David_me awakens from the dead to unilaterally sticky a post against white supremacy in /r/KotakuInAction, causing a mass REEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

112  2018-01-30 by IAmAN00bie


KotakuinAction is not The_Donald. Any talking points, mantras etc. from these types of groups will be removed. This subreddit is a lot of things. This is not one of them. Race and racism discussions are allowed, but promoting ideas rooted with groups identified as hate groups, is not. Keep to the topic and take your racism elsewhere. If you are in need of further explanation, you may ask in this thread. I'm not sure if anyone is willing to take the time to explain what racism is and why it's bad. This does not affect nor require any changes to the rules. and I have made this post without consulting any other mods. So they may sticky their comments with their own thoughts or feelings, if they choose. I am not speaking for them, so don't give them any shit unless they make their own opinions known.

The now deleted mod post

Can someone link me some of those racist talking points he's talking about? I unironically go there sometimes and I've never seen one. If it's about the "it's okay to be white" suff, that's pretty retarded.

There was one yesterday where the guy was ranting about how lefties were gonna force whites wimminz to have mixed babies before they could have mayo ones. Though it is now downvoted, which is weird since I remember it being heavily upvoted yesterday.

As a longtime KIA tard I think its pretty safe to say KIA has gone beyond my tolerances for racist and retarded shit, though. I'm just going to stick with my wholesome wallstreebets and drama retardation.

Though it is now downvoted, which is weird since I remember it being heavily upvoted yesterday.

Probably got linked to topminds or something like that.

CTH! they vote the hardest

lol just find a thread they link and say "chud praxis grey wolves amirite?" for instant karma

Though it is now downvoted, which is weird since I remember it being heavily upvoted yesterday

The meta subs brigade it, even 12 hours ago it was still in the hundreds of upvotes

I'm working really hard to become a lolcow in wsb, so if you see me over there be sure to downvote me

This is why we need mayocide.


1.) This Post* - https://archive.is/b1gtI

I am a bot. (Info/Contact)


This is why we need mayocide.



Poor /u/david-me

Too retarded to articulate your point and your sticky got brigaded by white supremacists who are using KiA as a recruiting ground.

bannon outright said he used gamergate to recruit angry white males and that sub is still in denial about it. If there is one thing about the left is they own their retarded views instead of

im not a rightwing soyboy at all but white genocide is real and its the sjws

Bannon used them for some eyeballs on their shitty website he's not the fucking illuminati you insufferable lefty sperg. Lol

stormfront illuminate

you just admitted yourself he was doing what i said he was doing

expose a younger generation to the right

They fucking worshipped milo on that sub for a long time there was nothing subtle about it.

Breitbart isn't behind the scenes building a secret ethno state army. It's run of the mill Republican shit. This conflation is why you're a complete loon.

It's like claiming CNN is recruiting for black supremacy because they run left slanted articles.

Everyone should at least appreciate Milo for his ability to rustle gorilla jimmies, not so much for his pedophilia apologia.

when the fuck did i claim breitbart was some behind the scenes ethno state army you retard? i just said they used gamergate to build support you are the one sperging out about it.

I'm just trying to enjoy laughing at /u/david-me try to save a sub he doesn't even like from white supremacy and you bring up Bannon and whine about how he tricked them into becoming nazis somehow by having a gay pedophile write retarded articles about video game drama.

You sound upset tbh

Could you tell that from my lazy typing and monotone delivery of wordy comments?

he got tricked into becoming a nazing by a gay pedophile, life is rough.

I like everything we stand for. I hate how that has been taken advantage of to become a hub for hate masked as free speech.

I believe in free speech. But the purpose of this sub is NOT to have daily discussion about how everyone is trying to eliminate the white people. It's not taboo or against the rules, but at a certain point we need to move back to neutral . . . ish. IE. This sub has users with a variety of views and opinions. I will not let this sub to be about those views. At some point it becomes a haven for bullies.

I do and say things without a filter and I really cannot prevent it most of the time. ASD sucks. I am, however, willing to entertain an others POV if given with intelligence and logic and not feels. This goes for every POV. This sub is what it is because I think everyone needs a voice and the freedom to express it. Expressing it and actively advocating for certain views is a problem. When an influx of users parrots these same views, often word-for-word, it's no longer a 'problem'. It's a constitutional crisis.

This is /r/drama David. Please, you are embarrassing everyone.

I know. Just typing me thoughts.

I was kinds responding to the whole situation. I did not mean my comment to be some one-off response to your comment.

Oh, well. My thoughts are not translating well today. Shit happens. I blame my cat.

Pls post cat.

Also damn dude you're in a really shitty situation lol. I don't think the rest of your mods share your outlook. What r u gonna do? You could always hand it over to the archangels for the lulz, but I don't think you're gonna do that. Also give your cat a few pets from me pls 😻

I can't read this without punctuation emojis

As someonewho joined the sub initially to reee about sjws wanting to censor my waifu boob physics you should shut that shit down its an unrecognizable right wing flaming dumpster pile reeing about anything remotely left-wing or liberal.

Sometimes being right is very unpopular. I can see you're a circumspect person and it's easy to doubt yourself in the face of hundreds of disagreers, but FWIW I've lurked and participated on KiA for a long time and it definitely has got worse lately.

It's hard to know what to do but it might be time to just start a new subreddit that has stricter rules about ontopic discussion. Maybe just something specifically about vidya games and literally nothing else. I'd join in, I miss the old sub

It's not even the white supremacists alone, it's T_D idiots too. Back 2 years ago when people said KiA was actually liberal I agreed, now it's a cesspool of unironic trumptards claiming stupid shit like abortion is murder and using words like cuck/soyboy for realz

Btw I'm bound to be made fun of here for sincereposting and admitting to being an unironic KiA user so lemme just say yes I know I'm a faggot but so is everyone that browses /r/drama, accept this before you reply telling me to keep myself safe etc

Nuke it and walk away

It's been an option since the day I created it. No one has cared to discuss why I should. I just get comments like yours.

This is a dare. Put out the word. I've tried this before... many times.

What benefit is there to keeping it around?

What benefit is there to not keeping it around?

One less right wing sub. And that's always a good thing.

This is rich coming from you https://archive.is/gguvZ

Maybe if you weren't such a great example of an anti-semitic white supremacist we'd take your concerns more seriously.

Nice catch. How can someone be so two-faced?

He was banned from KIA for making posts like the above and doing that ((())) shit. It's not like he's unaware that this kind of thing isn't welcome in KIA.

Ah, so he's just bitter.

Speaking as a half-Jew, he's not that far off with the bracket crap tbh, but crass insults and unsupported ideas undermine his overall point.

It’s a sick hateful parody of what it was before. It’s like Old Yeller. You’d be doing it a kindness.

You lose the stress of modding a sub that's become unrecognizable to you, where the other mods and users hate you. You get to do it on your own terms rather than it being pried away from you. They go off and start r/KiA2. We get the drama.

The benefits are endless

Make the internet an iota less shitty?

W/o it ghazi will implode.

I mean....itd be pretty funny to sit back and watch the ensuing shitstorm

It's the only option left David. Listen to your heart. You know it to be true

Roxette has been saying this for years.

C'mon join the joyride.

Join the joyride.

It's been so long since the impetus, and it's so obvious the sub is taken over by people with other agendas. It would probably be best to start over and refocus. The other agendaposters would flock off to other similar subs.

Plus it would be hilarious, you could hand it over to ghazi or something and earn modship here 😊

earn modship here


wait he doesn't like us? 😢

No, we're wonderful

Actual solution: Ban everything unrelated to video games and discussion of Trump, video game related or not

Honestly: Nuke it, only the hardcore posters (altrighters) will move to a KiA2 sub, which will turn out to be even more overtly right-wing than current KiA. Then we can laugh at them and you can create another ethics in journalism sub and put some proper rules in place.

You are literally years too late because you are a cowardly pissant

Dude, when you start thinking that there is a perspective wherein "everyone is trying to eliminate the white people" is one of many perspectives on your subreddit, just go away. Just give it up. Seriously, I don't care how deep the autism goes - it's done. It's pining for the fjords.. There is no "we" that "we" should "stand for" that you should attach yourself to.

If you are actually on the spectrum, part of the humor is that someone keeps trying to insist that something is alive when it is dead. KiA is dead. It's pining for the fjords. You are, metaphorically, slamming the deceased parrot of what you think KiA exists as against the daily fact that it's a white supremacist subreddit wherein literal Nazis are posting literal Nazi propaganda, and here you are, claiming, "No, really, it's normal, it's fine!"

It's not fine. Just... let it be. Let it be a Nazi subreddit. It already is - the parrot is dead, and that is the source of the humor - and you don't need to be part of it.

Don't dive into the pile of shit because you see the thing that looks like corn, and then peck at it for three months straight until the wildlife conservation society finally takes you into its facilities because it's clear you can't survive on your own. Just let them be Nazis, and live your life, and don't worry about them.

I like everything we stand for. I hate how that has been taken advantage of to become a hub for hate masked as free speech.

It's not taboo or against the rules, but at a certain point we need to move back to neutral . . . ish.

Spoiler: free speech in anything remotely political, and "neuralish", are mutually exclusive. Any politically oriented place with hands of moderation will be taken over by alt-right users sooner or later, as opposite side just doesn't give enough fucks to put up with their bullshit and leaves.

Spoiler: free speech in anything remotely political, and "neuralish", are mutually exclusive

It doesn't need to be neutral, but there are almost zero spaces on Reddit where people can outright argue and bitch at each other over their political views without one of the parties being banned by a sympathetic mod.

I personally don't believe that polite discourse on these topics is really possible for the majority of people, but I do think there's a lot of value in allowing idiots to scream at each other rather than just jerking each other off. At least the former can be somewhat productive if people are exposed to new ideas, or even having the hypocrisy of their own views pointed out.

When an influx of users parrots these same views, often word-for-word, it's no longer a 'problem'. It's a constitutional crisis.

It seems like you might need... a final solution.

Seriousposting this hard

I know one white person who should be eliminated.

Dude you're just sad

Thank you.

right here in your "quote"

bannon outright said he used gamergate to recruit angry white males and that sub is still in denial about it. If there is one thing about the left is they own their retarded views instead of

im not a rightwing soyboy at all but white genocide is real and its the (((sjws)))

don't pretend that wasnt what you meant either.

you are by far the dumbest poster on /r/drama, and of the dumb ones, you’re the most arrogant and in total denial of your dumbness. kys


He forgot you.

Oh he’ll never forget me

you are by far the dumbest poster on /r/drama, and of the dumb ones, you're the most arrogant and in total denial of your dumbness.

says unironic daddy defender poster

you gonna watch the state of the union in 5 minutes, buddy?

Or are you too scared of the memo?

actually looking forward to an elderly man ramble nonsensically about how great he is and how everything bad is fake news

If i wanted dementia ramblings i could hang outside an old folks home.

i have a thing for old dudes , disrepesct my other daddy murdoch i dare you.

hahahaha u mad

serious agenda posting to defend daddy in /r/drama

im not the one with rustled jimmies here.

we've been over this

you're agendaposting for the opposite reason.

you are no better than the limp-wristed shemales talking about how they're going to quit their job at subway sandwiches to go resist Trump full time.

also reported for kinkshaming me earlier

shitting on retards in /r/drama


serious agendaposting in /r/drama to defend a mentally retarded obese old man

One👏 of👏 these👏 is👏 not👏 like👏 the👏 other👏 one👏 of 👏these👏 doesnt 👏 belong

like i said, the dumbest on /r/drama, folks

Typical Trump supporter. You've got someone to have sex with and you can only talk about hand jobs.

try this comment again, but explain what you meant by “what you meant” this time

Breitbart isn't behind the scenes building a secret ethno state army. It's run of the mill Republican shit.

Found the kid who's too young to remember what run of the mill Republicans were when they actually existed.

Yea, but to be fair the journals that were against gamergate did the same thing with gays/minorities/women, which caused the #NotYourShield backlash.

I know i was part of the whole thing reeing along with the best of them in the beginning then i noticed less people admitting breitbart was trash in the comments of the articles and more fondling milos balls and left.

Which was made up by 4chan using stock photos. Come on man. The rabbit hole goes deeper. Even though the gamer is dead articles described the expansion of gaming beyond its white awkward male stereotype, only white awkward makes are insecure enough to get caught up in this.

That is bullshit from a goon on Ars Technica who also pretended it was a girl (and now is conviently trans).

Come on, that KIA is T_D_Gaming now doesn't mean you got to rewrite history.

Oh. You geniunely believe in it. Wow. That's sad.

Found the SRDine.

oh, the one

It's the classic liberal bullshit. They know being conservative is horrible, but they believe they are right anyway. It's like if someone said "I'm not racist by 1990s standards" like it clearly means you're racist

so bannon is a fool and wrong about everything else, but THIS ONE THING is totally true

Poor Sloppy Steve. Only managed to get one thing right in his entire life. Smdh.

Yeah, he's wrong about his own motivations. That's totes the same as being wrong when he gives his opinion on which senator to back, or on recommending immigration policy or tax reform.

"This bank robber is dishonest, therefore I don't believe him when he says he stole because he wanted money."

by white supremacists who are using KiA

As if that's new. KiA was always supremely right-wing.

Hey ! Your back! Hoooray!

Hours ago. Catch up.


You are just salty they de-modded your drunk retarded power hungry ass from IRC. Admit it. Nutter.

Any words of wisdom.... on the second point... I'm a retard, so I can't fix the first part.

You want a legitimate suggestion to curb the tide? Make an option for on topic only comments and ban them when they can't help but sperg out about ethnic cleansing in the threads.

How about actually take a stand against the blatant white supremacists recruiting that's going on in your sub?

Remove Daily Stormer and Breitbart links

Remove slurs

Tell them they are not wanted

Don't be a bitch amd actually follow through

You act like it's fucking impossible when most spaces on Reddit have no issue with being taken over by neo nazis.

How about actually take a stand against the blatant white supremacists recruiting that's going on in your sub?

lol yo man there isn't any actual recruitment going on and if there was i'd tell you cuz i would be recruiting over there

Remove Daily Stormer and Breitbart links

breitbart is actually pretty great cuz it makes homos and losers like you screech all the time. dailystormer links? i haven't seen anything like that on kia so if you have proof then post it or else ur a fag like i think you are

You act like it's fucking impossible when most spaces on Reddit have no issue with being taken over by neo nazis.

the_zionald is alt lite and uncensored_news is alt right but gets ignored and never really gets much attention. other than those sites, what are you talking about? /r/altright was shoah'd a year ago. are you mentally retarded? should i even ask that since we already know?

I sincere hope you kys

Wow lol

What are you gonna do when harry potter infiltrates your trailer park?

How are you still alive.

Looking forward to see the post where you come out about taking female hormones.

yes please remove all daily stormer links. which totally exist

Easiest moderation change ever.

shit, I thought we already did that? The latest one I saw removed, the poster was trying to obscure that it was actually a stormfront link.

did i forget the /s?

admittedly I only rarely check KiA, but I've never seen any stormfront link

oh sorry. Yeah you gotta be checking the "new" section to catch it, because they get shot down fast.

Remove Daily Stormer and Breitbart links

There are no Daily Stormer/Stormfront links in that sub. They get obliterated by the mods as soon as they get posted. Nice try.

Also, I like how you also equivocated them to Brietbart, which as far as I know is just your garden variety partisan political blog. Sure, it smells like shit, but so does HuffPo and for pretty much the same reason - partisan circle jerking.

"Don't be a bitch"

Spends whole post being a bitch

Pls take your serious posting back to SRD.

Start actually banning them. Remove any mods who disagree with you. You're the top mod, you can do whatever the fuck you want.

How about no.

It's not actually hard.

Is someone talking about white genocide? Ban them. Wow, they're not bothering you anymore!

Is someone talking about - and here, I think knowing that you're probably an autist, you haven't heard about - the 14 words - ban them!

Jesus, isn't it great to not have to deal with actual Nazis?

Whatever problems you're dealing with, banning the Nazis and anyone who is dealing with Nazis is literally a thousand times easier than whatever problems you think you might be dealing with.

Seriously, it's not hard. If they're pledging their bodies and souls to the Fourth Reich, you can just ban them.

Fourteen Words

Fourteen Words, or simply 14, is a reference to a slogan used by white nationalists and white supremacists: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." It can be used to refer to a different 14-word slogan: "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth."

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Make it a sub about cats wearing glasses

here's something to get you started


Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

Nuke the sub!!!

Give up and become an edgy centrist. There is no future and advocacy doesn't matter.

Hard drugs and degenerate sex will make the transition easier.

Issue a peremptory writ of mandate in the first instance directing the respondent spammers to desist on pain of banning, and then actually ban them, you idiot.

You can't fix the fact neo-nazis will use anti-SJW subs as recruitment tools.

the entire anti-SJW culture is just very friendly to them. You might have been able to do something about it a few years ago, but the alt-righties basically ran anyone sane off of KIA.

I got called a Jewish shill on that sub like 11 times in 3 threads a few years back and that's when I noped out.

Despite what others here say, don't nuke the sub, and don't nuke your fellow mods. It would be bad.

Why is it that everytime freeze peach is brought up, nobody ever mentions the free market, and the right to refuse someone service?

freeze peach

u/ferenix2 was right

cuz employment contracts and ToS no real

Yeah totally nobody ever mentions that. Really makes you think.

You don't have that right in the US anymore. You'll be baking gay cakes and shooting porn with gay dudes or you'll be bullied into suicide.

tfw you realize your entire sub is basically alt-right now,

how would you not realize it after the constant breitbart articles lol

He always knew what kia was and disagreed woth most of what they say, this is nothing new.

david_me 'tranny joke man' accused to be a sjw

the times they are a-changin fast

That's just because he is right and most of them are less than a year old accounts created for the sole purpose of spreading their ideology.

0 appreciation for tranny jokes.

KiA is unironically terrible and if you are stupid enough to think that the white nationalist tendrils infesting it can be dispelled with a sticky post you're stupid enough to deserve to be head mod

It's not even racism, any sub that goes from laughing at retards to acting like they're a threat to society will decay into shit. Same thing happened to /r/TumblrInAction and ironically a ton of lefty subs too.

I miss old TiA

Transcats is meowing in heaven

You mean back when the left's nonsense was but a distant amusement and not a political stance?

Back when laughing at furrykins was a bi-partisan activity

Yeah. I really miss being included as part of the left too.


You can't cure my radical centrism anyway.

I can't heal those who aren't sick (besides the alcoholism, I mean)

/u/david-me KIA personally introduced me to God Emperor Trump and has helped me make a ton of alt right and nazi contacts in my area. It's pretty obvious gaming, ethics, journalism, and censorship are just code words for kill jews, poc, trannies, and more jews.

I didn't even know what a Hitler was until the group /r/KotakuInAction educated me

/u/david-me mod me and I'll take care of everything

The r/drama Society for the Prevention of Gaming would love to take over the subreddit

The terminology of "Hate Group" is an idea that's come from the far left

No it's not, it came from the FBI in the 90s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_group

An FBI with obviously far left viewpoints


Hate group

A hate group is a social group that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, nation, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other designated sector of society. According to the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a hate group's "primary purpose is to promote animosity, hostility, and malice against persons belonging to a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin which differs from that of the members of the organization."

In the US, two private organizations that monitor intolerance and hate groups are the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). They maintain lists of what they deem to be hate groups, supremacist groups and anti-Semitic, anti-government or extremist groups that have committed hate crimes. The SPLC's definition of a "hate group" includes any group with beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people—particularly when the characteristics being maligned are immutable.

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/u/Jiko27 please tell me more about the radical leftist leanings of a government organization known for trying to blackmail mlk into suicide

Its the average retartded right wing conspiracy view that the governments despite having a long happy history of overthrowing socialists and installing dictators is somehow run by communists because everybody knows millionare CEO's love marxism.

Your sarcastic "gotcha" is kind of stupid for a number of reasons:

  1. My intent was to steer the conversation back to the term Hate Group, so I was dismissively joking the FBI was far left.

  2. The event you're listing was in the 1960s, and the term Hate Group was propagated in 2006.
    You're insinuating that a government organisation would have a stable political leaning across 11 directors, during the course of 40 years and 8 presidencies for point to stick.

  3. I'm not American, it's not clever to point at a foreigner for their lack of intimate knowledge of another nation's bureau.

it's not clever to point at a foreigner for their lack of intimate knowledge of another nation's bureau.

so is it clever to assume that bureau was far-left because it found right-wing hate groups?

  1. My intent was to steer the conversation back to the term Hate Group, so I was dismissively joking the FBI was far left.


I'm not an unreasonable person, in spite my political opinions which you probably find strange.
I hope that I've established that much to you.

"I may be retarded, but I'm not stupid."

The r/drama motto.

see /u/david-me? i told you it would be better for drama this way

New mod post and there’s sooo much angsty reeing about CENSORSHIP IN MY KIA!?that a significant portion of the user base might self deport off this planet tonight



who let this cunt post? this isn't srd!

/u/IAmAN00bie posting this about /u/david-me is some full circle shit

[>but promoting ideas rooted with groups identified as hate groups, is not

Would that included ethics in game journalism? Who gets to bell that cat?](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/7u4ff8/comment/dthhjvy?st=JD3CZJGS&sh=72da00e0)

jesus fucking christ /u/Wylanderu quickscope yourself you pathetic dork

I can't help but feel like you're just trying to stir up drama with me.