Speedrunning drama when a legend is shown to have faked runs 30 years ago (boring as fuck but for once it's not about trannies)

38  2018-01-30 by IAintThatGuy


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Did you just assume his gender?

Please tell me /u/anothga is at least a little self aware when zhe says:

Now, when my grandchildren ask me one day what historical moment of great importance I personally witnessed, I can proudly tell them that I was there when Todd Rogers' records got removed.

It's okay, you can say "he" when talking about me. I'm as cis as a person can get. As of being self-aware, this is where I would use some bad joke but I can't think of any.

I would use some bad joke but I can't think of any.

Your entire life.

Mom? Is that you?

I'm as cis as a person can get. 

Cis ain't a word no matter how many mentally ill people say it is.

It gets a point across, I guess.

As a chemist your ignorance angers me

Stick to mixing chems. Leave distinguishing prefixes and actual words to the linguists.

Is this the guy who's scores were verified by a pedo?

verified by a pedo

That's 99% of the scores on TG.

Too little WAY too late. You don't get to besmirch this community and it's incredible members like Omni, or repeatedly deny clear evidence, and then just gloss over it. The least you could have done was issue an apology, but we'll be waiting even longer for that than we did for Todd's scores to be removed. Your boy's club has no place in the future of gaming.

Lmfao thanks ExNex