A warning to all of Reddit

47  2018-01-31 by Starship_Litterbox_B

Reddit solely exists as a data farm. The biggest user of reddit is Eglin Air Force base, a known shill farm. Domestic propaganda was re-legalized as a rider in the 2013 DOD appropriations bill, repealing a law in place since 1948. YOU are its product. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be a walled garden but a standard-bearer with a cross-compliant protocol. Aaron Swartz is dead, Ohanian and spez betrayed him, and all the people who built things to make people free had them turned into products to keep people compliant once they were either dead or out of the way. They took off their mask of being about 'free speech' and revealed themselves to be the sociopathic, data-hungry tools that they are.



Old news. All devices you have are constantly recording and monitoring your data to be sold off to third parties. I have personally worked on software that does this.

Thank you for your service. o7

This but ironically

Yeah? How many fingers am I holding up?

That's a thumb not a finger

๐Ÿ˜• its not a thumb either ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Even the cybersecurity guys don't really have a grip on this. Dan Greer is awesome Real politik cyberspace and he wouldn't (in theory) make a fake ID for spy agent work. He would suggest "borrowing" someone elses. That is an insane observation of the current state of public & nation state intel.

It's 20min into a soccer game, scoring 463-465. All offense and insanely so.

At the minimum you should be creating a "fake persona" when talking on the internet.

Yeah but you leave sooo many traces. I've read / watched a bunch of defcon / blackhat lectures. I know in theory what might be a good place to start at, but my op sec is never going to be that good.

I can't even get Cortana to stay disabled in win10. One slip and everything is gone privacy wise. We should all be on Passphrases minimum now (4-5+ words chained together), but who is? Trusona should "solve" authentication online, but biometrics have their own problems.

Who owns the backend to password managers? What vpn is actually not logging your data? What video game is not collecting every scrap of info? What does microsoft send in their compatability "telemetry" info late at night.

Fuck it man, Demonsaw and TAILS + Tor till we die? No social media or identifying bits and peices.

Tbh I think once authentication / personal identifying is solved properly we'll swing the other way hard and real life IDs will become preferenced / mandatory 80% of places and people in normal chat forums will be obvious NEET dweebs instead of having equal authority with fuckin Einstein behind an anonymous username.

Who owns the backend to password managers?

...you can easily own the backend to your own password manager. Get a Raspberry Pi and stick Keypass on it. Keypass is open source and Raspberry Pi is about as damn close to a transparent hardware platform as you're going to get. If you're worried about backdoors in a Raspberry Pi then you might as well be worried about gamma ray bursts or spontaneous combustion.

people in normal chat forums will be obvious NEET dweebs instead of having equal authority with fuckin Einstein behind an anonymous username

I'll let you in on a little secret: it's already like this. For the most part, worthwhile people in any industry don't give a fuck about chatrooms. There are already social networks within these industries and online exchanges involving real identities through which these people communicate. If these people do read stuff from anonymous users, they have the requisite knowledge to easily pick out the corn from the shit, so to speak. It's very easy for them to tell if someone is full of shit. The only place where this isn't the case is probably black hat stuff, but that's a pretty intense meritocracy and bullshitters are likely to get called out (or worse, fucked over by the people they're trying to bullshit).

You sound like you're primarily concerned with enterprise data farming, but your real concern should be cybercrime.

The point is I have limited to no boundaries against anyone, be it government (foreign or domestic), enterprise or criminal. It's all the same tools, just with different levels of authentication.

I don't for one second trust enterprise more than government or criminal.

I'm not talking about trust. I'm talking about probability. Furthermore, if the government wanted to get access to your network, they could do so very easily. Hell, all they'd have to do is intercept any peripherals you order mid-transit and swap them with an identical product that has code in its NVRAM. That's actually one of their preferred methods.


There's a high probability microsoft and the government share data access. Whether ms sells it or not, it doesn't just stay with them.

The probability that any of that would meaningfully affect you is far less than the probability of you being the victim of cybercrime. I realize you probably hold privacy sacred, but sometimes you need to put things in perspective. This is coming from someone who hosts their own password database and cloud storage and uses NoScript religiously.

The probability that any of that would meaningfully affect you is far less than the probability of you being the victim of cybercrime. I realize you probably hold privacy sacred, but sometimes you need to put things in perspective

This is the problem. Individually it's not a big deal. On aggregate it is. What are the consequences of everybody's data being stored in the giant tech company servers, indexed and ready to go. How long until my shit gets stolen in an Experian hack, decisions are made on data I don't control that can impact my life.

decisions are made on data I don't control that can impact my life.

Yes, there are things outside of your control and short of living in a cabin in the woods, there is nothing you can do about it. You can limit your data exposure, but that has its own limits. However, the same data that you could lose in such a hack could also be lifted out from under your nose while you're busy focusing on the "big" fish. Shore up your own data security, buy a better network firewall, don't install the Facebook app on your phone, and enjoy your life.

I'll let you in on a little secret: it's already like this. For the most part, worthwhile people in any industry don't give a fuck about chatrooms. There are already social networks within these industries and online exchanges involving real identities through which these people communicate. If these people do read stuff from anonymous users, they have the requisite knowledge to easily pick the corn from the shit, so to speak. Online discourse is a good way of catching a whiff of something new, but anyone worth their salt will be well aware of the fact that most people are regurgitating the same tired tripe that normally gets bandied about or just flat out bullshitting. The only place where this isn't the case is probably black hat stuff, but that's a pretty intense meritocracy and bullshitters are likely to get called out (or worse, fucked over by the people they're trying to bullshit).

This is all well and dandy if you're reading your area of expertise. It sucks absolute balls everywhere else. Sorting the wheat from the chaff is supposed to be the website (or society's) job. That's why we have degrees and reputation, in real life.

Reddit/slashdot/mefi/tumblr/pinterest/facebook/google/4chan is not the peak of online communication. The more we lean into anon, the more the easily manipulable we are. Some kind of clean garden with authenticated ID is the way forward imo, if it happens.

The solution is pretty simple: don't take anonymous shit you read online very seriously. There's still a vast amount of good information available from traditional media. Online branches of major publications pretty much are the "clean garden" you're looking for. If you want to go further, many industry figures maintain their own blogs and websites. For instance, Bruce Schneir has one.

Online branches of major publications pretty much are the "clean garden" you're looking for.

You mean medical journals, ect? They are not an area for discussion.

There will still be anonymous chatrooms, and they will always significantly out number the vetted spaces

Out number, sure. The quality of a good chat area with realID will make it rise to the top like fb did over myspace. I think you can have the commons with id. Doesn't necessarily have to be anon.

You mean medical journals, ect?

No, I'm referring to more traditional publication in general. However, you are correct in that they are inherently one-way. However, to be quite honest, online discussion is overwhelmingly trash. The internet is horrible for productive discussion, regardless of whether one is identified. It is inherently solipsitic in that people talk.past one another and frequently end up arguing against the points they want their opponent to be making. There's also the issue that the asynchronous nature of online discussion makes it particularly vulnerable to Gish gallop and the practice of flooding the "discussion" with tangents and disparate points. Real discussion will always happen face to face because that is how humans are designed to interact.

I think you can have the commons with id. Doesn't necessarily have to be anon.

We have somewhat productive conversations via email though?

I agree with all your points there are fundamental problems. Trusona is supposed to end ID problems, but we shall see.

How often do you have an email conversation with someone with whom you are not already well acquainted?

Depends what you mean by acquainted. I can have good conversations with people in a work context that I have never met before.

Maybe online conversations would work better if I knew you were Canadian and I were English and you were young and I were old. I would not take your opinions on England as seriously as I would if was talking to someone was from England and above university age. Scale that built in categorization up to every person and you can skip a lot of ugly discussion imo.

Depends what you mean by acquainted. I can have good conversations with people in a work context that I have never met before.

I mean someone with whom you've built some degree of a rapport. That sounds like what you're talking about.

We should all be on Passphrases minimum now (4-5+ words chained together), but who is? Trusona should "solve" authentication online, but biometrics have their own problems.

This is something I have been doing for many years now, mainly phrases that cannot be reverse engineered.

Tbh I think once authentication / personal identifying is solved properly we'll swing the other way hard and real life IDs will become preferenced / mandatory 80% of places and people in normal chat forums will be obvious NEET dweebs instead of having equal authority with fuckin Einstein behind an anonymous username.

Like what China is trying to do then?

i scream the word penis into my phone mic and the back of my computer constantly, take that nsa

Yeah, we're actually trying to catalogue and record just how ignorant the younger generations are today because of the lack of proper educational standards.

It's the only way to standard regulations to keep people like you off.

Since your parents obviously aren't doing their job.

TBH it's actually kinda hard to train NLP bot to shitpost effectively over many different accounts and not really stand out. Reddit is unironically a good corpus for NLP if you wanted a shit posting ai

I have just had a marvelous wank.

No proof

The shills are right there to talk to /u/HenryCorpIncLLC

I've argued with the years ago for no good reason. You ping one of their alts and all the others show up too, and the counter team. It's good fun.

I mean, yeah?

Some of you guys are alright. Donโ€™t go on reddit tomorrow.

YOU are its product.

That's deep, yo.

Anyone remember when copypasta was insane bullshit? Pepperidge farm remembers.

So what

luckily I'm very much into being voyeured

yeah the smith mundt repeal really fucked over americans

Do you sell craft vinyl?