horseshoe theory is proven as r/ChapoTrapHouse becomes r/Drama when a first responder is pinged multiple times into battle

87  2018-02-04 by lincoln1222


this is the comment by u/ZaggahZiggler that started the entire drama.

That's pretty fucked up tbh. Also "first responder"? Just say cop.

CTH is still trash tho

CTH is still trash tho

downvoted and reported

You're ltrly a high school student 😂😂😂😂

actually tho

Just say cop

But if they cop then people won't care about them, whereas they will if they think they're a paramedia/firefighter

I agree, there are far too many libs in CTH.

On the one hand it sounds like he’s working towards the mayocide, but on the other he’s also a callous and possibly sociopathic ball bag. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

It's probably projection since he's an alcoholic. He see's the worst parts of himself in gheds junkies and wishes they'd die like the weakness in himself. Too bad he doesn't seem to posses the will power to overcome his addictions, which makes him no better than the junkies he despises.

he’s also a callous and possibly sociopathic ball bag

If you want mayocide, you have to deal with those kind of people. They get shit done.

Wow. That's special. An alcoholic who leaves addicts to die when he can prevent it. I wonder how he convinced himself he was better than them?

chapotraphouse is just drama but with a far left leaning.

Drama is for radicalized centricist!

"Mayocide when!?" then drama be like "lol, but srsly, sometime next month, i swear."

but with a far left leaning

Really more of a different kind of LARPing.

Nah, Chapo are actually true believertards.

yea because no one seriousposts in drama

/u/ZaggahZiggler I agree. Weak people are inferior. That's why I hate cops. Too weak to find a real job.

/u/ZaggahZiggler are you into necrophilia?

The only people I respect less than reporters are policemen.

I’d take a bullet for you

That's all I ask

lol, the only thing I expect of you is to die for me ~CTH

Wow, this u/zaggahZiggler guy sounds like a real asshole.

I carry narcan for my brothers

Your buddies OD pretty often?

Literally his brothers - the other mayo trash that fell out of his mom’s vag are always nodding off into the great hereafter. Saving their worthless motherfucking existences is the only way Sunday dinner won’t be wei.

Yeah, fuck that guy.

Don't worry, the mixture of alcohol and cop mortality rate will take him soon enough, inshallah.

still better than CTH posters

That's a ton of angry soyboys.

/u/ZaggahZiggler don't let the haters get you down, most of these guys can't understand the perspective of anyone who's ever had to work at anything harder than begging their parents for the latest iPhone.

Wow that cop is a fucking reta-

Wow. It's almost like the police were started as a slave patrol in which the primary function was to protect private property and maintain antebellum hierarchy.


flair checks out

Did you know that there's literally no cops in Sweeden?

1 like = 1 grenade

Nothing screams give me free shit more than complaining that police also are instructed to protect private property rights.

Wait, people are upset because he wants people who overdosed not to get an expensive taxpayer-funded drug?

Especially considering the percentage of these overdosers who are white, I don't see the problem. #mayocide

Man Americans REALLY fucking hate each other

Muh taxpayer funded

Nigga, do you know where you are? The explicit destruction of the white race is a core tenet here

My bad. I mean of course "continue to destroy any upward mobility for the white working class to expedite their total destruction"

Thx for the heads up bro

I don't see the problem.

I don't see a problem either. Less money on dope addict zombies = more money on education.... after we abolish the police force of course.

Lol asshole or not that cop is hilarious

Hey, thanks, happy cake day. I shot 5 dogs last night and the Chief gave me a raise. Have some gold.

Hey, thanks!

I’ve worked with a lot of cops over my career, and they’ve always been good dudes.

Congrats on getting sober!

Oh, so now we're a far right sub?

man i hate that guy for saying he doesnt care if people die i hope he dies