/r/AgainstHateSubreddits enjoy doxxing a minor ("it's not hate when WE do it")

83  2018-01-30 by IAintThatGuy


They didn’t doxx him. Are you retarded?

If anyone posted something similar targetting someone they like, they'd consider it hate and doxxing.

Oh fuck, you're right! Let's all be retarded now

Waaaaaaaaay ahead of you on that one

Why not?

It was literally his own retarded friends that did it, /pol/ news network linked his twitter (which was his real name) along with a screencap from the thread lmao

You do realize this is every doxxing ever, right? It's always something stupid person X or their stupid friends posted, what's bad is spreading it around with an implicit or explicit 'go git im' - which is definitely what people were rubbing themselves to climax over.

I mean, hell, spreading around personal information that someone released themselves is precisely what everyone's mad at him for doing in the first place.

Isn't linking to websites with personally identifiable information (that the person didn't release themselves) considered doxxing by the admins?

Not if it’s from a news site.

If we're calling that clickbait blog a news site then anything is and nothing is a doxx.

You won’t find an argument from me. I’m of the unpopular opinion that doxxing isn’t a big deal.


It's not a great site, but [here's](DOX) a link to an article on the kid.

The link that DivX_Greg posted had his dox. His real name, the school he goes to and the town he lives in. How is that not dox?

We don’t know his favorite ice cream flavor so we don’t know anything.

Babe.net didn't even dox the cunt, the '/pol/ news network' linked to his twitter account which happened to just be his full name.

The article posted is written by a dude named Harry Shukman. 👀

I haven't got an answer as to why it's ok to fatshame daddy yet.

Or slut shame him.

It is.

But why

Cause he's fat.

Checks out

You'd think that would be obvious. But I have to admit even FPH had a hard time deciding if Trump was fair game. It's one of the subjects that can cause drama even today over there.


I haven't got an answer as to why it's ok to fatshame daddy yet.

Cuz he's a FAT FUCK, that's why.


SRD has been super excited about the kid getting doxxed too. Now I'm a big believer in the idea that snitches get stitches, but it's kind of fun watching the smug posters jerk off to a child's life being ruined.

Actually, considering SRD's links with pedophilia, it really isn't funny at all.

In two days, they defend the honor of a multiple child rapist because he's "transaged", and then ruthlessly attack a minor. Interestingly, even the main SRS sub has rules against targetting minors (even if they are insufferable). AHS felt one step lower.

they defend the honor of a multiple child rapist because he's "transaged"

Fucking what?

pedophile normalization. This time next year the LGBTQQIIA2SBLMWTFHAHA+ alphabet soup of nonsense will have a lower-case 'p' at the end and we all know what that will stand for.

Do you have a link to the SRDine post?

i would say no, since it didn't happen lol

We'd never allow a trivial matter like that get in the way of our outrageposting

i thought fat people were supposed to be jolly.

So not SRD?

I don't touch SRD.


I don't want to get the AIDS.


U gonna get pozed.

There are legit sick people in the AHS thread.

Literally telling people to go die for not liking child rapists and transphobia even though there is nothing about a transgendered person the original T_D post.

If you're trans anything, you get a pass to rape children, as long as they're privileged cis females.

I got a super old one about a tranny sending ped-pics around and SRD defending him, lol ~


"That child is a victim"

Downvoted. Jesus Christ.

Let me guess, you can't even.

That's not true. I'm not the most SJW person but I'm pretty up there and this ain't real.

1) He not a child.

2) He ruined his life himself by being a dick (and trying to ruin life for someone else).

I thought he was under 18?

Huh, I though he's 18. Regardless, he's old enough to understand actions have consequences.

"Not 18 but old enough to understand"

Pure SRD pedo logic. Please turn yourself in before you hurt more kids.

"Not 18 but old enough to understand"

Correct. Please don't kinkshame.

This is your brain on SRD

I don't do SRD, only heroin.

He ruined his life himself by being a dick (and trying to ruin life for someone else).

It's was a meme. He didn't actually report anyone.


Memes aren't real

The Trump campaign promised me they would be!

Unless you have him stating it was a meme (before shit went viral) and he didn't report anyone, you are full of shit.

So we just believe everyone on the internet now?

So we just accept any contrarian claim on the internet now? I prefer to believe whatever is most plausible:

T_D retard tried outing a classmate, or T_D having enough wits for a "joke". Considering his comment history, I'm gonna go with the former.

It's not even a joke. It's some kid trying to be edgy and get in with T_D. It's pretty plausible to think that nothing happened. Basically any time someone posts anything online my first reaction is "that didn't happen"

Then he deserves it even more

Don't meme too far to the sun.

Illegals ruin their own lives by not getting citizenship

This but unironically

Also by being born in shitholes. They should have chosen better.

Fuck you for picking on dumb memeing kids.
That is , Unless you are directly in his age bracket (17 -20) I.E. you are a dumb fucking kid yourself.

Interesting copypasta, who is the original retard that created it?

  1. Its not even long enough to be copy-macaroni.
  2. I get the sneaking suspicion that I am right and you are just another teen aged dimwit.

Wait, so you actually typed that out unironically? My condolences.

I reserve irony for people over the age maturity (25). You know, people with experience in the world , people not wanting to ruin the lives of teenagers for their dumb beliefs.

You don't get to play "I'm just a dumb teen" card when you supposedly actively go out of your way to ruin life for someone else, sorry. Talk shit get hit, etc.

He doesn't get to play that card, no.

But the adults monitoring all you little memeing dipshits and trying to raise you into decent beings DO get to play that card.

Same would happen if your efforts to "ruin his life" actually yielded results and you then got put on the spot for ruining lives I would also defend your stupid ass from life long consequences.

The most offensive thing the kid really did was bragging with a really cringy picture. Everything else was legal.

Come to think about it further, I don't even have an issue with your retardation. Comes with the territory. He'll get harassing messages from the likes of you for a few months. No life ruined. I take far more Issue with the alleged adult writers and editors of Babe giving this info to their readers.

The most offensive thing the kid really did was bragging with a really cringy picture. Everything else was legal.

And it you're going to pull that card, writing about his stupid stunt is also legal, matter settled.

That depends on whether he has a good lawyer and the consequences of the release of his information.

If you gather and release data for the purpose of harming the person. For example, you want to intimidate them, hand out their name and address so people will come after them, and so on, these things are a crime. This can also be the case for causing fear to their family members as a result of releasing information. The statute being used to charge people at the federal level is 18 U.S.C. § 2261A (2015)

An interpretation of (2) (B) here: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2261A

Not sure how young you gotta be to not think he's a child. 12?

I consider people older than 15 no longer children but teens. Calling them children belittles their actual responsibilities.

I also enjoy the drama but wish anyone who cared enough to put in effort to dox people also got doxed for unacceptable caring.

Fair, but remember if people didn't care we wouldn't have people to laugh at.

There is another impassioned moron born every second. You can share that which you love.

Everything about this kid is pure 100% cringe and the fact that neither he nor the other delusional psychopaths at r/the_dipshit will ever realize it is pathetic.

In a link to a thread where half the TD posters are saying it's cringey and morally questionable.

nah pre brigade it was all high fives and congratulations

It's almost like people who sit in /new on political subs constantly refreshing the page and getting to comment first are fucking retards 🤔

Hot damn. Impressive how many people chose to ignore they are talking about a fucking high school kid.

Who's ignoring it?

Well /r/AgainstHateSubreddits is doxxing him and ignoring it...

/r/againsthatesubreddits runs the /pol/ news twitter account?

Let's be real, kid doesn't fuck

That article explains things really well.

Considering the article is the personification of the hyperbolic outrage of a manchild I'm not surprised AHS thinks that.

Why are they upset about deporting illegal aliens?

Are they democrats hoping they'll vote for them?

Lol ameriburgers.


Exactly. That's the plan.

I don't know man. I hate illegal immigration with a passion but reporting a kid who is actually in school is kinda fucked up.

careful with this user ....... Has pm others users stalking them

Lmao lotsa virtue signaling in this piece.

You need to double the dose of virtue signaling you do when you're openly doing something every sane person would consider shitty.

I meant this thread cuck lord. Idgaf some dumb ass kid was doxxed Lmao also if he's old enough to emancipated and living on his own he's no longer a kid to me. Maybe his parents should hire a full time handler instead of letting his spout his autism.

Hey he's a retard and he deserves everything that happens to him. To me the fun here is that suddenly AHS is ok with doxxing a minor.

They're against hate subreddits, not hypocrites.

Well, about that... Uh...

WhAt DiD hE mEaN bY tHiS

Flashes you an OK symbol and smirks really devilishly


Message received deplorable

I meant this thread cuck lord. Idgaf some dumb ass kid was doxxed Lmao also if he's old enough to emancipated and living on his own he's no longer a kid to me. Maybe his parents should hire a full time handler instead of letting his spout his autism.

This sub is chock full of retards, recycled jokes and people who put emojis in between every single word. It doesn't seem possible that this malformed slap in the face to English could outshine all of them in its retardation, but here we are.

Thank u for the compliment

it's literally called againsthatesubreddits. the whole point is to accuse other people of being hateful in contrast to the gleaming morality of its users

I said "this piece" as in this thread.

It's always "Woah, I don't condone doxxing but when it happens to someone I don't like, I mean, you know whatever."

SRD and subs like it have this incredible ability to somehow support unethical things but believe the ends justify the means if it against someone in society they deem problematic.

Which is absolutely hilarious when the sub flips its shit over a cop shooting a car jack/drug pusher yet get a chub from trying to ruin a dumb kids life who is alt-right.

Like, the kid is a retard and all that, but why lie? Just be like "I'm a gigantic piece of shit and I only support bad things happening to people I don't like, even if they are no trouble to society. I just don't like people with different political viewpoints then me."

Man up.

SRD and subs like it have this incredible ability to somehow support unethical things but believe the ends justify the means if it against someone in society they deem problematic.

Eh, we’re not much better. Fair number of people upvoted some creep who doxxed PIMM and got him suspended at work just because the dude was gussy-shaming sex workers.

I hope this terrible monster one days faces justice!!!

What a fucking moron piece of shit. Everything about this kid is pure 100% cringe and the fact that neither he nor the other delusional psychopaths at r/the_dipshit will ever realize it is pathetic.


The admins finally step in and do what's right (except they haven't closed AHS yet).


(except they haven't closed AHS yet)

C'mon, if you run Reddit, you'd want to keep lulzy subs like AHS alive, wouldn't you? Let these idiots wallow in their own stupidity.

that was the idea with T_D

Doxxxxxxxing is wrong guys

Oh wow, it must feel badass being a 30 year old greasy neckbeard doxxing a kid. But then again, when you live in your mom's basement, what is there to do?

But then again, when you live in your mom's basement, what is there to do?

You can sink lower, but then you have to shoot for Caamib levels of degeneracy.

Did they at least deport the girl?

I dunno. We need to ask posters here who reported people to ICE. Do they intervene? Do they do it fast?