Black boy gets salty and throws insults after losing tennis match to a white kid, white kid responds and all hell breaks loose

87  2018-01-31 by UberAndyViewer_haHAA


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Black fragility smdh tbqhwu famelot

Fuckin institutional fragility. Boo pussy teachers.

Blacks can't handle the bantz


I'd almost feel sympathy for mayos, but then I'm reminded that it was probably mayos that suspended him indefinitely while screeching.

Whyd feel sympathy for both of them tbh

Basketball American makes threats after getting his ass handed to him in tennis and is shocked that his Mayo opponent brings up the good ol’ no dad jokes

Check out his twitter, he has about a 100 tweets spamming on the white guy. This guy has to be at least 30% mayo to be this butthurt.

He sounds like such a little bitch tbh

He also wants to fuck 13 year olds

Well he is a pastor's son.

Jesus he tweeted an MLK quote

Of course he’s an aggie.

when did he make threats? Am I missing something?

Idk, it’s just what I’m gathering from the article.

Black dude loses tennis match against white guy, gets buttblasted and attempts to taunt him, white dude makes a joke about him not knowing his dad,

Black dude goes on a tirade and gets the Mayo suspended because of said racist joke.

Literally where does it say that though? And the basket americano is:

John Wilson, the black player who is also A&T's senior class president.

The asshurt lad dropped a trust fund stereotype comment, and couldn't take the heat when our pasty boi returned his serve.

If you can't insult one person without insulting a whole demographic, you post bussy.

"... almost feel sympathy for the mayos..."

kys, fam.

I bet you dance like a white dude.

I bet he IS a white dude


dancing is for degens and ladies. When forced to move to music rhythmically, i perform sacred karate kata in time with the music.

like a man.

When Wilson approached Appalachian State's coach, the coach reportedly replied: 'We have a black guy on our team'


that sub really makes you think black people really hate white people lol.


Of course they do. The 0,1% that are actually basketball americans in that sub hate the whitey as much as we do


(guy who is definitely new to race relations in the US)

This country was much better when we didn't realize how much we all hate each other.

Exact opposite, it was better when everyone hated each other and knew they hated each other. Now we all hate each other but have this stupid expectation that we shouldn't and a false sense that we don't.

Pussy ass mayos thinking everything is all circle of friends and holding hands and shit.

except for how everyone in there is obviously white

"My dad is Uncle Phil. Your dad is just your uncle."

"Well the jerk store called...they're running out of you."

Gotta learn better insults, imo.

Instead of the dad joke, should have said

"I know you are mad. I mean, I havent seen a black man get beat that bad since Rodney King. "

That's an old person joke.

“The only other black that choked that hard was Eric Garner”

Too verbose and trying too hard. His response was perfect as it is

I DISAGREE - I read that sub and there is all these posts being like "I know that kid and his dad" which is like - Pfff.. Weak insults, man. You can't say a line like that if it ain't true.

The point of an insult is to insult the other person. This guy got so booty blasted he's been raging about it ever since.

“Hands up, don’t serve!”

Ok, that's good.

Black kid is playing tennis. That's gotta put him somewhere near at least 30% mayo.

Not all homosexuals are white.

...but all mayos are gay

All African Americans are about 30% white.

Username checks out.

80% of african americans have european dna, and amongst that population, the average is about 30%. That is, of course, under the identitarian assumption that every american with african dna is an "african american".

post your asshole please

literally when does the black kid throw insults

Yes, the black guy said "Good match, sir" after losing 6-1, 6-1 and the white guy responded with "At least I have a dad!".

Makes sense to me. HANG THE MAYO

He likes to call people fag. Will the fags stand up for themselves?

How people can start flame wars like this without cleansing their twitters of stupid shit is beyond me.

He knows he's untouchable. This stuff gets me pretty annoyed tbh.

Political correctness isn't about showing people respect. It's about making white people show minorities respect, even when minorities treat them like shit.

Where does it say that mayo man was treated with disrespect? Are you privy to some information that you’d like to share?

He said it was easy to learn to play when you’re living off your daddy’s trust fund

I think the key difference is that even though they're likely both equally privileged to have made it to where they are today, people see the black guy as punching up whereas the white guy was punching down.

Are there any news sources that mention that? I can't find a source for it.

Where does it say that mayo man was treated with disrespect? Are you privy to some information that you’d like to share?

Political correctness is authoritarianism masquerading as empathy.

Black kid threatens to cuck white kid's entire family, white kid insinuates black kid father abandoned him. Stereotypes are funny cuz they're true.

Once I saw that all the outrage (not that there really was any, because I'm an asshole) evaporated.

John Wilson, the black player who is also A&T's senior class president

Starts WH on twitter based on word of mouth alone

Thanks WH when people get suspended

Future politician right there.

But no one answered the question, does he know his dad?

I feel like everyone glossed over that detail.

Reminder: Once you go black, you're a single mother did does he know his dad or not?