Self flagellation only! Self hate doesn’t count as hate!

23  2018-02-04 by YouThinkPlatonic


There's also the dynamic that men learn violence rules primarily from women.

The first person to hit a man is usually his mother, the one who brought him into this world.

Wew, that's a bold move on a feminist sub saying a woman is capable of hitting someone

Clearly males deserve it. The only bad part is that a woman had to exert herself to abuse him.

That’s why the fine gents at /r/menslib are happy to do it for her.

He did ruin her soufflé

Patriarchy made her do it tho so I dunno what ur trying to say here

Just acknowledging it's physically possible for a woman to strike a man is an act of high bravery in a feminist subreddit tho

I hate myself more than I hate anything in this world but at least I'm not a moderator on /r/menslib nor I'm introducing my posts with "I would give you a gentle warning to proceed carefully if you're going to be talking about "toxic femininity".

I mean how the fuck cucking like this isn't illegal already?

It's blatantly obvious that the mods on that sub exist solely to prevent a legitimate discussion between men.

Check the rules. No seriously, check the rules and try not to laugh. They couldn't be more blatant.

r/Menslib, where you can unironically advocate for all men removing their dicks and still pretend to be a sub for helping men.

it is true that that women like masculine strong men

There is the answer for why he wants all men to be beta so he can finally get laid.

Probably because there is a lot of guys out there who have a lot of vitriol set aside for women, and this kind of comment gives them licence to be toxic. As much as the encumbent community here could have a reasonable conversation about it, it would invite alot of outsiders who can't.

Lmao, That Tarcolt retard thinks that women have no toxic thoughts about men, and in no way use feminism as an excuse to vent their spleen. Only men hold toxic views of the other gender.

This is your brain on /r/menslib.

Nah but Reddit has a 70/30 male-female ratio. Also there's way more women-hate subs and more subscribers to those respective subs. If you're beefy at women, you have plenty of opportunities to discuss this in nuance. It'd be kind of pointless though if menslib got infested with the majority of Redditors who think like that. Kind of like buying the same t shirt twice.

'Why don't you go to Menslib, it's clearly the only nonsexist sub in support of men's rights!'

100+ upvotes: 'Men are at fault for their sexual assaults'


well looks like theyve achieved their goal of eliminating masculinity, even if its only in that sub