Daddy is LIVE addressing fellow retards!

19  2018-01-31 by T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Who hurt you snappy?

That's boring. Just give me funny highlights.

i watched abit it was boring af "taking credit for historical trends & tax cuts solve everything" the speech.

Have you ever heard a SOTU speech. Thats all it ever is.

obamas IIRC was more everybody should get together in a big gay pile and have gay sex.

u/serialflamingo's fantasy lol πŸ˜‚

obamas IIRC was more everybody should get together in a big gay pile and have gay sex.

But that sounds great.

no you dont get it, there would be darkies and hispanics in the piles, no seperate piles for different races.

Finally fuck wypipo out of existence

>gay sex pile
>fucking wypipo out of existence


They are going to be that bussy blasted.

Historical trends don't exist in Republican reality.

That’s the same reason Obama was immediately responsible for the economy being shit as soon as he took office. It’s like trying to hold a political conversation with the guy from Memento.

He accidentally said the word "Opamacare"



β—» Not finished


He said the words "beautiful clean coal" so that was pretty funny.

Who wants to bet on how many times he says great & fake news? im betting 12 on great 3 on fake news

Those estimates are more conservative than the Heritage Foundation lol.

yeah i undershot great by a huuuge amount.

Why is clapping every few sentences a thing?

Without the approval, he’ll start getting angry and ranty.

t. never watched a sotu before

t. serious replies to easy jokes

Americans clap at everything

That's not tr- πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Cause πŸ‘πŸΏ this πŸ‘πŸΏ is πŸ‘πŸΏ America


It's pretty standard to clap after every big statement in all SOTUs.

I know, but it's dumb. People are literally standing up and clapping every 20 seconds or so.

By the way, is it standard for the speaker to clap for himself right next to the microphone? I haven't watched many of these, so I'm not sure.

I know, but it's dumb. People are literally standing up and clapping every 20 seconds or so.

Yeah it's a big circlejerk tbh. The real juicy parts are gonna be when the Democrats post their responses imo. Whoever does the best job is automatically gonna be considered the front-runner for 2020.

By the way, is it standard for the speaker to clap for himself?

Yeah, if they're on the same party.

Yeah, if they're on the same party.

Sorry, I worded that badly. I meant the person speaking (the president), not the Speaker of the House.

I don't really recall Obama doing it tbh or I might just be misremembering stuff.

Not really, no. Trump is just doing his thing.

When has a speaker not been on the same party as himself?

It happens all the time. Paul Ryan was the Speaker of the House for 6 of Obama's 8 years. Also r u havin'a stroke m8?

I think he meant the literal speaker of the speech u fukin cunt

Pls no bulli 😒

U r ugly


You πŸ€“πŸ€‘ are now πŸ•£ getting πŸ…±οΈullied πŸ…±οΈy the πŸ†’πŸ˜ŽcoolπŸ˜ŽπŸ†’ kidsπŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™€οΈ

It's like I'm back in school again πŸ˜” (I was homeschooled)

You πŸ€“πŸ€‘ are now πŸ•£ getting πŸ…±οΈullied πŸ…±οΈy the πŸ†’πŸ˜ŽcoolπŸ˜ŽπŸ†’ momπŸ‘©β€πŸ«πŸ€°

rude, but fair

Woodrow Wilson may have been schizophrenic...

what about β€œSilent Cal”? obvious crazy person

Be fair, he had to do the president thing just after his son died from an infected blister aged 16. Also he was veep to Warren Harding, the original "blowjobs in the Oval Office" guy.

Whoever does the best job is automatically gonna be considered the front-runner for 2020.

Kennedy is doing pretty good. Idk when all the other ones are gonna go tho

Yeah. Mf is slaying it lol. Don't remember anyone doing it so well in the recent past.

Not another Kennedy omg

Well the first one didn't get to finish his, so I think it's fair.

we didn’t even get one full kennedy

besides jfk, the others were either also shot, or just plain defective

don't worry by the end of february he will be revealed to have raped a woman and have substance abuse problems, just like every other Kennedy man. and while that might mean he's a sure thing to the GOP. the Dem's will have 80 different women running for president in 2020

I think you meant to reply to u/trjb lol

yo, JFK’s ladies let him do it

they don’t want to get thrown in gulag

BECAUSE πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ WE πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ CAN πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

wheres the memo

Have you checked your anus?

WOw epic you #gotmee

Yes, yes I did.

Seems really dystopian.

Trump says one sentence, everyone stands up and applauds for 10 seconds. Repeat.

I hear this is the first time ppl have clapped at a SOTU


TRUMP πŸ‘επŸ™‹πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ &OBAMA πŸ™επŸ™


write your congressman

Lmao πŸ˜‚

t. never watched a sotu before

They're just creepy in general imo, it's like viewing a huge powerful echo chamber in the flesh, congratulating themselves over deciding the fate of the little people

Never seen a state of the union before, son?

Please tell me you're still in high school or something.

"sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniiiiiiiiffffff" - Daddy Trump

Daddy Trump 😍😍😍 was thicc as fugg tonight and he knows it 😍😍😍😍

Trump goes one day without shitting all over the floor and people praise him for being Presidential That's cool, I mean it only took my dog two weeks to learn how to do that and not a whole calendar year but yay progress.

He's such a hand-flapper that it seems like an achievement when he follows basic public speaking conventions. This is how low he's set the bar for himself.