People are mad because someone isn’t superbly flamboyant while being a movie

19  2018-01-31 by wazzupnerds


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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He wasn’t exactly flaming queer in the books...honestly the gray thing was shoehorned by the author, who now says Hermione

shoehorned by the author, who now says Hermione

Isn’t she white in the books? I explicitly remember this being reinforced

Apparently the UK’s changed a lot over the last ten years.

She's transracial just like Rachel Dolezal.

How dare you suggest jkr is not hero to all us gays for tweeting a character was gay two years after the final movie was out. She's a brave soul and not a coward protecting her profits while exploiting a group of people with a shallow pretense of support and an in ability to write an openly gay character.

Dumbledore was definitely gay in the last book, she just didn't literally have him say "I am a gay wizard who loves polishing dudes' wands and casting the Irrumatio Curse." But you could tell he was gay from the lengthy discussion of his romance with Gay Wizard Hitler.

Dumbledore was definitely dead in the last book.


shut it you bigot all fags are swishy kweens in the current year anything else is white supremacy

Why change existing characters instead of wirting new ones though.

Him being gay for Hitler was a pretty big plot point in the last book

I keant Hermione being black, Jumbledoor being a wizarding wizard was old news by like the fifth book or whatever.

Oh yeah totally with u on that

Because we need she Thor

who now says Hermione

Wait, what?

Check the twatter, some fan posited the theory Hernione is black and jrk goes “I like it!”

Didn't that come from racist dipshits(sorry, tautology) whining about a black girl playing Hermoine in a play?

who now says Hermione

Now she can be attractive!

Literally no drama.

Luckily I'm gay for Jude Law whether he likes it or not

Everyone is gay for Jude

Everyone is a nigger faggot in current year

This is why a lot of fags (me included) hate SJW types