146  2018-01-31 by pepperouchau


At least it happened in WV instead of somewhere that mattered.

They were just in a hurry to get a peek at that beautiful clean coal

That garbage man (no offense) is closer to any clean coal than any of us.

Thicc clean coal πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ†πŸ†πŸ˜˜πŸ†

This but unironically

I love rubbing beautiful, precious, delicious clean coal all over my face

Pls no boolly WV.

Happens quite a bit in California but it's usually derailments and if it does involve passenger trainers few people care because they're either train commuters (who cares) or people taking long trips by train (are they on the no fly list or enjoy longer more expensive trips?)

I was just posting for the silly title but the Donald is actually blaming Rand Paul and antifa so this should be fun

And George Soros and the gay frogs REEEEEEEEE

Rand Paul

It's so hard to keep track of which republicans they still like

They probably have a RSS you can subscribe to.

How to: Actively Lose IQ Points

All you have to do is watch Rick and Morty simultaneously to grow your IQ faster than T_D can shrink it.

Eventually, you will become the anarcho-moderate and ascend to the astral plane.

They don't come out with episodes fast enough to keep up with this shit.

No one likes Rand or Ted

Rand Paul

Wasn’t Rand flavor of the hot last week?

Who is their fave Republican now, Hillary Clinton?

> the silly title

I feel bad, but I can't stop laughing at it. It's too perfect.

It makes sense that Rand Paul joined the antifa because we know he can take a punch

Maybe now these fuckers will invest in Active Train Control.

That sounds like it violates my second amendment rights

Wouldn't do shit in this case. It takes a lot of distance to stop a train (imagine a car driving at 70 mph on its rims), much longer than it takes a truck to pull out into a crossing.

It sounds like the crossing didn't have any guards on it though, so yeah we should probably get on that

This is more fun than the guards would have been, though.

T_D is on the case

Ahh rural Virginia, that bastion of the deep state

Prolly antifa.

Nah, it was clearly CNN

This seems like one of those potato-potahto things.


I mean he did kill Hitler.

pls stop


Edit. WOW guiz this is my most upvoted comment ever, lol. Can we get it to 20?!?!

Edit 2. Thanks for le GOLD kind stranger!

But...he killed the guy who killed Hitler AMIRITE?

Oh SHIIIIIIIIIIT DUUUUDE, I never thought of it that way, that makes Hitler... Literally worse than Hitler!!!! WTF MAN! I'm xposting this to showerthoughts!!

Edit. Posted duuuude

I did Nazi that coming xDDDD

Removed lol

Also that was lazy as hell. Where's your self-respect? I leave mine at the door of drama.

self respect

I don't understand

How are you going to jail 330 million people?


When will the small-minded understand this isn't a issue we can pussyfoot around? What we need is a final solution.

Who's gonna do all the killing tho? You'll need to outsource to the non-retarded.

I'm only half a mong so I'd like to volunteer

I'm only half a mong so I'd like to volunteer

You're right, we should encourage mixeds to volunteer. Expect your cyanide pill in the mail.

Only after I get to kill the amerifats, no point living after that.

Inconsiderate tbh

Don't worry you're English so your safe, for now

WRONG 100% pure Amerifattian mutt goblin 😀

How that fake jew get that so wrong? Your comments just breath patriotism.

I'm practically Betsy Ross

I had to Google her.

GOOD lady.

More like cheeto dust, same thing tho

When I come to power, you will die of cheeto dust.

I will find where you live, your family, and everything else. The entire EU will be covered in Cheetos. I know this will be an improvement upon you (in whatever sh*thole you live in), but consider it a punishment.

WRONG 100% pure Amerifattian butt goblin 😀

Fixed πŸ˜™


Who's gonna do all the killing tho? You'll need to outsource to the non-retarded.



Some crimes are punishable by death, my dude.

Tha retahdation is approachin' critical mass! I dunno if ah can hold 'er together much longer, cap'n!


I'll send nothing of the sort - they're tough and glorious and shiny and chrome, unlike some Congressional phytoestrogen addicts...

I will, instead, will them to be stronger, meaner, with redhead levels of pain tolerance for any injuries suffered.

Also, proud of their own train...fucked that obstacle up! Let it be a warning to others about our own.

This may be the most incomprehensible thing I've read today

Phytoestrogen addict is a pretty pretentious way of saying "soyboy".

Not sure who the hell he's trying to impress on /r/The_Donald with a vocabulary that expands beyond meme-tier quips.

Sounds like something phytoestrogenmen would say.

Not sure who the hell he's trying to impress on /r/The_Donald with a vocabulary that expands beyond meme-tier quips.

It's all a trick to expose the undercover spies of the Deep State. Jews are notorious for their large vocabularies.

If you missed the soy boy thing I wouldn't expect you to get it.

Their memes are evolving internally. You can't expect an outsider to understand.

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand t_d memes.

The real drama is always in the comments

Word is everyone is fine, Paul Ryan's massive ego formed a protective barrier around the train car.


/u/drweegee /u/takingcoats

God bless you Patriots! Keep us updated with the findings please I'm very worried about the deep state and I think my neighbors a reptilian Democrat (suspicious amount of wealth, OBUMMER supporter)

/u/DrWeeGee would you say you're successful at life?

Would you say you've ever done anything noteworthy other than moderating less than half a dozen subs no one has ever heard of?

Seems you spend a lot of time in /r/Drama. Maybe you should leave the house every now and then. It might give you perspective.

Haha you have to be a serious retard if you think there's any modding going on in those subs or that being a mod of a reddit sub is noteworthy to begin with. Who laughs at you harder? People you tell your opinion to or women who've seen your dick?

Your mum got a chuckle, that's for sure.

Yah I realize now that you're actually a chick who mods the_doofus! It's pretty amazing you're proud of the fact you are so desperate for attention you whore yourself out to that goofy bunch of inbred incels. This is the kind of guy you're into? Hilarious, pathetic, but hilarious. Where is the betting pool for how long until you're shooting heroin and stripping on a webcam? Rare to meet a sure thing!

Yeah it's not like /u/jumbledfun has the honor of moderating and participating in the most influential and infamous sub of literal drooling retards. It's like a zoo run by downy monkeys

I'm jealous tbh. Can you unban me? Thx

Well since you asked nicely.

"There is one confirmed fatality and one serious injury. There are no serious injuries among members of Congress or their staff.


DAMN! That's a true same. That poor truck and train, I honestly feel sorrow for them. My prayers are going out to that Amtrak train and poor truck, such a loss. I only wish the worst for the disgusting bipeds we call republicans and other. To bad they do not put the entire administration on a plane and fly it into an active volcano, now THAT would be freakin' awesome to see!

As a geologist, I'm offended on behalf of the volcano.




a large, heavy motor vehicle for transporting goods or troops; a truck.

Utah Senator Mike Lee said that the "garbage truck" was "cut in half".

So is that all we are to a Republican now?

how is this drama ?

How is not? Checkmate

Cause it's a tragedy. Human life could have been lost.

1 human life was, but it was in WV so it's a net positive for the country

This, but unironically.

I hope botchlings is safe 😟

He was from WV I think. It would be kinda poetic tho

I'm pretty sure he kept himself safe a long time ago so no worries. :)

Human life

West Virginia

I don't think so pal

You know at some point you stop being edgy and just become a retard.

Were you expecting something different out of this sub?

Yeah, i mean I know you guys are degenerates but this is fucked up


Let's identify that point, scientifically!

what the fuck are you even doing in this sub

Looking for drama that doesn't involve death

what the fuck are you even doing in this sub

Why did you quit modding /r/drama?

Meh, it's West Virginia. He was going to OD on Fentanyl, anyway.

Ahahahahahaha a white person died lol.

Jokes by 14 year olds get stale fast

What the fuck did anyone say about white people in this thread? Stop projecting

It was implied in the comments

white person died

"Person" implies a human, but whites are just abominations.

Again not funny, this white genocide bit is getting stale

Who's trying to be funny? Gas all mayos.


I think I cracked a rib. Such an original joke. Never heard that one before

smh. I knew mayos had higher levels of autism but this is ridiculous. THIS IS NOT IRONIC.

Am not white

White sympathizer

Looking for drama that doesn’t involve death>>>>>posts on r/morbid reality $&)thinking emoji$&@

I only posted once there. I a mostly on Xsomalian sub or here

>or here

literally who

Pretty sure repubs are vampires, fam-o.


Fuck outa here with your 2005 memes. Am not hurt just disgusted.

Ok :( I like my old memes

lol pussy

This is a board of piece

its funny on the article seems to be blaming the train and not the truck that drove onto the tracks

Check out the /r/politics thread as well. It's actually funny how hateful those people can be.


We don't have faggyass "lories" in America. Brits are so damn gay and orthodontically challenged.

laurie must've been a large gal to fuck a train up like that.