Only teenagers and trannies think the world works differently.

Being harrassed online is not some fact of life that we just have to accept, it is a choice that dickheads such as yourself make to hurt people. There is no justification for it, there is no reason for it.

There's a difference between people messaging you personally, and people on their own forum discussing a picture you posted publicly.

If you post pictures on a public forum you should not be surprised if they are used for nefarious purposes. If people mock your photos like they are want to do and you get real triggered, just get off the internet and get some other hobbies. Like seriously, hang out with your friends, play video games, go see that movie you always meant to see.

The pictures and how people got them isn't the issue I'm trying to get at. People making a hateful little circlejerk subreddit where they waste their time laughing at transition pics and stewing in their own transphobia is.

It was a hate subreddit through and through and only existed to be a gathering place for transphobes. I'm glad it's gone, I think everyone involved with it is an asshole and a garbage human being with zero empathy.

Why are you defending this kind of crap? The internet doesn't have to be like this, we made it what it is and we can make it better, for everyone.

Why are you defending this kind of crap? The internet doesn't have to be like this, we made it what it is and we can make it better, for everyone.

I am not defending anything, just stating some obvious advice for anyone that surfs the web. The internet is a reflection of society as a whole and in our society there are plenty of shitty people so you should be prepared to deal with that subset of society if you are posting things publicly. Its just the way it is and getting butt hurt over it and trying to ban anything that is offensive to you is just going to add fuel to the fire. Best course of action is to follow your own advice and get off the interwebs and do shit in real life that makes you happy.

collective delusions

The idea that there's some magic "treatment" available that will turn a man into a woman IS a delusion.

Like seriously, hang out with friends, play video games, watch that movie you always meant to see. You're wasting your time with this crap, live your life and let me live mine. That's all I'll ask from anyone.

lmao where do you think you are?

A weirdly transphobic Drama subreddit I got tagged in for the second time to give my two cents into what's being discussed, I believe.

Post bussy.

weirdly transphobic

That's what happens when you let trannies decide what should be weird.

Y'all need some better hobbies than laughing at a couple of transition pics.

They're fucking hilarious though:

"How do I look?"

"Omg gurl you so pwetty"

Reminder: there is no such thing as chicks with dicks, just dudes with boobs

Reminder: there is no such thing as chicks with dicks, just dudes with boobs mental illnesses


I'm liking this trans man acceptance over here! (/s)


I don't get this sub's obssession with trannies.

It's an easy, cheap, renewable source of drama.

Pre-op trannies can peg you without a strapon. I mean how cool is that?

That's like saying Patrick Stewart should have been happier when he was assimilated by the Borg because he had a handy laser-pointer glued to his head.

Strap ons cost, like, five-ninety-nine these days and they'll deliver it to your door in plain packaging.

That's like saying Patrick Stewart should have been happier when he was assimilated by the Borg

This is a less invasive procedure than all that goes into becoming a tranny nowadays.

Trans people spent decades slowly building public acceptance, some took it too far and now we're in the middle of a backlash.