@this sub

38  2018-02-01 by lincoln1222


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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/u/IAMN30 that's pretty rough, friend. This is a safe space that you can talk about it tho

/u/IAMN30 hey friendo we here at /r/drama are on your side. Come tell us all about it <3

/u/IamN30 I'll suck your dick for free. Plus I'm into buttstuff and choking if that's your thing too. @ me pls

/u/IAMN30 that’s rough buddy

/u/IAMN30 share all your kinks with us we promise not to shame you


I hope you get the help you need

/u/IAMN30 telling someone to kill themselves is disgusting in any case, but especially so when that person is just seeking truth.

Don’t let anyone stop your work!

I'm not the type to say to mod people here but holy fuck mod /u/IAMN30 !

This is a man dedicated to his craft.

I Was Told To "Kill Myself" For Asking Questions.

Yes, you read that right.

Just because I am using my critical thinking skills, and questioning what I was FORCED to learn through public education, I am being told that I should jump off a building and kill myself.

Is that how people should react to questions and opposing views?

Look here, I just asked what was the accepted explanation for why we need Mayocide, and behold! Negative 112 points and falling!

Are there really 112 people thinking...


We are being forced to think only what we are allowed to think.

I am very afraid for the future of free speech.

History is written by the winners, and we, the blind public, are becoming the losers.




Is it so ludicrous that I ask for evidence for things that I am expected to believe!?

If the Bigfoot was taught as fact, and all they ever showed was a plaster cast of his foot and a photo, but you never ever saw one, heard one, or knew anyone who has seen one or has their own photo, would you sit there and believe it? Maybe, when you were five you would! And thats exactly when they inject all the thoughts you are allowed to think for the rest of your life. You live on a globe, you will work to uphold this globe, and you will die upholding this globe.

War has become peace.

Ignorance has become knowledge.

I will not sit idly by and let my ability to simply ask questions be demolished.

I implore others to look in to this.

I see this pasta getting some traction in the future. You don't even have to reheat it, really, just change the strikethrough part and drop it into any thread where you get called out for trolling.

For what it's worth I agree with everything you have to say /u/IAMN30. How about you and I make some conspiracy theories together, if you know what I'm sayin' 😉

No, no, I just exercise, eat well, and sun gaze.

In a world that glorifies 79 cent death tacos and sugar water with bubbles alongside inactivity, TV, and slothfulness in general, I can see how you might mistake my natural energy for something irregular.

/u/IAM30 I really need a life coach and you seem like the someone who has it all.

/r/conspiracy is like a lolcow safari you cant throw a stone without hitting someone off their meds raging at the communist/muslim/jew/neoliberal/(all these and also jewish) conspiracy to commit mayocide.

/u/IAMN30, who would tell someone to kill themselved on the internet? How did you bravely survive this ordeal?

What does it mean to "fall before gravity?"

It means it's about time to put down the crack pipe