notch buy reddit pls

56  2018-01-30 by htmlcoderexe


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Buy reddit. Give us /r/fatpeoplehate. Ban /r/twomanyxchromosomes. Watch the place burn.

it's /u/xNotch actually

Fixed, you the best bruv

fph was always weak

The radical centrist option is to fuse both subreddits.

Ban T_D. Ban LSC. Reddit will become a centrist circlejerk and Drama will have enough salt to last the entire year.


delete /r/the_donald and /r/politics then redirect both to /r/drama

When worlds collide.

And unban ed

This ☝️️☝️☝️

P.S: I'm still waiting for an admin reply. This is a temp acc for the moment.

It's ok 👌 dad 👱‍♂️ I'm here 👇 for you 🖐.


Always remember my son! 👶

It's ok to post emojis 👌💯

What happened to ed?


it'd be worth it

/u/xNotch if you do this i will pay you money

i dont think the server would survive

No /u/xNotch please buy 4chan first from chinkmoot he's awful

Lol imagine being so power hungry that you spend your own money on a subreddit


Buy 4chan instead. Probably cheaper and less of a hassle to maintain.

less of a hassle to maintain.

I don't know, dealing with the FBI regularly must suck.

buy both, combine both websites

This is how you get a civil war

Notch should just wait until the reddit IPO. While he waits he should get all buddy buddy with all the all the analysts at jp morgan, wells Fargo, goldman, etc and get them to turn Reddit into a penny stock.

After all the tards on reddit who lost their life savings on the IPO ropes themselves, then notch should buyout Reddit for a dirt cheap price.

Sadly the last time /u/xNotch was pinged here it was some jackass making a joke about his weight so I'm sure he won't be coming back

What? He's rich, can't he just pay someone to be fat for him?

It was a fine joke.

thanks buddy