Progressive man gives woman chance to prove women aren't bad drivers. She fails 🤦

28  2018-02-04 by [deleted]


So...a director known for making his stars do difficult and/or dangerous things to get a realistic reaction out of them is suddenly a sexist because GASP --he dared do the same thing to a woman.

Feminism: the belief that holding women to the same standard as men is misogyny.

Look at the difference between this woman's reaction, and a pro like DiCaprio just continuing on when he slices his hand open. That's why women suck.

Look at the difference between this woman's reaction, and a pro like DiCaprio just continuing on when he slices his hand open. That's why women suck.

Car crash in a shitty vehicle vs. a cut 🤔

He's a fragile unfunny mong who thinks "DAE LE FEMINISM SUCKS" is hip and cool. Plus I doesn't help that he can't make any good arguments but it's not like we're surprised about the latter.

Yeah holy shit he picked literally the worst argument he could have. Oh no this weak womyn needed assistance after a car crash, lmao womyn suck xD

He's the local sperg. Don't worry. People can see through his terrible agenda posts.

Are you implying you've ever made a good argument Ed?

Yes, yes i have. I don't resort to comparing glass cuts on your hand to possible fatal car crashes just because it fits my agenda. Plus he sounds like an incel lol.

Not an argument.

le bussy xd AMRITIE?

In real life, a cut like that causes nerve damage, or is very likely to. And a car crash like that, under controlled circumstances, is just scary, not dangerous.

I'm not autistic. I'm over 30--near 40. Have more life experience than you do, and I know more about the difference between actual damage and fear.

You're autistic as fuck. Also, a paper cut is technically nerve damage you fucking spastic.

wow our resident retard strikes again, and in his typical 3 paragraph format. Why do you do that?

also u ever watched blade runner? Daryl Hannah smashes her elbow into a window and continues the scene. She could elbow you out cold nerd


That must count for somethinh!!

Did you read the accusation? The car wasn't secure, she was forced to drive very fast on a dirty road, being told it was just a straight road, which wasn't true as you can see.

She fighted with tarantino to not do that scene or to pleas use a double, but he was angry and forced her. That's her story, we have to wait for tarantino' side, but your hate toward feminism is pretty concerning.

He is gets like this with everybody though. Some busty blonde, and it's suddenly a tragedy?

Dont feed the troll

Nice agenda post.

Feminism: the belief that holding women to the same standard as men is misogyny.

Nice strawman faggot.

Look at the difference between this woman's reaction, and a pro like DiCaprio just continuing on when he slices his hand open.

Nice false equivalency you dumb mong

That's why women suck.

Nice banter, incel

He is right, women do suck.


No, I'm being serious, women do indeed suck, and that's why they're great.

hyuck hyuck hyuck

I prefer the theory that Tarantino gets off on women in car crashes so he did this for jerk off material.

eclectic taste