Ghazi has a hard time figuring out who wins the victim olympics between a raped woman and a rapist tranny

203  2018-02-04 by IAintThatGuy


Cool story, bro


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When you sexually assault children, but that's okay because you had your balls and dick chopped off.

I got banned from /r/politics after I said "being transgender doesn't mean you have the right to rape other people."

That was called "transphobia."

believing the holy tranny is capable of sin is phobia doncha know

Believing anything /u/pizzashill says is something something makes you look bad.

I don't respond to people like you often, but I'm going to go ahead and embarrass you real fast because I'm bored.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

I'm not going to click on that because I have used the internet for more than a week, but I'm really sorry and ashamed.

Yeah, I don't care if you click it, other people will, and they'll know I'm right, and you're wrong.

Take a seat.

I have been lying down next to my Mother in a sweaty bed in India throughout this conversation.

I clicked it. Still think your wrong. and how was it embarrassing?

How am I wrong?

My claim? Banned for "transphobia" after I said a transgender person isn't entitled to rape someone.

Screenshot? Shows exactly that.

Explain, in detail, how I'm wrong.

You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.

Good bot

Watch out, snappy.

Its not really that you were wrong, you said you were gonna embarrass him real quick. You just posted a screenshot of the conversation after you were banned. so i dont really see how that was embarrassing to them. I just said you were wrong to ruffle your feathers :) but theres not anyone who is entitled to rape anyone. The whole thing was that duBBle said not to believe anything you say, and you just provided proof you were banned. I don't think that was what was doubted, but more so what you orginally said to get you banned. What did you really say and how you said it would be what mattered, it would be the determination to whether or not the mods of r/politics are quick to ban for stupid reasons. I believed you were banned, but what was the comment in question that they deemed a "homophobic rant" or whatever?

Get the fuck out of here.

You were probably sperging out and claiming transwomen weren’t women too. That’s the transphobia that got you banned.

Literally bullshit. Even if I had said transwomen aren't women, they fucking aren't. Biology is real.

But no, I never said that on /r/politics.

With how easy you sperged out with “but muh 4th grade understanding of biology” here, I really doubt that you were able to keep that autism under wraps.

Lol what? How was that a "sperg out."

Everything you do is a sperg out.

Also your post there just oozes with impotent rage at trans women from one sentence and a fragment.


He isn’t

i clicked it and don't think you're right

i just think you're a smug dipshit

Claim: I was banned from /r/politics for saying transgender people aren't allowed to rape other people.

Screenshot: shows exactly that.

How am I not right?

because literally nobody cares but you

you are having a "I'M RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG" competition with yourself, you retard

But he is right?

other people

Well I disagree with the mod, but I'm also pretty sure that you misunderstand the legal definition of rape by deception.

If you try to bang some dude that thinks you're a woman, and you yourself are a man, that is rape by deception.

Maybe because there isn't one

yes yes the meanie sjws banned you for literally no reason, we get it

No, they banned me for "transphobia" after I said transgender people aren't allowed to rape other people.

That is pretty transphobic tho

Were you genuinely arguing for rape-by-deception, or was it just rethoric?

Well, of tumblr SJWs believe it exists, why not hold them to it?

Are you too retarded to crop a screenshot?

No, I just did it in like 3 seconds and didn't feel like fixing it. Don't really see why it matters tbh.

Use the Snipping Tool.

I literally do not care enough dude.

Not now, you tard. I mean in the future.

Select region, CTRL+C, go to, CTRL+V, done.

Something more important like responding to hundreds of posts on reddit lol.

I was actually banging your mom.

It's okay dude, you don't have to try and convince people you have a life.

What makes you think the thing I was doing involved having a life?

Some shitball beefed me in an LFR on world of warcraft and I had to put him in the dirt.

unironically queuing for looking for retards


I mean, I get a mythic ToS chest for it, and there's a chance of it titanforging.

Why wouldn't I do it?


That doesn't prove your point, tho.

Again we have only your claims, not the original comment.

Get the fuck out of here, retard. He literally cited transphobia.

They hated jesus because he told them the truth.png

But my high school debating burden of proof...

If i took everything on face value in my life I'd be homeless. Do you have a link to this comment that got you banned? Unlike T_D there is a lot of room for dissent on politics. Something doesn't add up.

I have thousands of comments on /r/politics. The mods are absolutely retarded and have no clue what they're doing.

Often they'll twist comments and claim they "break the rules."

I'm not going to dig through this shit again, it's right there. After being explained why said mod was wrong, he then fell back on "transphobia."

/r/politics is one of the most cancerous subs on reddit. It's worse than /r/news.

I thought now you just had to self identify as the new gender, no hormones or surgery required. (which seems a bit fishy to me)

They don't even cut anything anymore. Put on a shitty wig, call yourself a "lesbian", and guilt women into sleeping with you.

dont even need a wig tbqh

not 'guilt.' they assault lesbians in the typical way that rapists assault people. the only difference is the gaslighting afterwards - if you tell a therapist "a a male-to-female trans person put a gun to my head and he raped me" they will tell you "don't misgender her, that's literal murder"

Also if you try to #metoo a tranny, the whole Twitter mob turns on you instead.

balls and dick chopped off

That procedure is actually pretty complex, here’s a gif animation of how it’s done: (NSFW, animation of sex reassignment surgery)

(it’s done this way to be both anatomically similar to a natal vagina + retain full sensation and ability to orgasm)

Shit, wouldn't it be nice if you could just go to Claire's and get your membership lopped off like a tween gets a piercing? If only...

implying more than 0.01% of mtfs go for bottom surgery

I don't think you want them to learn what it actually entails, because what it actually entails is even more disgusting than just cutting off your dick.

well i looked at the animation and that's a lot more mutilating and disgusting than actual castration so good job tranny. i hope your yid surgeon is proud of your new """""vagina"""""

This person still had them when they assaulted the girls. Probably stil has them now.

I'm with rose unironically

Fight me IRL

I'm with her

You're dumb, there was totally enough space on that raft for both her and Jack to survive.

She single handedly day of the sandwiched all the mayos who died that night with a kiss, how much more do you want from her?

unforutnatley not because of her fat ass

oh wait its 2018 im sorry


god i hate fat people.

The way rose behaves, the convenient marketing timing. The absolute crackpot conspiracy theories she comes up with. That's right I called the tin foil hat a crack pot /u/alwaysunsureofthings bite me.

As well as the obvious and repeated use of crying "abuse" (which like most of ghazi heroes includes saying perfecting valid criticism and existing as a minority with a voice of our own) to attack and silence others by both her and her sycophantic fans.

I simply can't bring myself to believe her anymore. I never liked her, she was massively homophobic for years (usual crowd been ignoring that to appauld her "bravery") but in spite of that I could believe her but now, I simply can't. She's a deranged bigoted narcissistic sociopath that only dies things out of self interest nothing more she's not doing this for all women or the world she's just exploiting it for her. And /u/nixpanicus it's possible to be a bigot and mentally insane, I always assumed it was true for all ghazi users, there is no other explanation.

On the one hand she's a victim of rape who spoke out long after she benefited from that "rape" (and I hate women having a voice). On the other hand, the other one is a tranny and a rapist. I'll just say that on Day of the Rope they might spend a few weeks right next to each other.

cis girl asking for a beatdown

never goes well

So, which one of them is trans?

The non hot one

Schrödinger's Tranny

As usual, the rapist.

Why "rapist tranny"? Don't tell me that you posted an overdramatic title on /r/drama?

Well there was this but I am sure we are all suddenly waiting on due process in this case.

sometimes the drama is just too complex to keep up with. i'm too drunk to make witty comments about this, i don't even understand it.

you and me both buddy

Two crazy people had a shouting match and for some reason this is a thing that needs to be reported on.

I guess to be fair, we are on a sub called /r/drama.

Rose McGowan was raped, started speaking publicly about it (the whole Weinstein thing).

Andi Dier (a tranny, who got called out by former victims because he sexually harassed 13yo girls when he was already an adult) decided to heckle McGowan about "not doing enough for trans women", going on a rant about trannies getting murdered, blaming McGowan for dead trannies...

Video of the incident

McGowan has been the target of tranny hatred since she dared say in an interview with RuPaul that trans women don't go through some of the experiences cis women go through.

this video is hilarious, it's literally two people arguing over who has been the most victimized. imagine having this kind of personality where you "win" because your'e more of a victim? jesus lol

Plus in their own different ways they're both rape experts. Together they represent the whole spectrum of sexual assault.

Drinking and dramaing sounds awful

tl;dr: There's people out there who look at an issue, debate, discussion, argument, whatever and LITERALLY just try to find out whose identity is the most oppressed, then defend that person or side, totally independent of what the actual topic of the conflict is about.

Much humor is had among the rest of the world, who don't do that, when these people can't decide who's more oppressed and thus have to argue about that before getting to the actual issue.

Damn, that sub really gone from interesting game culture critique to full retard virtue signalling.

Yeah. I think we all miss the old days back when Ghazi was good.

Actually it was, at the beginning at least, when they were pretending to be game ethics critics instead of commies.

Let's not pretend Ghazi was ever good. It was "less bad" at best.

Damn, that sub really gone downhill

From kowtowing to future rapists to kowtowing to current rapists. What a change.

But muh Zoe Quinn.

It's literally always been like that. The way they are talking here is no different to how the spoke about Anita and her critics or Quinn. Nothing has changed it's always been a dumpster fire that doesn't stop burning.

Nah, I liked their navel-gazing about ethics in gaming, before it went full commie.

Lol I've seen loads of people say that about KIA, but never GG. This sounds just as batshit.

That's because it's Reddit being Reddit. From someone who dislikes both, GG was much more sane at the start, now KIA is bit more sane as you can actually have a discussion there while holding an opposing opinion.

Both of them were more sane initially when it was about the specific event and the "muh ethics" surrounding it. But the game critique aspect was just the standard walls of text made up of poorly applied social science.

Lol typical swedecuck.

I just wish I had a boyfriend to hug me and tell me I'm a woman rn






What the fuck is this bot?




What the fuck is this bot?

Tres bien

imagine being a good rapist male feminist all your life and you finally get a gf but its really a bf.

i know we'd love it bc bussy>gussy, but these guys aren't men of outstanding taste like /r/drama

/r/menslib will soon redirect to /r/mypartneristrans

The penis is the thinking man's vagina

Liking bussy is one think, playing pretend it's another

The best part is that it was /u/HodorTheDoorHolder responding to her and she found that comforting.

/u/HodorTheDoorHolder shamefur dispray you fucking dweeb

I'm nice when im drunk.

Literally a />tfw no gf bf post except on ghazi.

Damn....the uber ride across that forehead is 10 bucks...

>When security misgendered me I kind of wanted to die. It's why I got so much louder. You are hearing my pain.

Wanted to but didn't. What a (surgically created) pussy.

Please explain me how someone in a 1v1 situation, like a security guy galking ot you, can "misgender" you?

He's not going to use the third person to adress you, cunt. Stop lying, you mentaly insane tranny.

Not that I really want to defend their actions, but security probably said "sir" instead of "miss" or "ma'am".

Oh right.

I'm dumb.

Don't back down - double-down!

Guard: "That's a nice penis you have there, sir."

Me: dies from third degree misgenderment.

Going from what's surfacing about it, that tranny probably had its dick out at that moment anyway.


When I was younger, my voice didn't change for a long time. Any time I picked up the phone at my house, the caller would assume I'm my sister.

You know what I did about them misgendering me? Nothing, because I realize people make mistakes and it only affected me if I allowed it to.

That's why you didn't become a SJW or a tranny.


This is slightly different misgendering than transgender people experience— you’ve been socialized as a guy, have your friend group, parents, churches, etc all innately accepting you being a guy.

So, when someone says “Hi Fletch71011’s sister!” you’re able to dismiss it easily because you know you’re a guy, and everyone else knows it, and this one person made a mistake. (or the handful of times it happened)

This is different for transgender men (this means they had female on their birth certificate), because while they know they’re a guy, it’s not a guarentee that others will get that, accept it, and treat them as such.

So every experience becomes a bit of a gamble— even if their voice has dropped, their body, or mannerisms may signal to a person to use feminine pronouns.

I know it’s hard to put yourself in a transgender persons shoes, so imagine the following: (this is an oversimplification, and is a little absurd, I know.)

1) Your voice didn’t drop. But you know you’re a guy. 2) Your shoulders aren’t becoming more broad. But you know you’re a guy. 3) You’re not growing facial hair. But you know you’re a guy. 4) What the fuck? You’re growing breasts? But you know you’re a guy!

And this continues to adulthood, and now despite you binding your breasts, half the time people say “she” and that’s really frustrating. Most of the time you can shake it off, but on some days you can’t take it, and you become irritated at the starbucks barista, or write a stupid frustrated tweet which gets picked up and used to show how unfair transgender people are.

So maybe you say fuck it, put on a dress, and do the best you can to act as a woman despite it feeling completely alien.

Years go by, the feeling never really goes away. Maybe you start drinking, or doing drugs because everything in your life seems fake, a lie. Your personal relationships seem distant because the man you’re with loves a persona, or a shell— but not the real you. You feel guilty, but hide it. Man up? Right? Keep the emotions buried deep.

So now you’re middle aged, and entirely feel like you’ve been living a lie— and maybe you talk to a mental health professional. They say there’s another option— you can live as a man. There’s hormones to induce a male puberty, surgery to remove breasts, and with these things you find a sense of authenticity and happiness you’ve never really felt before.

Unfortunately, there’s still a decent chunk of people determined to say “CONFORM TO SOCIETY AND REMAIN A WOMAN” despite that prospect seeming like a sure ticket to you putting a gun in your mouth at age forty.

This got a lot longer than I meant, if you made it this far, thank you for listening.

tldr ur gay lol

I didn’t mention sexuality at all in this, but I can see how that might be confusing.

The person I was describing could easily be gay (meaning, he prefers men) and that would be independent of who he seems himself as in a relationship.

Sexuality is who you go to bed with Gender is who you go to bed as.

Stop saying dumb gender trended memes

guess I’ll die


hey, you brought it up. now that you have though...

And retarded

This is a good post.

This would still be 100% a me problem, though.

I think I agree with that, i’m trying to add a sense of humanity to this issue. Yes it’s you feeling bad. Yes it’s your feelings being hurt. Is it justified to lash out? No.

Is it justified to feel hurt? I would say yes, and if you read through my whole comment and were able to put yourself in his shoes, you’d probably say yes too.

So we have someone in pain, who needs help— our solution should be empathy, not derision. We should see this behavior and think: “What life has lead to this person being upset over being referred to with the wrong pronoun?” and attempt to answer that question.

Then, we should look at ourselves, and see if there’s anything we can do to make theirs, and others lives a little bit better.

(This doesn’t mean subservience to our future transgender overlords, so don’t take me wrong, this means hearing someone say “oh.. im actually a guy” and being like “okay” or at the least saying “whatever, I don’t really care I’m just a starbucks barista” but still referring to him as a dude)

That's still a personal issue though at the end of the day. I'll call you whatever gender you want, but getting upset at someone who had no idea doesn't help at all. If the person here said, "Actually, I'm female.", I'd guess more than likely the person would apologize and everything would be fine (except for a few assholes, of course). Letting this affect you that heavily over a simple mistake and doing nothing to fix the problem helps nobody.

Here’s my comment for a similar reply:

“I think I agree with that, i’m trying to add a sense of humanity to this issue. Yes it’s you feeling bad. Yes it’s your feelings being hurt. Is it justified to lash out? No.

Is it justified to feel hurt? I would say yes, and if you read through my whole comment and were able to put yourself in his shoes, you’d probably say yes too.

So we have someone in pain, who needs help— our solution should be empathy, not derision. We should see this behavior and think: “What life has lead to this person being upset over being referred to with the wrong pronoun?” and attempt to answer that question.

Then, we should look at ourselves, and see if there’s anything we can do to make theirs, and others lives a little bit better.

(This doesn’t mean subservience to our future transgender overlords, so don’t take me wrong, this means hearing someone say “oh.. im actually a guy” and being like “okay” or at the least saying “whatever, I don’t really care I’m just a starbucks barista” but still referring to him as a dude)”

If you are male, you are a dude.

maybe you should work on figuring out why you think you're the wrong gender instead of trying to convince everyone else.

Honest question— how much thought do you think a transgender person thinks about their gender? How much do you think about yours? Why are you your gender?

I am the gender I am because I have a bussy.

tl, dr trans people are more fragile

I mean I think you can learn to have somewhat of a self-humour and profit from that, but apart from that, I think the phone situation is not directly comparable for another reason. If trans people get misgendered it's often a sign of intentional malice or disrespect for the person, not just an innocent mistake.

I think self-humor is a fantastic coping mechanism. If more people could laugh at themselves we’d have a much more harmonious society.

I’m sure you know it can be hard, though, if if’s something that really hurts, like if your mom just died and someone made a your mom joke at your expense

I’m sure you know it can be hard, though, if if’s something that really hurts, like if your mom just died and someone made a your mom joke at your expense

Sure. The trick is to try to see the funny side of your situation on your own, not when someone else is poking fun at you. ;)


There's no need for people to tell women to remain women. Once a woman, always a woman. Born with ovaries, woman then, woman always. They can shave their head and take hormones to grow a beard, but they're still a woman.

This is what mental illness looks like

Could be. The distress associated with a disconnect between one’s sex and gender is called “Gender Dysphoria” and our current medical knowledge shows that allowing the body to match the mind produces the greatest quality of life improvement. You can read more here:

You'd thing that insane dudes chopping off their dicks would result in an improved quality of life for EVERYONE. But, for some reason, it is just worse.

This is a good post but I feel if you want to reach this crowd here you're going to have to make it a tad bit shorter.

Thanks, it was too early when I wrote it!

t slur


Are they referring to tranny...?


I like how they unironically shit all over RuPaul, whose done more to mainstream trannies and drag than anyone else alive... ungrateful cunts...

Gay opinionated men need to be gassed according to Ghnazi leadership .

Gay men are the white people of LGBT

u/serialflamingo is this true? Is RuPaul a transphobe? Are crossdressing queers part of the patriarchy?

A lot of ppl don't like Ru using the word tranny. But yeah, drag queens are approx 4 times more misogynistic than rapists.

Is there a weekly updated misogynist power ranking somewhere?

Use your scouter, dum dum

There are no safe words yet

What an age we live in. David-me is a radical leftist, RuPaul is part of the alt right, how am I supposed to keep up with these shifting definitions?

Its easy, whoever screams "im a victim!" the loudest "wins".

RuPaul has absolutely given more visibility to gender variance through drag. He’s also normalized usage of words like shemale and tranny on his show (for a time, I don’t think he still does)

Transgender people don’t like those words. In brief, because:

Shemale - is a porn term, and when used as a descriptor means “you’re not a man or a woman, but something abnormal.” If you put yourself in the transgender woman’s shoes, it both states that you’re not the gender you say you are, and are something different. If you’ve ever been through middle school, you know we all want to fit in to some degree.

Tranny - is a term, like “faggot” which is often closely associated with violence. This is the sort of word that is shouted out at transgender women from people driving by. This is the sort of word shouted as a precursor to violent, angry acts done to the transgender woman.



deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.

"the illness is recognizable from the patient's abnormal behavior"

I used to yell "fuck you you stupid fucking tranny" and beat it with a wrench on a monthly basis.

I really don't miss that truck.

When will transmissions get civil rights? /s

(its always super awkward going to the car repair shop because I know one of them is going to shorthand transmission to tranny and I’m gonna have to act like nothing is weird about that)

There isn't anything fucking weird with that.

There is nothing weird about that. Even people who hate trans people separate tranny and tranny in context.

Very true, but as a transgender person who does not work on cars, tranny tends to only mean one thing

Shemale - is a porn term, and when used as a descriptor means “you’re not a man or a woman, but something abnormal.”

Honestly it just describes a person with a dick and breasts. By your queer theory definition, that person could be either female or male gender. The only thing which is offensive about this word is if you use it in reference to someone who didn't encourage you to sexualize them.

queer theory definition? I’m not sure what that means— these are mainly my own views of these words, as a transgender woman, and as someone who answers questions in /r/asktransgender

I absolutely agree with your statement regarding sexualization, but I want to reiterate that calling some a “shemale” is at best saying “you’re not a woman, or man” or otherwise “you’re a man with some woman’s parts,” both of which a transgender woman wouldn’t want to be described as

Nobody gives a shit.

Nobody gives a shit that you think nobody gives a shit.

Trannies have AIDS because they fuck each other's shit.

incorrect. I give a shit about what /u/SocialistEphebophile thinks.

/u/thetinguy confirmed to be a retard.


Why do you downvote? Are you really that sad of a person that you have little fits of spite and have to reach out through a medium that has nothing to do with validity? You do realize karma is worthless right? And that downvoting a comment doesn't do anything to the legitimacy of what's in the post right? Or do youjust ignore all of that because you're butthut and have to lash out like a baby in need of a circumcision? 1 mean seriously! You can't have a conversation with someone on the internet without angrily clicking the downvote button? Do you feel like you've had vengeance on me or something? I personally don't care about downvotes either way (by all means, call your silly downvote brigade on me, it means nothing at all to me), but I just find it funny how seriously you and others like yourself actually take these imaginary internet points. Reddit really is all you have, huh? Damn do I feel bad for you. But you know what? I don't care! I'll rake in the coal! You're logic is flawed, kiddo. Don't like what people are doing with it? Downvote me, that'll show 'em! Go ahead and press that down arrow, I know you're itching to do it. Think you're contributing to the community?"Doing your civic duty"? Nope. You're just decreasing a meaningless number on the internet. You just want to hop on the bandwagon. Well POUNCE! O can hear you as your feet land on the cold real steel of the inside of the wagon. You know what? Enjoy the ride, for now. Maybe even stick your head out the window and feel the breeze while you reflect on the importance of your downvote to me. I'll even give you my word, this isn't even my primary account, kiddo. Downvote away, downvote to your heart's content. But listen kid, please remember rule 1 of reddit. Treat the other people commenting as if they are human beings. It is fascinating, however, that people ignore the fact that I am right just because the first two people downvoted me. From that point it is just snowballs. wnen people see downvotes, do they neglect their own ability or reason? It is similar to the fallacy of poisoning the well. Once they see the fact that others disagree, they assume that the person must be wrong, even if undeniable truth is on the other side. It is an interesting phenomenon, and I am not sure how reddit should address this issue moving forward. There needs to be a solution that prevents cases like mine from happening. If someone posts something truthful, it should be upvoted, not downvoted. It is imperative that we allow free speech and the truth to be shared. I don't care about the karma. Hell, I'll gladly rake in the coal! But we must remember that free speech and opinions are key to our society and, more importantly, reddit. So, next time you want to downvote somethinq, just think about what you are about to do!

Are you really that sad of a person that you have little fits of spite and have to reach out through a medium that has nothing to do with validity?

of course it's a porn term. their entire life is centered around their hyperseuxality, so it's just an accurate depiction of who they are

I don't like the term "transgender".

Tranny isn’t really like Faggot, so you can fuck right off with that. Ru and queens from Ru’s era have been using tranny to refer to themselves and other drag queens for years.

Shemale - is a porn term, and when used as a descriptor means “you’re not a man or a woman, but something abnormal.”

I mean what do you think transexuals are lol? Do you really think they are men or women? No, they aren't. You can't change your bones. You can't changes your genes. In 1000 years after you die and someone digs up your bones, they'll say that you were a male even if you pretended you were female.


In a thousand years, no one will remember any of us, so why care? Why do anything?

.. because we have one life and one chance to be happy.

If you wanted to be happy with your life, being a tranny probably wasn't the best choice. You have about a 53% chance of killing yourself.

That's totally fine man. Just don't base your happiness on whether I think you're a man or a woman. Also, don't be upset when someone points out your obvious differences to real men and women. You should accept yourself for who you are regardless of what other people think.

RuPaul has absolutely given more visibility to gender variance through drag


He’s also normalized usage of words like shemale and tranny on his show


Transgender people don’t like those words.

I doubt anyone much cares.

Shemale - is a porn term

Because typing "pre-op MtF" is a bit of a pain when searching for porn.

and when used as a descriptor means “you’re not a man or a woman, but something abnormal.”

You're really reading into that ain't you?

If you put yourself in the transgender woman’s shoes, it both states that you’re not the gender you say you are

No, it's states you're a pre-op MtF.

and are something different

What does this even mean?

Tranny - is a term, like “faggot” which is often closely associated with violence

What fucking world are you in where faggot is associated with violence? Because here in the real world it's associated with retarded middle schoolers.

This is the sort of word that is shouted out at transgender women from people driving by

So? Do what gays did with queer and take the word back. Because who the fuck cares about the opinions of the kinda half wit trash who yell things from cars?

It wasn't RuPaul that normalized "tranny" and "shemale". Trannies being, well, disgusting and deserving of ridicule did that.

Honestly, after just watching that short clip of McGowan I came to believe that she's probably a shitty person who makes a show for attention and has some sloppy caricatured versions of liberal political stances which she calculatingly uses to win admirers. I don't know if she's been raped or not, I didn't even know she existed before that.

But at the same time it's totally ridiculous that people are calling her transphobic and TERF now. I mean the way they construct that short incidence which is caught on camera is way different than what I would have done. Some trans woman interrupts her and starts aggressively yelling at her, and because McGowan tells her to shut up she's transphobe now(?) Trans folks are doing themselves no favor by acting this way.

Honestly, after just watching that short clip of McGowan I came to believe that she's probably a shitty person who makes a show for attention and has some sloppy caricatured versions of liberal political stances

So she's a Ghazi poster.

Probably one (or all) of the moderators.

I came to believe that she's probably a shitty person who makes a show for attention

It's called #metoo

She's a nutcase.

What I love is how there are multiple comments about how Rose has been transphobic/homophobic/racist for a while, but if you do a search on posts about Rose, no one mentions it. It's nothing but about how brave she is and then Rose gets called out for possibly being a TERF and it's nothing but "OH I knew all along." These are really the worse people around.

Trannies don't like rupaul?

Apparently drag is somehow making a mockery of trannies, who themselves are a mockery of women. IMO it's because most drag queens look more passable than trannies, and yet they don't play identity politics and go on with their normal lives once they're done LARPing.

IMO it's because most drag queens look more passable than trannies,

Yeah idk most transvestites look kind of extreme though. I think it's because transwoman try to show they're valid by adopting female gender roles. So basically everyone who enacts a female identity role would be female and everything would be unambiguous and clean. But then there are men who adopt a female gender role but still identify as man, which throws you back to dick people = men.

The absolute freedom though would be if your gender role is not bound to your gender identity and your gender identity is not bound to your sex. Cue that meme with the progressively more enlightened brain.

Also transvestites are about having fun. Trannies are about proving to the world you have the hardest time ever with your white male existence and deserve all the victim points.

That was me, and i am totally ready.

Bring it on trannies, maybe if ur lucky ill cut that dick off for you ;)

As long as you enjoy those dead trannies, there's nothing wrong then

Hitler, Richard Spencer, Donald Trump, William Dudley Pelley, George Wallace, and Geert Wilders are all crossdressers! Coincidence? One day you're dressing up like the opposite gender without feeling like the opposite gender, next thing you know you're digging mass graves! It's basically the same thing.

So you're saying I should cross dress if I want to physically remove my enemies?

Only cisgendered crossdressers like RuPaul get to commit crimes against humanity, so just make sure you're not trans first.

Interesting. Ghazi has now stopped to take it into consideration when multiple women describe being victimized by the same man, around the same age... As long as the rapist is a tranny.


The fact that one side has "rapist" as a title and they're having problems is exactly what's wrong with SocJus.

Butbutbut games have titties in them! REEEEEEEE.

Butbutbut games have titties in them! REEEEEEEE.

In [CURRENT YEAR] it's considered worse than dragging a 14yo in the woods and raping her.

Andi...seems to have a history of sexual assault, sure, but

Nobody should ever let Ghazi forget that they of all people upvoted these words.

These people think "victim shaming" is justified if some transgendered rapist does it.

Here are their reactions to several women describing in detail how they were victimized by him. Those women are proven to have lived in the same city, interacted with the rapist, having the age difference they stated, and their account show a pattern.

But Ghazi won't believe it because : a lot of TERFs posted about those sexual assaults, so it means it can't be true, and also one user thinks they remember that (years later) those girls look about the same age as the tranny (which is wrong but just means it's harder to see a visible difference between 25 and 20 than between 20 and 13, as when he tried to rape them with his femine penis).

Maybe it is a good thing that West is being destroyed. Better to die a hero than live long enough to become a mentally ill tranny.

I'll try to fight back before I let us be destroyed. But to be fair I'm not sure we'll be successful. Oh well, at least I'll go to my grave with fond memories of charging the local LGBT center in chainmail while yelling "Deus Vult!".

More effective on multiple levels if you LARP as a self-radicalized Muslim.

I need to team up with local muslim extremists. A few guys in armor can attack from the street, pushing the degenerates to climb to the upper levels. Then the muslims will be waiting on the roof to throw the faggots.


lmao, like you're justified in taking credit for any of the West's achievements.

Can you read? I say "us" as a native of a place being overrun by degeneracy.

All transgender people are superior to women. FACT!

You are now a mod of /r/gamerghazi

Lol the world's biggest narcissists (trans people) saw women like Rose getting showered with sweet sweet victimhood attention, and got insanely jealous.

Femis always wins with that crowd, too many victim points for a mere woman to overcome.

Hating on RuPaul? Get fucked. Only a monster could hate RuPaul.

Checks out. The one hating on him is a hideous looking tranny who is also a rapist, so a monster in every possible way.

One more reason to consign the progressive stack to the dustbin of history.

The Crucible in 2017