/r/Turkey’s recent infestation of /r/SyrianCivilWar continues as Roaçhes argue with the regulars about the benefits of the Ottoman Slav trade and Armenian “genocide”

54  2018-02-01 by subpoutine


This is one of those posts that need the insulting user pings

/u/sorafeal, would you please explain your perspective to the history enthusiasts here? Lots of people here who don’t actually know the history & nuance of the devşirme system. I’m sure our local Balkans historian /u/_lilpoundcake would love to hear what you have to say.

Be passive aggressive, not insulting.

Ugh 😑 those ducking mods. Such tightasses about people linking to SCW’s drama. They banned the linker bot but even though the sub’s been infested by roaches they only nuke entire threads when it gets linked.

I can’t wait till the FBI blows through your door, throws your disgusting piece of shit body on the floor, kneels on the back of your neck and puts you in chains like the heinous creature you are. You do not deserve liberty. You deserve a 5x5 concrete cell with a scheduled ass-kicking morning noon and night.

Your lifestyle is untenable, your reasoning delirious, and your existence a waste. Your family deserves to see your last breath, and soon. You are, without a doubt, one of the lowest forms of existence. Please, resist when the authorities come calling. Run at them. Anything expedite your ceasing to exist.

As for your daughter, I hope while you stare at the cold, gray walls of your cell, that you realize the innocence that you’ve corrupted. I hope that you realize the putrid, demonic state of mind one must regress to in order to behave as you’ve described. But you won’t. Your mind suffers from a sickness from which it cannot break free.

You absolutely sicken me. Burn.

Damn, dude. Where is this from?

"Ottomans were good boys who dindu nothing"

-Cenk Uygur

“The mass enslavement of Slavic Christians for the military and bureaucracy was okay because a few of them actually did well in the bureaucracy. Oh, and it wasn’t slavery and we didn’t mass castrate a lot of them.”


/u/LeapordTr So you feel that it is alright to steal your child and make him a christian as long as I pay for his education?

Depends. What college are we talking about?

/u/Kapsama innocent muslim is an oxymoron.

As opposed to Christian civilization running on murdering children.

We all know what Muslims do to children. They make Catholic priest s seem chaste.

Is it worse than Christian savages killing Muslim children for sport?

No. That's called pest control.

Finally an honest white devil.

*unsheathes Raid*

While you fucked around, I studied the Raid.

/u/sorafeal Do you feel mass killings are justified when they are done by Muslims?

Only when they are done against lowly wh*Tes

😍 I didn’t know you guys were also down with the white genocide! So much in common!

Too bad you Mongoloid goat fuckers confused the smoked mayos in the Balkans with actual white “people”. 😢 World history could have been so much more woke.


Go back to Sweden you fucking snownigger.

We must use time creatively.

Nothing wrong with turkey and russia trading OP

Nice sub you people have here. A neat little right wing safe space.

Right wing?! 😤 We’re radical centrists here, goat fucker.

Aww how cute. Little man is allowed to swear.

🤫 don’t tell the mods I’m on timeout for saying no-no words

Fuckers gave me a double perma ban.

Wait, did vallar57 actually ban you for that? Thought he was just kidding around.

Yeah. The other one came for saying "you people". Lol.

Cenk is keeping himself busy after getting shit canned.

The Armenian genocide never happened, but I wish it happened again.