Eating bussy might be bad for you - "I’ve Contracted My Third Gastrointestinal Parasite From Rimming"

128  2018-02-03 by IAintThatGuy


Now with added cancer!


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You're right snappy, unprotected sex can give those faggots bussy cancer.

No shit, there's poop in them thar hills

If you eat shit, prepare to be ill.

Username kinda checks out

Of all the gay comments on reddit, this is the gayest possible.


Your comment gave me a sad!


Looks like Edhunting is back in season!

To be fair, I did nazi that coming. I came here to say this but boy, that escalated quickly so to the top with you! Lost it at 'This is why we can't have nice things' and then my faith in humanity was restored, my mind blown, and manly tears were shed. Well said. As a 'murican, I can confirm this gem has just won the internet and is doing it right. Just sayin', I know that feel, bro, and while that was a risky click, this post was a 9/10, would read again. I see what you did there and it feels good man. You're doing God's work, son. I laughed way harder than I should have at your list that seems legit and totally nailed it. You - I like you. You magnificent bastard; you, sir, are so brave, a gentleman and a scholar, and seeing how you are a redditor for 4 years, this checks out, so I'll allow it. I regret that I only have one upvote to give for this cool story, bro. CTRL+F "about tree fiddy" was not disappointed. Wait, why do I have you tagged as "NOPE NOPE NOPE"? Nice try, you monster. What did I just read? Dafuq? I read that as "YOU HAD ONE JOB". I can't fap to this. No true scotsman could see that this relevant XKCD was bad, and you should feel bad. You must be new to reddit, so I'll see your cakeday and raise you a karma train. One does not simply rustle my jimmies, not even once. This stahp gave me cancer for science, so that's enough internet for me today. OP is a fuzzy little man-peach, 2/10, would not bang. What is this I don't even know how is this wtf? Circlejerk must be leaking. This will get buried but brace yourselves, some men want to watch the world burn right in the feels. When you see it, they'll KILL IT WITH FIRE! But this has nothing to do with atheism. Lawyer up, delete facebook, hit the gym, and SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, said no one ever, so you wouldn't download a strawman. Damn onions, you scary like a BOSS. whoosh. Since rule #1 is 'be attractive', I'll just leave this here: This is my [f]irst post, be gentle.

This but unironically

Unpopular opinion but you should have never been allowed back.

FACT: nobody gives a shit what you think.

I care what he thinks. I also agree with his enlightened views.

There is no light without Ed

He's everyone's favorite retard. Drama wouldn't be fun without him.

Mine is pizzashill. Ed is just...Ed.

No no no...

“But gay men don’t even know they’re at risk! We didn’t learn about parasites in sex ed class. No doctor has ever warned me about it."

It's everyone else's fault for not explicitly stating that licking the hole that shit comes out of might make them sick.

Shit is organic and natural. It's impossible to get sick from it.

In India...

No, everywhere. True fact, shit comes out sterile. You can actually eat your own poo and youll be totally fine.

I mean other countries give you a lesson about all the STDs and so on you might get, and how you get them what they do but that one is just common sense.

How many different assholes do you have to eat before you start to get fucking gastrointestinal parasites?

Well I think deep down, we're all looking for that special someone

this is what happens when you dump plastics and shit in the water

go away soros

le bussy ecks dee amirite?? xd1!!11!!

Pls get benned again

I love you!! 😍💞

Gays are retarded. Use a goddamn dental dam or at least some saran wrap you fucking nasty freaks

I recommend bleach.

Drain cleaners are more effective.

Eating tide pods will cure all known diseases.

Don't forget the mothballs!

Right? One time, sure, everybody learns something the hard way occasionally. But fuck, how do you repeatedly go back to the same behavior, suffer the same consequences, and then carry on without learning anything multiple times in a row? As far as advocates go, this guy's completely retarded.

Yeah and he said fuck all about how to rim safely, instead it's other people's fault that he kept getting a parasite from eating dirty parasite ass.

lmfao where is this from?

what the fuck

It is exhausting to have to deal with this obvious Trump propaganda. Every day new bullshit like how eating a shit hole might be harmful. It is wrong and frankly racist.

🗣 😂😩😛👅guys make sure you eat👅 her ass🍑 ☺️❤️

E:njoy her 😍😋

A:ssist her 🤝😘

T:reat her right 💏👌🏽

A:cutally love her ❤️💕

S:upport her 💸🏡

S:pend time with her 🕝👉🏽👌🏽

Gayer than six dudes fucking seven dudes.

u/serialflamingo sex negativity pls ban 😉

don't fucking step to me cuck i'll dick down your sister

no u


I'm glad I only developed a taste for shit in the musical sense.

I prefer it in the post sense

Me too but with waifus

I've contracted my 5th. Dude needs to catch up

In [CURRENT YEAR] you need to call him "performative", I think.

Ikr dude's an absolute scrub.

If rimming another man's asshole is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

Now that I’m on PreP, I no longer fear contracting HIV.

Well look at that... while I wasn't paying attention they've gone and cured AIDS.

When I googled "what is PreP" one of the suggestions was "What is prepared mustard?" which, set me off thinking of someone shoving English mustard up their ass...

They haven't. They're taking HIV meds without actually having HIV, which stops them from getting some, but not all, kinds of HIV.

As long as it's taken daily it's 99% effective making it as safe as condoms. It won't stop other sti's but it stops HIV all types.

It doesn't stop Truvada-resistant strains.

I went and did some reading yes your right but it still very rare 4 people out of 100k and it's not clear if a couple of them were taking meds every day. I did find this on one of the 4. Which I found lol

The Dutch investigators have various theories about why this man experienced such an unusual course of early infection. They speculate that PrEP may have been “overwhelmed” by three main factors: the sheer volume of HIV that may have been deposited into his rectum, given his high rate of receptive condomless intercourse; injury sustained to the rectal lining through such repeated sexual acts; and inflammatory STIs in the area, which research indicates facilitates HIV acquisition.

Considering the proliferation of the medication, it isn't going to be very rare for long.

Simple math says it's currently orders of magnitude more effective than advertised. Given a 100k people on it at 99% effective protection there should be 1000 people still infected while on it. There have been 4 (The actual number on PrEP is far higher)

Talk about being a disgusting whore.

Yeah he was fucking a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 75 people a day I'm not sure whore is a strong enough word.

lmao I need to read more about this guy. how would he even have time to eat or sleep, let alone hold down a job?

the sheer volume of HIV that may have been deposited into his rectum


god what a hero. imagine taking so much hiv up your asshole that you become an outlier in an aids study

ah- that's disappointing...

suddenly decides not to suck that homeless guy's cock

That makes me want to go out and get infected. Jerry sounded awesome. Too bad he got poisoned.

Imagine being so depraved you involve the orifice that expels feces in your sexual activity

I have never rimmed /r/politics

Imagine being as vanilla as you.

I needn't imagine, I live the dream every day

Donald Davidson comment chain in the article is gold. Don't want to get giardia, then don't eat dirty asshole is now an insult. God I love 2018.

I gotta say it, what a fucking idiot. How many times did he contract a parasite there, 3 or 4 times?! You would think someone wouldnt be so quick to lick assholes, especially after multiple times of contracting fucking parasites. But i will say at least he's being responsible for getting tested regularly, so at least theres that.

You know how you get sick as hell from peppermint schnapps or something and you never want to touch the stuff again? You think learning he got sick from snarfing down asshole amoebas and parasites would have the same effect.

Heard that. I still cant drink Smirnoff Ice after getting crazy wasted off of it when i was like 15. Then again that's probly a good thing, i dont drink at all now.

Bible was right

Is there a specific bible verse about not easing diseased bussy?

Somewhere in Leviticus?

I mean I know it strongly discourages faggotry, but I was looking for something specific against gay rimjobs? I'll try /r/Christianity

I think it's sort of implied in the part about not being jealous of your neighbor's wife.

Interesting. Please elaborate?

It's like this, God helps those who helps themselves and obviously basic emotions are beyond the control of a petty human. Preempting jealosy by you and he doing things she would never dream of seems like a logical, God-fearing step.

That's why I like Christianity. I always find an excuse to blame a woman in any situation.

Are they wrong? 🤔

You can never go wrong blaming women.

I have heard a proverb that is supposed to come from arabs (but I can't find a source) : "Every day beat your wife and your dog, even if you don't know why, they do".

Wife beating is good, dog beating is bad 👎

In Islam they hate doggos. They're like vermin to them.

Time to gas the Muslims then ⛽💲

/r/Christianity will tell you that gay rimming is actually holy.

The tree in the garden of eden was actually a metaphore for bussy. Admire it from a distance but don't eat its fruit or you're fucked.


Look at how many gays are publicly frolicking in your average Christian-majority country, then look at their state in your average Muslim-majority country.

Christians have been cucked for a long time now.

Um hello shot lord, for the people of Venezuela, booty may be the only groceries they’ve got

Why do Americans have a parasite that usually only exists in the third world?

Also, why is this guy still eating strangers' bussies?

I think the answer to both questions might be related.

He likes that illegal immigrant bussy.

"Oh my God! What can I do to stop getting these horrible parasites except not eating ass or using protection or not fucking around or telling my boyfriend to not fuck around? Why wont anyone educate me?"

The world is so homophobic. Those parasites are probably gamergaters.

I'm tired of these ass worms with unrealistically large breasts in skimpy costumes.

How does it take him that long for his gi bacteria to go back to normal, I was on like 5 different antibiotics at once for mrsa a few months ago and I felt normal in like a week or two.

If your intestinal flora is badly fucked up (imagine getting an infection that fucks with it, followed with antibiotics that fuck with it even more), it can take a long time.

I guess MRSA doesn't fuck with your intestines to begin with, so you just had to deal with the antibiotics.

Mrsa can fuck with your intestines, and I had sepsis prior to this. i had two arge abcesses on the crooks of my arms, which gave me sepsis after the initial round (keflex, augmentin, amoxicilin) failed to threat them

cool life bro

I love it, thanks man!

Guessing you are American, so maybe you are just used to awful experiences on the shitter so it doesn't feel strange to you?

I eat very healthy, my shits were back to normal in a week after I went off antibiotucs.

You don't sound healthy ....

Mrsa can fuck with your intestines, and I had sepsis prior to this. i had two arge abcesses on the crooks of my arms, which gave me sepsis after the initial round (keflex, augmentin, amoxicilin) failed to threat them

You sound like you have a compromised immune system

I was an iv drug user, I had open sores on my arms for over a month,and they didn't get infected until I washed them with antibacterial soap and creek water while geeked as fuck. My body can't even be colonized by mrsa, I got swabbed for it after and it came back negative. Only other infection I had was pneumonia, I had a double pneumothorax, woke up out of a coma with tubes in my lungs, and somehow the bacteria got in through one of my lung tubes.

I was an iv drug user

You also don't sound like the kind of person who's personal health story is either believable, or can be replicated by others. I think you've spent so long abusing your body that you really have no idea what heath, or at the very least a healthy shit, looks like.

I'm not interested in your reply.

Well you obviously know better than my doctors. Totally has nothing to do with my body being much stronger than the majority, and generally taking calculated risks.

Oh shit, just saw your username. If you actually drink a lot then you shouldn't ever lecture a drug user about anything. Alcohol is worse for your health than almost all illegal drugs.

I somehow doubt drinking whiskey is worse for you than shooting smack

Actually the inverse. Opiates cause death by overdose, but are otherwise very easy for your body to handle. Alcohol is toxic to every organ in your body and causes much more severe withdrawals and dependence. No idea why you chose heroin though, it's a very boring drug.

You said you were an IV drug user so my mind defaulted to horse

Nah arylcyclohexylamines were my doc, followed by meth

Dude weed lmao


Weed is a pussy drug

I love pussy


Lol, you know nothing about me. Unfortunately I know enough about you to realise you are a complete idiot. People who talk about what their supposed doctors opinions of their health are are usually delusional hambeasts, or fuckwads ( like you) trying to explain away their rotten health brought about by years of self abuse. Druggies don’t get to lecture anyone on health outcomes, mate.

I work out, sleep properly, eat very healthy, and have a physical job. Whiskey is for low t soyboys

Hmmm....pretty sure you are lying, like most smack/meth heads.

I don't do drugs, but it sure seems like you sniff glue.


Not as basic as your mom was last night, she some dead fish

Til: opiates make you lame and pathetic

Yeah they are lame af, that's why you should do meth.

So you're on meth?

No, I don't do drugs.

Tilidine is nice af.

Never done it. My fav benzo is flubromazepam




This story is the reason why we should deport all versatile third world bussy. Only pure tops and bottoms allowed, and all bottoms to receive antibiotic treatment for bussy cooties

Sounds like the beginning of a great presidential platform for 2020.

More reason to build the wall

I don’t know how many of you out there have sexually contracted a gastrointestinal parasite, but I do know our health care providers and departments of health are failing when it comes to keeping us informed about this issue.

How about he failed at basic logic and common education?

I don't know how much of a shithole schools in the USA are, but in Europe we learn that any unprotected sexual contact is a risk.

As far as I know, a lot of their "sex ed" is telling kids to feel guilty for wanting sex and waiting as long as possible.

You get taught abstinence all your childhood until your pastor teaches you how it works for real.

Is it just a coincidence that the thumbnail of this article resembles goatse?

Honestly, I don't think it's the fact that they're eating bussy and getting sick, they're getting sick because they are in an open relationship and spreading bussy around. That's why they are getting sick.

Proof that sluttery is bad for you.

Eat. Ass. Everyday.

I eat my bf's bussy every day and I've never been sick. Only do it with clean buddies.

This dude should have just been allowed to die naturally.

Day of the Rope when?

Day of the No Longer Giving Antibiotics to Poz-Chasers

Sounds better. Won't have to touch them that way.