❄️️☃️️🎅🏼 ho ho ho 🎅🏼☃️️❄️️

110  2018-02-01 by Ed__ButteredToast






Drama with out Ed is like SRD without smugness or TrollX without female incels. Not the same.

This but super unironically

Isn't /u/Drama_is_for_nerds your new alt?

Isn't using an alt account to subvert your ban against the sitewide rules?

I'm telling /u/spez!

Username kinda checks out. Lololol. Also you're confusing subreddit bans with one another. That's what got /u/DeepDickedHillyBilly canned.


Fucking hell!! Hahahahah

>Following reddit rules


Yay! I'm glad youre back and that we both share this bond of having seen the other side and lived to tell the tale.

While you escaped from the jaws of death, i rose from the ashes like a goddamn Phoenix!! 🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

All thank Mr Skeltal. Doot doot.

Hey bud! Gib me my ol flair 😘

Plsssss?? :(

Gotchu fam

Hahaha!! Come on man! Use the correct emojis plssss? :(


Love you boo 😘💞

Love you boo! 😘💞

I know I'd sound like a crazy person but i want the "p" in pasta in lower case? Can you? :p

this nigga cute af

you too, boo! you too! :3

This is your old flair:

pasta connoissuer oui oui 🍝👌

This is your new flair:

pasta connoisseur oui oui 🍝👌

Ayy bby, don't you think I should get a flair too?😋

I was u/T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy btw.

Ed, why did you get benned?

Got martyred among many other for posting the babe.net article.

live by the drama, die by the drama


Yeah, that was extremely retarded from the admin's part because: 1) mf doxxed himself by posting his pic online, 2) it was that rag who published his personal details, not any redditor.

Babe.net is really a top drama generator. First Asleaze gets rekt, then retard Ed gets a peepee slapping. 😍

retard Ed

Your mother is a whore

reported for doxxing


Ssshhhh 🤐🤫

Sure but we pronounce it whoore tyvm.

die by the drama

When tho

When it's time.

Did you just get your account back by arguing it wasn't doxxing? If so I'm surprised the admins had a brief moment of sanity.

Nope. They haven't replied yet and at this point, I don't care tbh. This is a new one. With an extra underscore

Lmfao, that's more in line with my expectations!

same tbqh

I once had my account permanently suspended. I made this post and then jesuschristreddit linked to it.

My post was even featured on this subreddit! Although hilarious, the following shitstorm from a joke gone too far was not fun.

Once I was suspended, the admins never responded any of my messages. So I sent an email, from a throway email linked to this account, and got a response immediately. Long story short I had to clarify it was a joke, promised not to do it again, and had to meet up with one of the admins to give them a blowey joey. Afterwards, I was unsuspended. Perhaps you should do something similar.

ooo kinky!

That was one of my favorite posts, mainly because it was the finest irony and drama around at the time

🍆🍆Daddy's Back🍆🍆

Ayyy bb u know it!!

Awww that's cute as heck!! 😘💞

aww retards are so cute

Be nice to the headflappers, dear.

What is dead may never die.

big if true

Like Napoleon returning from Elba

Hopefully Ed's Saint Helena is forthcoming.

I feel like you've fucked up your history, there.



Am not sorry for reporting you

Thank you for your service

fuck off

You're no fun

i'll kill you

Please do, I'm miserable anyways

Consider being nicer


It's strangely hypnotic.

Good! /u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu missed you

Awwww!! love /u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu :3

But it's JULY! UGH

It's always Christmas in the cul-de-sac :3

Hey /u/HodortheDoorHolder /u/snallygaster /u/ComedicSans, I want my flair again. It was

pasta connoissuer oui oui 🍝👌

With the emojis!! I'm always on mobile so I can't see the CSS ones. Please and thank you!


is the typo deliberate?

Thanks for catching that! Fixed!!

I thought you could add text flairs yourself?


I must be more retarded than I thought.

You're confusing drama with SRD. Don't worry, it's a common mistake!

I'm not that retarded.

You have to be one of the cool kids, sorry.

I want a flair 😩

How do we know it's really you and not a bamboozle?

Luv u Ed 😚🤗😉

You too bb 😍😘💞

OMG ur back!! Can you sign my bussy?

Hell yeah!


dig a hole dig a hole dig a hole





beep beep lettuce


*َلوُلْ *

Yay ed is back!



Ed you’re back!!! :DDD

Damn right!

Can we ban this guy?


:( ed never leave me again, i cant live without your posts

I promise I won't! 💞


