My favorite mod got suspended WTF😳😠??

53  2018-01-30 by T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy


u/TwasIWhoShotJR u/Discord_Dancing bby what happened😭?

Not quite sure.

I posted the story about the T_D kid to r/trashy and think maybe that's why?

Yup that might be it because Ed just got suspended and he pasted that story too!

You're gonna appeal this bullshit right? Although with the friction between you and the admins, it's probably not gonna go down too well for you😔

Also be a bit polite with them ffs and suck them off or something.. I'd hate for you to get chucked😭

Yup that might be it because Ed just got suspended and he posted that story too!

Or it could be because we now know whose alt Ed was all along ;-)

:holy shit:

I'm out of the loop.

Can someone explain why the admins got so pissed off?

JR bullied me and had to be punished.

u prolly deserved it tbh 😤



Oh shit!

I know!!😭

u/snallygaster u/ComedicSans u/serialflamingo What is happening? I'm literally shaking rn😠😠.

Is this a soft coup?!?!!!?

I'm not your favourite mod?

Aww bby 😍 you're definitely in the top 3 😘


and no, not rly

not fly


I mean, you have to admit- JWG is the snarkiest person on this sub BY FAR!

Also u/Discord_Dancing replied here.

/u/hodorthedoorholder is my top mod. I shall have no other mods besides him.

You are blessed my child.

What's the story behind this (((meme)))?

It’s what a priest does when you ask for a blessing. It’s a pretty old “meme.”

lol no. I meant you being refered to as the "top mod".

I’m the top mod of /r/Drama.

Of course 😉 lol. Idk what I expected tbh

It started when I would interact with new users in this sub and others outside this sub. In the sub I would tell them to “tone it down” more or less. If they didn’t tone it down then I would threaten them with arbitrary punishments such as being banned from the sub etc. Whenever we had a post that was about another sub discussing/r/drama, I would go to the linked sub and start a friendly discourse. This typically came with promises that “my” sub would look into their complaints, etc.

I still do it if I can follow a post from here that is about our sub. I can’t do it in SRD anymore because I’m banned from there.

Ah. Thanks for sharing 😌

Why'd u get banned from Srd, if you don't mind me asking?

For following a linked thread from here to there lol.

I did the same and got unbanned recently.

I got banned by tits a few months ago and tried to argue my case. It’s not worth it IMO to ask for an unban again.

I asked once and he said no. I think I was randomly unbanned.

I’m still banned. No big deal.

The admins are pissed off that one of the idiots on this website got doxxed/is giving the site negative publicity and are swinging the banhammer in unbridled rage

Probably something those smug /r/Canada fucks did.

Those sanctimonious bastards😠

Day of the take when?


Wait, what?

Revenge is a dish best served cold, amirite /u/Annarchist ?

lol and he was so close to get perms back.

As if! You're fooling no-one. I wonder which coup leader will be next... Care to give us a hint?

Annarchist always pays his debts. Send my regards

Did he mouth off to the admins again? smdh😒

thats my bet

HOLY SHIT!! ED got suspended too!!😭😭

looks like we need to add some fresh blood to the team.

Who could possibly be worthy?😭 me lol

I'm still here bby.

Give ya a nice reach around for some perms.

Best handies in the tri-state county.


I saw a username which reminded me of yours and then I tried to look you up and it was in fact a subreddit closed off! So I messaged the moderators of /r/TwasIWhoShotJR and hopefully they will let me in.

But will you let /r/drama in? Back into your life, that is. So many questions.

So, it has begun....

There can be only one.

If this sub couldnt fall further

knowing who the mods are


Unironically neck yourself faggot

N-no u

I'm sorry. That was v mean😔

Careful, the Reddit police is on the fritz, gonna shoot you too for breaking their rules.

Yuppers😳 deleted

Out of the loop. What is this drama about? Who was this guy?

The meanest drunk on this godforsaken site😭

Also the de facto top mod here

The coup happened!!

jwg gets suspended but t_d still lives on. WTF ADMINS!!!

He's back now😁

Can't wait for all these cucks to come back under new names so it takes the admins a few months to ban them again


He's already unbanned lol