Desperate parents forcing kids to drink bleach to cure autism in sick cult

3  2018-02-02 by in_hazmat_suit


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Wrong demographic, right idea.

One in every 100 kids in the UK suffers from some form of autism, for which there is no medical cure.

It's probably the lack of circumcisions tbh.

So you're saying we should circumcise all children??

u/serialflamingo pls ban

Just the girls

Just Monika.

ok, this is messed up, but even so it's no justification for clickbait. the article leads with "forced to drink" and doesn't actually tell the truth until after several paragraphs of sensationalism.

It's the mirror, barely more respectable than than lol

They're just keeping their kids safe!!

OK so if your duly elected government forced kids to drink bleach that would be 'dystopian' but parents can do it because they share the kids' DNA.