Feminism in a nutshell

23  2018-02-04 by Starship_Litterbox_B


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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The more bitter the berry the sweeter the cooch.

It's true and it's dangerous

So now we are becoming TiA...😒

No I stole it from TiA, there's a difference

heh.. you triggered, snowflake? shall I recommend some feminist rekt youtube compilations to really rustle your jimmies? 🤤

No thanks, seeing Ben Shapiro gives me tummy aches.

Delete your account new fag

I deleted my old account i'm starting fresh

Delete it again and never come back here.

Ed what have I done to upset you so


If you had to see eds face in the mirror every morning, you'd hate everyone too.



(In a different want tho lol)

#metoo lol

^When u troll a libtard epic style

This is in no way feminism in a nutshell. This is one random post by one random teenager online. Have you lost all perspective?


lol ironic given this post


Tumblr feminism in a nutshell. But this kind of mentality has more influence over modern feminism than you'd like to admit.

This literally isn't feminism, lol. It's some idiot kid who hates men

It's some idiot kid who hates men

So feminism?

If I got all my information from feminist rekt youtube videos I might be that dumb too

Yeah, because it's not like the largest feminist orgs in the country literally protest family court equality bills and it's not like they spend 95% of their time screeching at men and making up sexist buzzwords to attack men.

"toxic masculinity"


For a movement that isn't about hating men, they sure spend a lot of time hating men.

I just said if all of my information on feminism came from youtube rekt videos I might be inclined to believe that too

Are you contesting the fact they protested family court equality bills? It's public record, actually.

Are you contesting they throw out sexist buzz-terms left and right?

I'm a radfem not a libfem so.......

That doesn't change the fact the largest feminist org in the country protested a family court equality bill and it doesn't change the fact modern feminism has fabricated many sexist buzz-terms to attack men.

That is feminism, they are feminists.

I don't know anything about that bill I'm sorry. I'm not even sure what country you're talking about

They're actually the largest feminist org in the world I believe.

This is western feminism, Why even try to deny it?

Of course you don't know a shit about Bill. Maybe you would if you weren't so sexist or if they were named something more feminine like Jill.

What's wrong with being sexy

Gussy =/= sexy.

just give it a chance man

I'm gonna report you to gender critical for encouraging men to engage in Heterosexual relationships.

Are you also going to report me to the nazis? Can I hide in your attic?

I don't have an attic, just hide behind the water heater and hope /u/philippeswrath is in a hurry.

Ich schwöre bei gott, diesen heiligen Eid. Daß ich dem Führer des Deutschen Rieches und Volkes. Adolf Hitler, dem Oberbefehlshaber der Wehrmacht, unbedingten Gehorsam leisten und als tapferer Soldat bereit sein will. Jederzeit für diesen eid mein Leben einzusetzen.

Only if you suck my dick, can't have you escape the nazis without being forced to do something by the patriarchy.

it's cool i'll die

> Being a girl without a penis.

Get out.


Toxic masculinity is a real thing though

If toxic masculinity is a thing, then positive masculinity must also be a thing.

Provide me an example of positive masculinity.

Wait, do you even know what toxic masculinity is?

Sure, toxic masculinity is a term feminists came up with to label all masculinity as toxic.

If all masculinity isn't toxic, then give me an example of positive masculinity.

That's...not what toxic masculinity is. Toxic masculinity is the idea that there is a certain way to live to be considered a man. Parents telling there kids to bottle up their emotions and that crying is for girls, that's toxic masculinity.

What the fuck are you smoking. That might be what you think toxic masculinity is, but feminists have labeled ALL masculinity as toxic.

Sports? That's toxic masculinity. https://collegian.com/2017/04/sports-for-dummies-how-sports-contributes-to-toxic-masculinity/

Fascism? Toxic masculinity. https://residentalien.co/2017/10/26/fascism-in-america-9-from-toxic-masculinity-to-annihilation/

Fucking star wars? Toxic masculinity



Crime? That's toxic masculinity.


This is just a few, they've labeled literally everything negative as toxic masculinity. Every problem in society, every undesirable behavior, everything. And the outcome of that is that people have pointed out they've labeled all masculinity as toxic.

"Feminism isn't about hating men" ~GenderCritical poster, to a certain degree I agree, but thats like a Nazi telling a Jew antisemitism isn't a big deal.

Lol I'm also a jew who debates nazis all the time

My February troll account award just got a lot more interesting. Keep in mind that your main opposition at the moment right now is a tranny and a Nazi, so I hope this inspires you to keep up the good work.

who died and made you the leader of the troll awards

They're my own rendition of them.

what are your credentials

The only credentials we have in R/drama is bussy, so the question you should be asking yourself is where's mine.

sexist af

I don't make the rules, don't get snappy with me. Also, you could also just fuck one of the heycuck mods if you want more r/Drama legitimacy.

I'll ask my boyfriend if it's ok.

Why would a gender critical user care about a man's desires? Stop acting like such a libfem, next you're gonna center something on him(a male), and use terf as an insult, and support dv, and not acknowledge his biological oppression of you.

Surely you'd relate to being a slave to the bussy.

Your internalize misogy is showing. I know after years of society teaching you to center men's experiences this might be a little hard for you to understand, but getting consent from a man is literally the patriarchy in action, and the patriachy murders women. So just ask yourself, "Do I want to murder women?" and if not just ignore him, the patriachy.

You know what, you're right.

I'm a man so I'm always wrong, but now I'm gonna suggest you get his consent first, which would paradoxically make it right again.

Maybe I should just kms?

Threatening suicide was the Tranny's go to move. Please remember to do your own part.

what would anita sarkesian do

Referencing gamergate has severely affected your evaluation.

At least a three-point drop out of ten.

I did X.X


Why u give Nazis a platform, u some kind of crypto-fascist?

I don't really have a platform I just like arguing with people on the internet. My boyfriend doesn't like to argue so I come to reddit for my fix

My boyfriend doesn't like to argue

Oh honey, you need to talk to someone. Abuse manifests in many ways, and when a man controls you like this it is a huge, huge red flag. sending hugs

Ok...WTF IS THIS.. since when are we trollx?

You sound like you could use some Toxic Masculinity Re-Education, you poor soul.

Congratulations on getting Jerusalem back, btw.

next year in jerusalem rebuilt

This whole sub is gradually devolving into SRD. And it isn't really that gradual.

people have been saying this for years. probably the most gradual change ive ever seen

"Nazism isn't about antisemitism" ~ technically true

How many women have you raped?


Maybe its because she used the word 'like' roughly 60,000 times in that one sentence.

Lmao, loook at all the CB2 posters here REEEEEEEEEEing their heads out.

How dare you, OP! How dare you post something they don't like about their sacred LolCows.