***PSA:*** Tomorrow is Freedom Day! Expect mass arrests CNN and DNC staff!

91  2018-02-01 by snallygaster


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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When you step into the r/CBTS_Stream realm, you're not going any old place. You're coming to the underground fight club of intellect. Prepare to be mentally battered. But don't worry, after you've spent your newbie time being cognitively pummeled, you'll have joined the ranks of the mental elite.

Then you'll see the world for what it truly is. All those people going around without a thought in their head. You'll hate it. You'll become just like him. And you'll start loving it. The power of intelligence, of absolute intellectual superiority. It'll become a high you chase, constantly learning and experimenting.

You'll finally be Q.

They are mental, I'll give you that.

sounds like /r/drama to me

In our wildest dreams, maybe...

What was this pasta originally about? KiA right?




Ah fuck, yeah I remember it now.

welcome to brain wars

I heard they're starting by revealing the Sandy Hook false flag kids have been rescued from the Pizzagate dungeons.

Plot twist, Q stands for Queerbugman, /pol/ on suicide watch

Adam Friedland?

Queerbugman activist.

I've believed for a while that Q is a White House staffer fucking around with the depths of the internet ... but now I'm beginning to wonder if intelligence officials are using these internet spaces as a sort of message board for an actual conspiracy. There's really something weird about their specific sense of ... focus.

I mean, for a frenetic dumpster fire that continually screams itself to death over a fucking frog, they sure know how to latch onto something that appears in the news three days later ....

> something weird about their specific sense of ... focus.

nuclear autism

the untapped power source of the future

Move over solar, there's new green energy in game.

Zero point autism.

Or intelligence services want to see exactly how fast, to which platforms, and to whom a given conspiracy will propagate, so they invent one with specific details that are easily traceable

Like they did to Adam Schiff, lol

What has this guy done that has proven he has any credibility? I've completely ignored this, typically retards fall for any sort of larper because they are new to the internet (retirees, apparently) and don't understand that chans are full of people lying and fucking with each other. I don't see anything new other than this cryptic bullshit being particularly dumb and gay

I've completely ignored this,

I'm really certain it's nothing

The jackass correctly predicted gowdy's exit.

A. Larper
B. Shit's really this bad

I'm going with B.

The other prediction I've seen is that Trump tweeted about small businesses five minutes after one of his many, many incoherent posts contained the word "small", so I'm not very confident. Considering that goofballs like Roger Stone have proximity to the current administration I don't think it's outside of the realm of possibility that someone close is screwing around, but nu/pol/ has a gullible streak so I'm asking to be spoonfed.

Lol wait a second are you referring to this?

TG departure [HEC]. He said this on 01/14/18, a day AFTER Trey Gowdy left the House Ethics Committee. But it sounds cool when people talk in code for no reason

Bud, he's leaving more than the committee ...

(not that that's entirely a bad thing)

I know this. Are you fucking reading what this idiot is even writing. He said, a day after Gowdy resigned from the House Ethics Commitee, something about him departing [HEC]. How is that a prediction of him departing something other than "HEC". The rest of the post was irrelevant bullshit in wannabe spy code.


So .... news came out only recently Trumptards courting him for fed court.

I'm basically accusing Q of being part of whoever group of shitheads that tried to court him for that fed court opening.

Keep in mind, TG is still on the what-the-fuck-why-god-why-please-make-it-stop HPSCI. Literally one handshake away from all the memo shit.

Shit's a small, tight circle in there. Tighter than .... something something Podesta.

Or it's someone who spends a long time reading Trump forums and posts vague rhetorical questions that occasionally look like a thing that happens.

Bingo. Q is Nostradumbass.

After they loose their jobs, can I apply to fill their position? I'm sure I can do whatever the guys at CNN do


jesus christ, this is the worst common spelling error

Read twitter and show the most cancerous interesting tweets onscreen? Yes, I imagine you could.

After they loose their jobs, can I apply to fill their position? I'm sure I can do whatever the guys at CNN do

Except spell :(

Rip 💔

Can you fact check? On the fly? Evan? Evan? Evan?

Can you tell liberals that it's illegal to read passw0rd Podesta's emails with a straight face?

Whoever said in the last cbt thread that most of the posters in that sub are boomers or gen xers I didn’t believe you and I’m here to say that I was wrong.

I wanna know how they all ended up there

That's a really good question. Maybe the Q stuff was spread to facebook groups and conspiracy forums? Youtube?

Chapo Trap House have an nteresting take on Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gsgh8ttPHyo

They also say it is a bunch of boomers spreading it on Twitter.

Nobody wants to hear Crapo Trash House's take on anything thank you.

No kidding CTH is the exact representation of Low-T soy. I will give creit to the Diggler podcast. It was funny, but the guy was too ass blasted by the election to carry on.

How silly is this or is it okay because CTH is cancer aids

Someone in /r/TMOR mentioned that Alex Jones had pushed the sub on his show.

Its ridiculous how much the stupid party has embraced Alex Jones. That fat moronic fuck Matt Gaetz (floridaman ofc) went on the show the other day. Is Jones pushing this Q Anon fantasy now?

I called in to the Alex Jones show once back in college. My roommate and I had been doing gravity bong hits like, all day, and we somehow got the idea that it would be the greatest thing ever to see which one of us could get him more riled up.

We called in and waited on hold for an hour. I talked about eminent domain being used to take land in TX for the border wall and got a nice response, but my buddy had just taken a huge hit right when he got on the air and said 'sorry Alex, I'm stoned as fuck and can't remember what I was gonna say' and we both burst out laughing and hung up. That caused a pretty epic fucking rant about how drugs are a CIA plot to destroy the youth of the country or something.

Kicker is that we had gone to a lot of effort to set up a VCR specifically to record this, and then totally forgot to hit record when the moment came

There's gotta be archives somewhere

I will never hear anything more amazing than Alex Jones talking about satanic elites putting babies in "radiation chambers" and then describing, in graphic detail, the slow disintegration of said babies. He is one sick puppy. Also fat.

His boner pills are always in my bugout bag.

I think they started the sub because they weren't allowed to promote their YT/streams on r/con. The mods are monetizing that "Q-anon" /pol/ larper.

I'll bet Youtube would demonetize them if they were reported

Ya think? I glossed over the demonetization youtube drama because fans of youtube "stars" are worse than furries and weebs.

A truer statement has never been made.

That was me, and people here tried to argue against me for saying it.

The entire Q conspiracy is aimed at 50+ year old white conservatives that are "new" to social media.

All those 50 year olds on 4chan.

You mean the memo the FBI director Trump nominated said was riddled with inaccuracies?


Is this pasta

no, it’s pizza 🍕🍕🍕

No, this is pizza

To the blissfully retarded

You mean the memo the FBI director Trump nominated said was inaccurate?

Looks like the (((Deep State))) got to him. He just doesn't want to end up on the list of people the Clintons had assassinated.

-on /r/t_d right now, probably

The only thing coming is more Chinese fentanyl for you redneck losers

Muh Russia can't save you boy. Buckle up, Trump is going to be pegging you for 7 more years and he's not using lube.

Imagine being so desperate in life you think a long known conman actually cares about you. Sorry things aren't going too well for you

The Trump train has no brakes or lube boy.

I just find it amazing that you worthless rubes took a look at NYC's trashiest and dumbest rich guy and thought "wow now there is a dude we can get behind!" Just how dumb are you cousin fuckers? Hopefully the conductor of the trump train looks out for garbage trucks

Squeal like a pig boy!

that's what your uncle tells you at night?

You don't dry fuck family boy. Thats for you soy eaten types.

You don't fuck family* fixed that for you Cletus

Just let it out boy r/Drama is here to help #metoo

that's the best you can do? Call me a soyboy and shoehorn in a #metoo?

You bring up uncle fucking and claim superior originality? Come now child, I'm a northern boy with more paper on my wall then you have tissues next to your desk but I was willing to play along. Instead you just give up. Sad!

incest is funny tho, half hearted #metoo and soyboy memes are so overdone

Sounds like something a low t guy with a history of molestation would think of as funny.

Nah wouldn't put that monsanto crap in my body, beef is too delicious

I'm a northern boy with more paper on my wall than you have tissues next to your desk

lmao you're the kind of hump who thinks making 100k/yr is something to brag about. The intelligence of your generic Daddy Defender.

My employees make that but thanks for playing.

You're really boring

Almost as idiotic as thinking hillary wasn't a trash candidate and rigging the primaries for her, amirite?

Like, how could you literally be that retarded?

NYC's trashiest and dumbest rich guy

Imagine rigging your primaries for an experienced career politician who couldn't beat this.

No wonder the dems are so butthurt, lol

They misspelled retarded

I listened to a couple of Alex Jones shows this year in case he was actually entertaining (spoiler alert: he's not) and it's clear from the music and adverts that his audience is 40+.

He sells pills to top up falling testosterone levels, adverts for lawyers for people falling behind on mortgage payment, and plays rock and heavy metal music from the 80s and 90s.

pussy hat wearers

low T


Nobody who listens to Alex Jones wears pussy hats. I think you're confused.

I don't have the graph on hand, but Trump's base is mostly old farts.

Finally something which can't be blamed on my generation!

Nah we’re only interested in the real issues of our time Like dealing out death blows to things as varied as bar soap, monogamy and Applebee’s.

Damn. ._.

/u/Sbmullin3470, when nothing happens tomorrow, will it inspire any real self-reflection? or are you entirely committed to your pathetic, narcissistic existence?

Dude they do this every couple months. Mass arrests of the (((cabal))) are always just around the corner. If the first 10 failed predictions weren't enough to make them come to their senses, why would this one?

Lutherans are like this about end of times predictions. Jesus is always returning next year.

Jesus just went for a pack of smokes. He'll come back!

Dude, fuck off. As a Jade Helm survivor, I think you underestimate the DEEP STATE and how far they're willing to go.

Don't look now, but Agenda 21 might be coming! Did you hear that it wants to improve the lives of the poor? THE FUCKING HORROR!

Lol, I remember this old fart telling me how Agenda 21 was the UN taking over America. I told him he should kill himself so I wouldn't have to keep paying for his SS. Good times.

Hah a bunch of idiots in wine country CA are saying the fires there were an agenda 21 plot because one neighborhood that burned down in Santa Rosa was zoned for agenda 21 redevelopment. It's like "yah, burning down the whole area to cover up this one redevelopment makes so much sense compared to all the other ways they can force people off their land..."

Dude, fires are NOT natural.

Also the global elite love wine, why would they burn down their playground to evict one poor neighborhood?

Press F to pay respect to the millions of poor souls killed by the brutal UN guards in those FEMA camps. 😭😭😭😭😭

Too funny... Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed today? Narcissistic has never been a word used to describe me by anyone across any social media platform I have been involved with. I usually am game for dialogue even with those I don't necessarily agree with. Something is always happening, regardless whether you see it or not.

so thats a no then


Gosh you have a chip on your shoulder don't you. Actually my self reflection is 24 hours a day. What happened to you to make you so cynical toward people you don't even know? Do you have all the mysteries of life figured out? Do you understand all the complexities of the political spectrum? Should you have been named President of the United states? You sound so smart I am beginning to wonder if perhaps you have a god complex that allows you to criticize and judge accurately anyone with whom you disagree. Nice job!

Actually my self reflection is 24 hours a day.


How many times a day do you spend in reflection, may I ask? One of the things I struggle with daily is being kind in the face of opposition, choosing my words carefully as to not offend. I personally do not like drama or confrontation but I will engage in the latter when needed to. It is actually quite possible to spend the entire day in self reflection although that's a bit creepy. This is why this generation is so messed up. It's all about me, I and what I want, what I need, my plans, my dreams etc. My self reflection is on how to patient, kind, gentle and loving toward all not just the ones I agree with. What is your self reflection like?


wow its fucking nothing

There's still time in the day! Daddy is just waiting to give the order.

I believe with you!

What you have to understand is that it's a neverending struggle between the (((Deep State))) and DaddyJesusPatriotMayo. The (((treasonous Clinton shadow government))) is rich, powerful, and extra tricksy, so sometimes they do manage to foil a super duper patriotic thing Daddy wants to do.

Just buy my specially-formulated Super Male Vitality and a water filter to keep your pineal gland safe until we finally get 'em dead to rights, boys!

It always is. :(

Its hikarious that they call being unemployed, retired. /u/Sbmullin3470 how does that McDonalds pension paying out?

Ah a troll... For your information smarty pants I retired from the refining industry. I have never worked for McDonalds, I don't even eat at McDonalds for that matter. That being said before assuming you might want to ask first.

How many members of your white trash family are shooting heroin?

No-one in my family immediate or otherwise has a drug problem. We are a family of doctors, lawyers, preachers etc... As for being white trash I guess that would depend which way you look at it.

Oh one of those don't ask don't tell families. Guessing southern?

Actually we are not a don't ask don't tell family. I have been very blessed to have a family where honesty and character are good traits to have and a legacy of character is the way to live and die. I am southern and proud of it. I'm not perfect by any means and have made my fair share of mistakes on this road called life. I'm not to proud to apologize when I am wrong or stand up for what I believe is right. Liberty and justice for all is a good thing.

Hahaha this is too much. You're not too proud to admit you're wrong? You gobble up this Q bullshit yet all his predictions of "the arrests are coming tomorrow," have never actually happened. I love how you southern inbreds always claim to be never be too proud to admit they are wrong and then live their lives like they are never wrong. Guess you guys have to live heavily in delusion to convince yourselves you're all "pious christians," even though you make a mockery of Jesus' teachings. You go to one of those prosperity gospel evangelical sin bins? "Your wealth is a reflection of God's love for you!" What a crock of shit

Hahaha this is too much. You're not too proud to admit you're wrong? You gobble up this Q bullshit yet all his predictions of "the arrests are coming tomorrow," have never actually happened. I love how you southern inbreds always claim to never be too proud to admit you are wrong and then live life like youre never wrong. Guess you guys have to live heavily in delusion to convince yourselves you're all "pious christians," even though you make a mockery of Jesus' teachings everyday of your obesity ridden lives. You go to one of those prosperity gospel evangelical sin bins? "Your wealth is a reflection of God's love for you!" What a crock of shit

Hit a nerve didn't I. I'm assuming that you have some insider knowledge on who I am, what I look like and that my genetics are somehow inbred. While I appreciate the dissection of my character and body size you couldn't be further fro the truth~ First, I fail Jesus and His word every single day I have to claim to perfection to offer. Secondly, I do not go to church and I definitely don't attend a name it claim it, blab it grab congregation. My own personal failures in life prevent me from going. Thirdly, you assume I'm obese ridden when in fact I'm quite thin to boot. Lastly and not least of which is your intolerance of all thing opposite of your narrative. I do apologize all the time because I fail all the time. I also have no hunger to gobble up anything Q. It's fascinating to me. Finally I will end this I have no personal wealth to speak of and if I did it wouldn't reflect God's love for me or anyone else for that matter. God loves us because He wants to not because He has to. I have a roof over my head, food to eat and I'm grateful. Anything above hell is a blessing of God because that is what I actually deserve. I don't pretend to deserve anything more.

Just convert to islam man, you can even pray at home!

Also you sound like a good person, I'd suggest to stop listening to literal retards roleplaying on the chans. Do you really think someone with such knowledge wouldn't leak it to an actual journalist?

Nah I'm good with God because after many years of self righteousness and too many failures and sins to list I learned He actually loves me and that I don't have to perform for Him to do so. I pray all the time at home now and I have found He hears me just the same. Much to my preachers dads chagrin I don't attend a "church" Of course "church" has a different definition these days than what Jesus meant it to be. However that's my own issues I'm dealing with. Also, I have wondered about the leaking as well. Good point. I like to view it from all sides and then form opinions.

Can someone please explain that sub? I get it, Trumpers being conspiracy theorists, but what exactly?

As far as I can tell, they believe that Trump is political Jebus, and is in context with them via a secret agent ("Q") in order to prepare them for stuff like Freedom Day (the mass arrest of journalists and political opposition, naturally).

And Q communicates with them on 4chan? I've never been to that site, is that what those shots are? But there is some actual religious stuff involved too right?

Damn, maybe I'll join.

Of course on 4chan: a site that is anonymous by design is the most trustworthy place to communicate with someone whose identity is critical!


Is that a star trek reference?

Don't try to decode their fever dream.

They think the FBI is working closely with Trump in order to oust (((Them))) from the government. The think one of these FBI agents shitpost scavenger hunt style riddles on 4chan, he is known as Qanon or FBIanon.The posts are extremely vague so you can basically twist and contort each post to make it fit whatever narrative you want.

As with all conspiracy theories it is bat shit insane and has a million holes poked in it that people don't listen to. Of course if nothing happens they will just plug their ears and say the (((they))) killed some people and stopped the FBI's plan, therefore justifying to themselves that they were right all along.


What will you do when at the end of the day Killary and (((SOROS))) are still on the loose?

What do you mean exactly? Soros and Hillary's days are numbered regardless. I won't do anything because justice does eventually come to all. They may think they are okay but in the end justice will prevail one way or the other.

It's amazing that we live in such a progressive era that the government allows retards to not only procreate but to even raise the spawn.

I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of yourself. They have ways to make sure you can't carry the next generation. Like birth control, sterilization. Perhaps you could do some research and find out where to sign up.

Maybe we can go get fixed together? We can meet for lunch beforehand.

Too funny I don't have a problem with procreation. I'm sorry your life is such a mess that to you insulting people you don't know is a favorite pastime. Go take a walk, hike a mountain, breathe some fresh air it will do you good.

At least I don't seriouspost in a condescending manner on metareddit.

Really I haven't noticed. It seems to me name calling and assumptions about others is in its own way condescension. What do I know?

I like you. Please stick around.

You bet and thank you~ Have a great day~ ok~ I enjoyed the conversation.

Remember when Q said Podesta was being served an indictment?

Um, I'm pretty sure he said infibulated, which is corrected.

Looks like the only fib was on Q's part.


I used to think /r/incels was the absolute peak of mental retardation.

Then we started getting links to /r/cbts and it's like they set record after record. They're basically the Barry Bonds of pathetic autism.

this is like, larping, right

bored rich teenagers in socialist clubs at their high school pretending to be baby boomers on the internet?


Seems more likely to be bored middle class 50 year olds that didn't know what to do with their life after their kids moved out.

Literally this, it's like WebSleuths for grubby backwoods pill-eaters.

Is it possible to literally die from blue balls? We'll find out soon.


I think a lot of people there are legitimately insane, no joke.

"Some people are starting to question why my predicted mass arrests keep not happening. Time for some Deus Ex Machina. Aliens? Time travel? Jews? Hmmm. This is a tough one. Oh! Got it! Daddy mercifully pardoned them all!"

I don't get how mass arrests of political opponents is supposed to represent freedom.

Are these fags so up their own authoritarian asses that they finally dropped the whole freedom of speech and press thing they constantly bitched about before.