Man goes to circlejerk sub, is confused about people circlejerking. Reacts rationally, hurling thousands of words at some guy

71  2018-01-31 by realShitAtUsernames



You're overweight so you fat Belgian cunt. The only thing I would trust you to defend is your dinner.

Crude yet effective for a laugh.

/u/jebusgobson pls weigh in

Belgians wouldn't bother defending dinner: there's literally waffles, fries and chocolate being flung at your face here 24/7

Pure, simple retardation. Refreshing.

Sick find OP

"Golly gee why do these /r/baseballcirclejerk chaps like Mike Trout so much?"

Also the proud nationalist is fucking Irish lol. Imagine being proud of that.

Imagine being proud of that.

Beats the hell out of being a 56% tbqh

t. potato nigger

Obviously I'm proud to be Irish also what's wrong with Ireland?

what's wrong with Ireland?

How much time do you have?

OK tell me what's wrong with Ireland so. I'm not saying there are no problems but you made it sound like a shithole.

If it's not a shithole, why does half of America claim to be from there? I think we have more Irish people than you do.

How does that mean Ireland is bad. Irish people don't consider Americans who say they are Irish as Irish.

That's because the only Irish people that stayed are brain dead. Otherwise they would have left when they realized how hard it is to grow potatoes there.

It was a famine that was worsened by the British.

How is a potato famine even real? Like nigga, just grow different crops haha

People did grow other crops but they were forcibly exported to Britain by the British Army. You also sound really fucking slow.

That's just like the Irish, blame all your problems on the British. Y'all did one thing well and that was give us whiskey. Now we do that better.

We blame Britain because it was them you fucking moron. You said that there was a lot wrong with Ireland but all you said was that the famine.

I mean you did have people blowing each other up with car bombs for whether or not they believed a guy with a fancy hat in Italy spoke for God. Also, name one thing you do well. Just one thing that you have a reputation for.

The troubles wasn't just about religion. It was between nationalists and unionists. Ireland is known to have a very strong agricultural industry.

Funny how those nationalists were Catholics and the unionists were Protestants. I guess that was just a big coincidence. And Ireland is way better known for having a small mythical man that sits at the end of a rainbow with a pot of gold. And getting drunk. Idaho produces more potatoes than Ireland.

I didn't say that Ireland produced a lot of potatoes I said it has a strong agricultural industry which is more than just potatoes. There were many protestant nationalists and vice-versa.

If you don't have any major exports, it's just called subsistence farming lol.

Ireland does export dairy what are you saying.

Ok, Ireland must be a grand place then. You got lots of milk and cows.

Can you now accept that Ireland is a good country?

Yes. Ireland is a good country.


You care about this way more than you should when borders are a spook

Ireland's got some cuties.

You're 100% correct about everything else though.

Well why did they let the British do that?

What a bunch of cucks.

Are you retarded? The British Army exported the food. How would a few farmers stop the best trained soldiers in the world and also from the richest country in the world.

Well then they should have trained their own soldiers if they didn’t want the food exported

Ireland was part of the UK at the time and this wasn't possible.

So was America, thats not an excuse

America is something like 3000 miles away, Ireland is less than a 100.

They are a bunch of drunk lousy potato heads?

A country that is surrounded by fish manages to starve to death and cant get rid off britbongs like all the other 3rd world countries did.

You do realise Ireland is as independent as the US is.

Isn't Ireland just a US colony?

Just wanted to say i love you man, invest in your personal saftey


Don't mind them diarmuid, they're just jealous they weren't born green gods like us


Don't lie you sound like a traveler

I'm not a traveller I actually hate them.

Well since travelers are known liars you think I would believe that you filthy thieving gypo

Good one

How many teeth is your mam missing? Do you fall asleep to the sounds of your drunken father beating her?

She has none and when I wake up I get on my horse and rob a few houses

Well its your culture

Honestly thought I have a real hatred of travelers

Nobody can tell you pieces of mick trash apart tbh

Not a traveller

Nobody can tell the difference

Best Ireland, or Southern Ireland?

Republic. Don't say Southern Ireland

u/Diarmuid0405 do you have some kind of a disorder?

No you fucking muppet.

wow rude :/

I don't care if I'm called "rude".

u make me le sad

Not a muppet not a muppet you're the muppet

I think you should pay more attention to the effect your words have on other people. This sub is not the place for your short-fused namecalling.

I honestly don't give a fuck if I hurt a person's feelings on the internet.

Wow that was really rude :(. I'm actually pretty scared rn. I mean, ick and boo and gross. Someone help

Just stop because that was pretty cringy.

someone PLS help me! This guy is like really attacking me. I feel real real unsafe rn. This is so creepy.

I'm going to stop replying to you now.

Oh thank God! I'm sooo tired of being cyberbullied.

Ugh the cyber bullying in this sub is just too much 😭😭😭😭😭

No you fucking muppet.

Ok that's seriously out of line dude. That type of racism is not tolerated here.

No userping harass plz

u/Wraith_GraveSpell I was jusk asking question plz no ban bb I will suck u bussy

The only circlejerk allowed is the one i believe in.

this is one of the most retarded things I've ever read

My thoughts exactly

wow, a good post O.0