6 2018-01-31 by [deleted]
1 DRAMA_IS_FOR_NERDS 2018-01-31
Can the android UI look any uglier? Yuck!
1 SuperiorExcess 2018-01-31
That UI is from like 2013, it's some poorfag with a Samsung S3 or something.
1 htmlcoderexe 2018-01-31
What is this and where are the lulz
1 DRAMA_IS_FOR_NERDS 2018-01-31
Can the android UI look any uglier? Yuck!
1 SuperiorExcess 2018-01-31
That UI is from like 2013, it's some poorfag with a Samsung S3 or something.
1 htmlcoderexe 2018-01-31
What is this and where are the lulz