9 2018-02-02 by [deleted]
1 SnapshillBot 2018-02-02
Now with added cancer!
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2018-02-02
blacking out names asking for gawker to be whitelisted posts obsessively in /r/politics
blacking out names
asking for gawker to be whitelisted
posts obsessively in /r/politics
I think you're lost OP.
1 rhllor_ 2018-02-02
Most subreddits want usernames to be redacted in screenshots.. Is that not the case here?
Is that not the case here?
Ofc not. Post the unredacted, you're clearly trying to start a call to action so let's get it started.
Well, that specific mod spoke on behalf of the whole group, so I think I'll err on the side of redacted.
Reported for being a lil bitch in every way shape and form.
Well thats not nice
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2018-02-02
user reports: 1: this comment made me cry
user reports:
1: this comment made me cry
1 Fucking_Christ 2018-02-02
theres only one politics mode with a name that ends in er its not hard to figure out who it is
They don't link the rule like they used to but https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2012/oct/16/reddit-gawker-ban
1 in_hazmat_suit 2018-02-02
Good Mods
U did a p shitty job of blocking out there names mate.
/u/scottgetsittogether, how does it feel to be a disgusting pedo-symp, ESPECIALLY in the #MeToo era???
Oh. No. Its not that person its uh probably like /u/scratchingher
Or maybe /u/scrotumonher
The #metoo era
lmao 😂 there's no way OP's not a troll
/u/scottgetsittogether if Gawker is not allowed why is Bwitbart allowed huh? You guys are clearly super partisan ultra-right wing white nationalists and/or Russian shills tasked by Vladimir Putin himself.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-02-02
Now with added cancer!
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2018-02-02
I think you're lost OP.
1 rhllor_ 2018-02-02
Most subreddits want usernames to be redacted in screenshots.. Is that not the case here?
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2018-02-02
Ofc not. Post the unredacted, you're clearly trying to start a call to action so let's get it started.
1 rhllor_ 2018-02-02
Well, that specific mod spoke on behalf of the whole group, so I think I'll err on the side of redacted.
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2018-02-02
Reported for being a lil bitch in every way shape and form.
1 rhllor_ 2018-02-02
Well thats not nice
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2018-02-02
1 Fucking_Christ 2018-02-02
theres only one politics mode with a name that ends in er its not hard to figure out who it is
1 rhllor_ 2018-02-02
They don't link the rule like they used to but
1 in_hazmat_suit 2018-02-02
Good Mods
1 Fucking_Christ 2018-02-02
U did a p shitty job of blocking out there names mate.
/u/scottgetsittogether, how does it feel to be a disgusting pedo-symp, ESPECIALLY in the #MeToo era???
1 rhllor_ 2018-02-02
No. Its not that person its uh probably like /u/scratchingher
1 rhllor_ 2018-02-02
Or maybe /u/scrotumonher
1 in_hazmat_suit 2018-02-02
lmao 😂 there's no way OP's not a troll
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2018-02-02
/u/scottgetsittogether if Gawker is not allowed why is Bwitbart allowed huh? You guys are clearly super partisan ultra-right wing white nationalists and/or Russian shills tasked by Vladimir Putin himself.