KiA mod clarifies David_me's earlier post. Users are thoroughly confused what's right-wing about white genocide conspiracy theories.

58  2018-01-31 by Snowayne2


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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KIA proves free speech was a mistake

GamerGate is the only justification needed to support White Genocide

you fags seem pretty upset about gamergate considering it was the single greatest drama bomb in pre-Trump history


Why do so many people seem to mistake laughing at idiots for being upset?

Found the Goobergater


single greatest drama bomb in pre-Trump history


come on name a bigger one

Christ their enemies are STILL regularly namedropping gamergate 3.5 years later

That sub has gone way down hill as of late. Way too many butthurt ninnies and obvious censoring going on. They need a mod purge.

> of late.

Mod purge implies new mods.

/u/spez likes to install mod teams that will work with him.

/r/drama should mod for KiA.

cant purge the mods when the guy that started this shitshow is the head honcho

david-me started KIA. He's the OG. You've changed, not him.

having no interest in actual journalistic ethics, gaming, and censorship outside of their own personal issue bubbles.



White genocide isn't so much a conspiracy as it is a way of life.

/u/AntonioOfVenice you ever think about leaving gamergate?

Yes, if it ever abandons support for white genocide, the most noble cause there is.

Ok, but what are your thoughts on bussy?

Are you saying that people are just imagining the constant anti-white rhetoric coming from relatively mainstream organs of the progressive left like Salon, HuffPost, BuzzFeed & Co.?

Not at all, and that is a big issue, because it makes it easy to believe in a conspiracy theory like that.

I was genocided at least 3 times last year reading those articles.

genocide is not a joke, jim

So racist rhetoric towards white people is an act of genocide, but racist rhetoric towards minorities is no problem? I don't get these people.

Victimization complex is a helluva drug

/u/mct1's unironic use of "snowflakes" was pretty funny to me.

LOL. Anybody that has spent more than a couple months online realizes internet communities that prize "free speech" inevitably are infested with racists, trolls and childporn enthusiasts.

internet communities that prize "free speech" inevitably are infested with racists, trolls and childporn enthusiasts.

Yeah, but we're not talking about SRD now.

I just assumed it was about SRS and that the commneter type "prize" instead of "loathe."

It's almost like you're actually describing feminist communities.

Where do the alienated people who care about free speech but still think people shouldn't be assholes go?

But as I said, radfems reeing at whites in articles in Salon does not a white genocide make.

Guess we'll need to try harder then.

Those are libfems not radfems reee

the sub is cracking under the weight. I think we may see a split into 'liberal' KiA and 'right-wing' KiA

There's already precedence for that on 8chan's side. A large split is probably necessary at the current pace things are going, and I look forward to it.

Better to ditch the gaming focus and go to /r/media_criticism

There's something about a number of KIAfags that make them seem like naive weirdoes. It's like they are deliberately ignoring the right wing authoritarians and giving them a pass while going out of their way to complain about every genderfluid shitbag with a Tumblr account.

There are a lot of KiA posters who are the sort of nerdy, pasty, probably not very socially skilled nerds who legitimately just care about muh video games. Like, their entire worldview about politics just comes from whether it affects their videogames.

So they probably don't realize that they are posting alongside literal unironic Nazis and alt-right posters who are screeching about white genocide. These are the same people who constantly say /pol/ is just "ironically" racist.

These are the same people who constantly say /pol/ is just "ironically" racist.

That was sort of the case initially. As the 'alt-right' gained traction there was a gradual shift away from irony. Ironic racism drew in the actual kike-stomping racists and now it's just a cesspool

/pol/'s transformation took place years before 2016.

I dunno, it seemed like Trump's momentum definitely pushed it into a darker place than it otherwise would have been

Trump's campaign definitely galvanized a bunch of them, but /pol/ was already pretty deep into that territory to begin with by 2016. I'd say 2016 was the final nail in the coffin for the idea that /pol/ was just being ironic.

/pol/ was probably ironic around 2012 when it first started, but definitely turned serious later.

Milo Yianchildrapeisokopolous hijacked their whole "movement" for his culture warz schtick despite having recently published an article ridiculing gamers for being pathetic nerds. Those morons have been oblivious from the start. We really need to get back to recognizing that nerds are bad people that need to be closely supervised by their cultural superiors.

Willfully oblivious, might I add; Milo's article mocking gamers has been brought up before, and the response is always something along the lines of "he's been redpilled so he's okay now".

KIA defending the honor and good name of white supremacists.

I disagree with this idea that "white genocide" is automatically something bad.

/u/strawredditor nice to see you're one of our guys.

Lol... it's not until i read it quoted like that that I realized how that sounds.

TLDR: Mayocide when?

There is no mayocide. Yet.

The right wing subs are finally started to cannibalize themselves too, horseshoe theory cumfirmed again

You should see what's going on even further right. The major split over there is Christians (DEUS VULT unironically) vs pagans (Varg Vikernes wannabes).

Lol ya, isn't weev some sort of pagan worshiper now or that just the newest aspect of his gay trolling

Christians (DEUS VULT unironically)

be alt-right

follow the teachings of jesus the jew

Someone needs to shove these nerds in a locker.

Is this what Nazis feel like when they deny the holocaust but wish it actually happened. Because KiA is probably the biggest reason humanity must go through mayocide to prevail.

These damn white people not wanting to be genocided is proof we need mayocide amirite?


The white race is a horrible stain on humanity. Black people just don't wanna get shot by cops. White people, on the other hand, spend all day playing oppression olympics worrying if calling a person from a working class rural background a "gun nut" is ableist and classist. Mayocide now!

They targeted wypipo.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the stupidest, most mentally retarded tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little white pride.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider idiotic, because we think it's useful.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time jerking off to the wypipo caliphate all to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: posting from our mother's basement, all day, the same posts over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such mental disability that they can literally save the white race blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many coal burners have been smashed, mudsharks wiped out, SJWs destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as white power?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our women? Wypipo aren't shy about jerking off with their oily fingers, or even fucking our sisters. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, genocide apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by that black kid in 4th grade. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with minorities and SJWs laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Wypipo are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another holocaust.

[distant REeeEeeEEEeee]

this is a pretty excellent case study in what happens when your only consistent belief is "duhhh censorship bad"

Remember when /u/david-me was such a right wing radical that he got kicked out of SRD despite constantly having the best submissions? Now he's getting kicked out of his own right leaning group he started for being a dirty intersectional communist! Oh how the overton window shifts!

was such a right wing radical that he got kicked out of SRD

Now he's getting kicked out of his own right leaning group he started for being a dirty intersectional communist!

You forgot the /s

Don't worry comrade, we'll keep you safe from the purges! You're a regular Герой Советского Союза!

I mean, if you stretch the definition, you can sort of kind of mentally squint and see the stuff they cite as "white genocide", but I personally don't think that "fucking and making babies" really counts.

Like if they really want to avoid "white genocide" then the solution is to find a white person of the opposite sex and crank out as many kids as you can, and bring them up to do the same.