Tigerdroppings posters and their racism

6  2018-01-30 by harmonkillabrew2

I don’t know if any of you have ever visited or posted on tigerdroppings.com OT Lounge. I did for a few months. At times it can be a pretty good site for interesting topics and just plain shooting shite. There are some funny things there. However, this place, along with the political board of that site, has to be one of the more racist sites outside of overtly white supremacists sites. At any given time, there are several topics about race- all bashing black people. “Code words” are very prevalent, such “Dindu”, “Democrat”, “Cultcha”, “welfare “ "TPOS" “shocked by the color”, etc. The moderators are no better. They allow and foster this crap. I have seen several people banned for calling out the obvious racism. I, too, received “private messages” to “cool it” when I point racism out. Meanwhile they let the racists memes and even the word “nagger” flow freely. The posters regularly are up in arms against the local black mayor, local black activists (especially Gary Chambers) and anything “black”. When a new black police chief was appointed (a very qualified and highly ranking state trooper), there was much triggering to behold. Any seemingly unrelated topic can quickly turn into race bashing. Most recently a black attorney was appointed to the LSU board of supervisors and that caused major “triggering”. That is all.


hey now, tigerdroppings is my wheelhouse. fuck off.

td posters are different kind of autism than /r/drama posters, I dont even post on TD but I do lurk there.

also our mayor and the people she surrounds herself with like gary chambers do suck ass. Kip holden was a black democrat and I and most td posters loved him. I can't wait to graduate and get out of this shithole. I'm going to texas.

This is what LSU trying to appear relevant looks like

Tigerdroppings is possibly the most racist website on the internet. The owner, Brian Fiegel, allows it because it runs up his HIT COUNT so he can sell more ads. Clearly, this site has a prejudice which is not only tolerated by Fiegel, but encouraged!