Stable Genius might nuke America to prove a point. Effete libtards clutch pearls and pretend like this is a bad idea.

54  2018-02-03 by j1l1l1


This, but unironically.


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God forbid the President wants to make sure you actually have nuclear capability.

I think the 1054 nuclear tests we've already done have proved that.

Yeah can't be sure unless we set one off, maybe they're all dummies! Like CNN!


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πŸ’―TrueπŸ’― βœ”Trumps πŸ’ƒπŸ‘΄ are unstumpable πŸ’–I could never stump you Trump!πŸ’– Send this to ten other πŸ‘΄πŸ’ƒTrumpsπŸ‘΄πŸ’ƒ who make πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈAmericaπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ great πŸ‘ again Or never stump πŸ‘ž again

Did you make this or is it pasta


Not enough cummies for pasta.

Hey, the next time you delete your account, can you promise to not make a new one? thx bby

Anything 4 u bbyπŸ˜‰

Nuclear armageddon is an honorable and dignified way to go.

It'll be in a hole in the ground. It's just a way to waste taxpayer money.

America cant be destroyed this tard is actually proving it

Yeah we actually conducted our politically-movtivated test already, and it was significantly closer to North Korea, China, and Russia.

There might be a good point in that article, but since it reads like an /r/politics post, I can't really make it out.

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Elizabeth Warren and Barack Obama, who put a grand total of 1, low-level, Wall Street dude in prison following the greatest financial bamboozle in 100 years.

Oh, and Hillary told Wall Street: "Hey! Cut it out."

Don't forget wanting to oppose legalization to appease wall street.

who put a grand total of 1, low-level, Wall Street dude in prison

The irony of you making that statement in this sub shouldn't go unnoticed. But to show how wrong you are:

There have been 35 bankers sentenced to prison, said Christy Goldsmith Romero, the special inspector general for the Troubled Assets Relief Program (SIGTARP), in a report to Congress released Thursday.

That's more than 1. I assume your next comment will be to just move the goal posts again. Also:

There have been 59 bankers convicted of crimes, including two executives at NOVA Bank in Philadelphia who were convicted on Wednesday of fraud conspiracy related to TARP funds.

An additional 19 bankers have been charged with crimes, with many awaiting trials.

And this article is from 2 years ago, so those numbers may have gone up since then.

I don't think Obama and Pocahontas have been doing a lot for the last two years, bro. :-D

Those asterisks are such perfect examples of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

You can bet your ass Kim Jong Un could tweet a random dickpick and claim to have a bigger dong than Trump and he'd bait him into whipping his dick out in a press conference.

The greatest timeline

And then the Queen shows up and drops trow revealing the royal member; thick as a coke can, long as a baby arm.

No way is that north korean manlet better hung than daddy

Honestly if we blew a nuke for funsies I'd watch the fuck out of that.

Haha fuck yeah! We should do it on July 4th and televise it. Put it right after the Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest. American as fuck

How I learned to love the bomb.

This is good idea. In fact, America should test detonate all of its nuclear stockpile. How else will Russia and rest of world know that they work?

Good. Bout time we get a nuke video in ultra hd.

I don't hate daddy but, this really seems like a bad idea.

Slayyyyyh dadddyyyyyyy

I support testing several nukes, but I propose new testing sites:

Green Bay
New Orleans
Salt Lake City
Las Vegas
Los Angeles x 3-4 Newark
Tampa Bay
Oklahoma City

That ought to about do it.

This but unironically.