Why won't m'ladies fuck me😩😩? Also 12 year old girls👧 are hot af😍😍. -u/YellowSoldier54321

20  2018-01-30 by T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy


I bet OkCupid users still have hotmail accounts

OKC has some merit in the online dateosphere. Tinder is good for sluttier matches, bumble is good for IDK really but my best relationship from online dating came from there and OKC is good for putting effort in.

Do people not hit on each other in public anymore?

Not strangers very often. In bars and extended friend group parties sure but out of the blue it's kind of fallen out if favor.

I’ve been with the same woman for over 10 years so I missed out on the dating apps.

It's got it's pluses and minuses.


I knew I was right to mistrust you

You want to end up on the #MeTooThanks hitlist, fam?

I’ll end up on the #DeadHusband hit list if I did that.

My experience with OKC is that women are compulsive liars with zero self-awareness

What about Craigslist? 46+ year old fatties with herpes deserve love too.

Bumble is 100% for women to validate themselves by getting matches with guys. No self respecting thot is ever gonna stop to such a level as to actually message a guy first. They match with him, little dopamine boost, then let it expire.

/u/YellowSoldier54321 how do you feel about taxation?

If you dont have a big ass bush dont bother. In my experiences little girls arent hairy.

In my experiences little girls arent hairy.

So how many 'experiences' you have had to observe this?


Depends on the 12 year old I guess

/u/YellowSoldier54321 what exactly IS the definition of hebephilia?

I suppose i should say hebephile, but western society sees it the same if she's under 17. Men want the youngest women possible. Looking at OKC data, men are consistent in having a preference for women from 18-22, even if they are 40. Without laws, men would go for girls for girls as young as 12. Just look at countries where it is legal. Girls can start birthing as young as 8. I think i busted my first nut when i was 11.

Well he’s not wrong..

Attraction to non prepubescent girls. Early adolescence. All men are hebes.

Even the asexual men?

I've completely lost the ability to differentiate trolling from earnestness. Who is trolling in that thread?


When you say 12 year old, do you mean a disgusting 3D garbage pail or a glorious 2D anime waifu?