An easy guide to clean up r/Drama...

80  2018-02-01 by mohkohnsepicgun


Protip for the uninformed and curious: if you get on all fours in your shower and squeeze as though attempting to defecate, you will likely break wind. Having done that, make sure the water is falling on the small of your back and push hard and as soon as you expel air immediately "suck in" your anus, which causes air to be sucked back in, and then squeeze out again. You can produce small-ish farts by doing this and more importantly allow a small stream of water to enter your anus and be expelled along with any feces lining the sphincter. Personally I also put a lot of body creme on my middle finger and slowly, carefully manouvere it inside the anus and simply scoop out - in circular fashion - any feces that may be sticking to the inside, just like when tomato or brown sauce gets stuck inside the plastic sauce bottle and you have to unscrew the lid and scoop around the inside. Another way is to simply lay on your back and push your legs over your head so that your anus is directly facing upwards towards the showerhead and then carefully "gape" yourself for several seconds. This latter option also produces the bonus of a warm, tingling, "filling" sensation inside the anus itself.

relevant username

This is the quality content I come to r/drama for

So much fucking effort, jeez. Just stick to gussy or if you're gay, sucking dick.

What? They need that stuff just to leave the house.

Not the hairy frenchmen. They just let nature take it's course.


Hermione the hemorrhoid lmao

Clean up? The whole point of coming here is to get filthy and feel properly degraded. Get this pansy self-improvement bullshit outta here, ya mook.

Uhhh, yeah... can we hurry up with that Caliphate thing?

Like seriously put some hustle on it

Ban all self posts and threads linking to other posts in this sub.

Make r/drama Not Retarded Again.

Yeah, I mean if we do stuff like that we might as well all go post on the SRD.

Can. Now.

I am so close to unsubbing. After being banned from SRD this means retiring from drama altogether.

Lmao, kill yourself.

> imply it was ever not retarded.

Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

Is this still a joke?

Why is he fat. Isn’t that haram?

Twinks > over bears

What, no coffee?

You've got to have respect for teh geys. That sounds like a ton of work.

Is that George Costanza?


It's from this:


What the fuck its that much work and poop in your shower?

Wtf I hate bussy now

Well you can avoid all the hassle and just tolerate a bit of shit on the dick.

Considering there is a name for "the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter which is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex" I guess a lot of people do.

That link is to wikipedia btw: don't worry.

Campaign for the neologism "santorum"

The campaign for the neologism "santorum" started with a contest held in May 2003 by Dan Savage, a sex columnist and LGBT rights activist. Savage asked his readers to create a definition for the word "santorum" in response to then-U.S. Senator Rick Santorum's views on homosexuality, and comments about same sex marriage. In his comments, Santorum had stated that "[i]n every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality. That's not to pick on homosexuality.

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paging u/ed__butteredtoast

errr... I have some bad news for you. Perhaps you should sit down...

I just keep my bussy vegan, as all twinks should.