Mao Inoue

23  2018-02-02 by thalie_aventure

I would like to have some news about her and Matsumoto Jun. Are they getting married? Is there an interesting drama with her or him?






zozzle nigga in case you're curious about what this weeb is on about.

Mao Inoue

Mao Inoue (井上 真央, Inoue Mao) (born January 9, 1987) is a Japanese actress. She debuted as a U-15 idol in 1999. She is best known to Japanese television drama audiences as Akane Imai (今井 茜, Imai Akane) in Kids War (キッズ・ウォー, Kid's War) and as Makino Tsukushi in the popular Hana Yori Dango series.

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/u/thalie_aventure, what the fuck is wrong with you? I mean, aside from being a filthy Frenchman?

If she doesn't do porn, IDGAF.

She's about 20 years too old for Japan

Oh no they're serious