TwoX tries to celebrate late term baby killing, accidentally implies it's a black woman thing. Don't even need to sort by controversial.

54  2018-01-30 by Oh_hamburgers_


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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The left has a tendency these days of associating everything it dislikes with racism and of course, if something is racist then it's inherently wrong and does not deserve to be debated. I just don't see why it was necessary to bring race into this. It is completely irrelevant to the question. It only serves as a justification for shutting down any possible debate.

I can see why you got gold for this.

If abortion equals freedom, I'm all for giving black women more freedom. They have been oppressed by white men for too long! Discouraged from exercising their freedoms. When I drive through the urban part of my city I always think that the freedom levels are way too low! We should do everything we can so that women of color have priority, or at least equal access to freedom.

Glad we're on the same page /u/relevantlife!

I was being too lazy to look it up.

Too lazy to look up facts. No surprise here.


It was a lesson for me. Despite a community’s own experience with extensive oppression it doesn’t necessarily mean they believe in others civil rights and freedoms.

Perhaps treating someone differently for: * their skin color

is not comparable to treating someone differently for: * slamming their dick up another man's shit-pipe

I know "current year" is a meme but this comment really takes me back to gay marriage flamewars on forums in 2008, I'm getting some nostalgia.

I am nostalgic for the black American civil rights movement and it really activates my almonds when some dick-sucking fetishists pretend that their degenerate sex fantasies are worth fighting for.

You're nostalgic for the civil rights movement? Just how old are you?

I'm in mah prime.

BLM is the new civil rights movement. I'm sure you hate it.

If you were alive for the 1950s/60s civil rights movement, I'm sure you would have hated that, too.

the new civil rights movement

lol, this is your problem. You and the Pink Pussy Hats are out marching for rights you already have, because you are unwilling to fix yourself.

You should just man up and admit to yourself that if this were 1963, you would be #TeamWallace ranting about why those uppity negroes are demanding "rights you already have".

Hell, the Fourteenth Amendment was in 1868. They've had plenty of rights for 150 years, right?

Jesus, just shut the duck up already with your bullshit.

Keep yourself safe. .。゚+..。(❁´◡`❁)。.。:+* <3

Question, why is it called black lives matter and not male lives matter?

Because black women get murdered by cops, too.

But they're murdered by cops less than white men are, or men in general.

In fact, over 98% of police shooting victims are male. A black woman is significantly less likely to be shot by the police than a white man.

The common factor here seems to be gender.

Black people are showing solidarity with each other.

Lord knows white men don't show a lot of gender-based solidarity with black men.

Yeah, that's a funny way of saying "black women are trying to co-opt the oppression of men because they're desperate for victim points."

yeah, yeah, fine whatever.

what have you done to stop police violence against men? anything?

What has BLM done to stop police violence against men?

More than you, fuckwit.

This isn't doing anything, it's screeching. In reality, BLM has set back fights against police brutality many years.

Primarily by acting like morons, rioting, breaking windows, setting fires and all kinds of crazy shit.

That, and the fact they feel the constant need to fall behind and defend criminals that were killed during justified use of force.

>> sensible policy ideas

> screeching

Keep yourself safe, pizza. Maybe you'll finally get le drumpf one of these days.

They're comparable in at least one way: neither hurts me so I give two fucks about either. Neither hurts anyone.

The ass-cramming does hurt. Believe me.

We do.


juicy shit

"hey ladies, I don't 100% know how I feel about this.." DELETED

"Let's maybe not jump to conclusions on this.." DELETED

"It's kinda messed up to talk about black women that way" DELETED

2x is peak white feminism

Why is that every time you click "Load more comments" on that subreddit, it disappears and nothing appears? Do they really delete 90% of the comments in every thread?

Yes, it is highly censored.

They have automoderator remove all comments on posts that get more than a few hundred upvotes.

/u/oh_hamburgers_ I just want you to know that Margaret Sanger would be proud of your stance.

I don't think you understand what's going on here.

as a reminder: Republicans had a 300k drop in voters this year due to the accusations around Moore while Democrats had a slight bump from the usual. Only reason Jones won was the fact that Moore got #metooted

GOP needs to learn the important lesson: Next time nominate a rapist/murderer, rather than just a rapist.


What worries me is some of these women in this sub just want the option to abort for their own personal reasons so late in a pregnancy, that’s horrifying to me.

You think very low of women, don't you ?

Half of pro-lifers are women.

So no, I don't think they think very low of women in general. Just those in twoX, who celebrate killing black babies.


should a healthy women carrying a healthy baby be able to have an abortion 6-9 months in? I say no.... but women are pushing for that and some are in this thread.

There is not a medical way to define healthy vs not healthy. Either you allow them or you don’t.
