Pasta alert in r/comedycemetery as bugmen and soyboys explain why women are funny in 2018

46  2018-02-04 by cultish_alibi




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Come on, now... that was a pretty well crafted description of the joke dynamic.

/u/aoeuidhtnszvwm did excellent job.

does he watch rick and morty tho?

i’d bet he writes for it

To be fair

You have to have a low iq to understand reddit

how zen


Nope. It was a good description. Everything more than 1 paragraph is not a pasta. This one is too sensible and specific to be pasta.

If that's your bar for pasta then might as well start linking to every comment from r/changemyview because they tend to be long and well detailed.

You want pasta?

The wall is broken down into 3 stages for women. The first wall is at 17, when their irresistible fertility and beauty shows its first sign of decline. At 17 these women can be passed up and resisted if need be. Then they hit a big wall at 23 when they no longer have the tightness and sexiness that made them so amazingly beautiful during their most fertile years. Then after 23 it's a slow decline until about 29 when they start to develop smells that reflect how many men they've fucked, and or how many kids they have/abortions/diet/drugs, etc. You can tell how good a woman is by her smell. If she doesn't smell like you want to get on top of her and suck on her neck and taste her saliva, then she is not right for you. This is all natural and it's a shame that women fuck so much in their younger years without being locked in by a loving husband. Premarital sex damages women in the most severe way, and damages us men as well. If you fuck a woman you better marry her or if you're not in a position to marry her, bang a hooker or slut instead. We men must step up and use women properly and love them as we love ourselves. Women are meant to be guided and dominated in order for our children to be raised in a safe and healthy productive environment.

Women are meant to be guided and dominated in order for our children to be raised in a safe and healthy productive environment.

> Tfw no masculine gf to guide and dominate you in order for your children to be raised in a safe and healthy productive environment

Why live?

i find the smell thing hard to believe

It's pasta. Of course it's bullshit.

I was kinda upset at, and I don't even have a below-average penis, it's just so antisocial and unjust that it could only have come from the social justice movement

The initial joke "feels" like a lighthearted mentioning of a silly aspect of human culture as opposed to a genuine attempt to harm the opposite gender.

/u/aoeuidhtnszvwm have you tried applying the usual feminist analysis to this part. Like, reducing people to their utility for pleasuring other people sexually, and a characteristic they have no control over? Maybe ask some men how lighthearted that joke feels to them? Smdh fam.

This but ironically

This but reverse irony.

We're not even talking about how transphobic the original joke was. "Haha, men and their penises" as if having a penis and being male were at all related.

Girls rule, women are funny, get over it.

Yes but soy actually increases your T levels so he's still a soyboy

I liked the part where /u/aoeuidhtnszvwm pretended that dick size jokes are some underrepresented niche in the field of comedy so that he could cut one boring tired joke a break while shitting all over the not any more boring or tired joke that hurt his masculine vagina.

masculine vagina bussy


While it's hardly the first joke in the "men often exaggerate size because they want their penises to be larger" archetype,


this specific execution is well-done enough that it just works.


He's talking about the iPhone naming scheme and screen size, Try reading comprehension maybe? Dumbass.

Why are you so angry lately, Ed? You're gonna give yourself a heart attack going on this way.

I'm angry? Lmao you're the one worked up over a fucking 🦆 joke about dick sizes and iPhone screens.

I was trying to put some sense but I mean it's all about the (((agenda))) these days lolololol


drama users bitching about a dick size joke lmaooooo

Eddy acting like he ain't packing a thimble.

Prob explains the constant rageposting he does lmaooo

I'll pray for you small dick! Thots and prayers my friend.

Implying I actually care lol

Boi you be making dozens of acktually comments all over this dumbass sub.

Just another butthurt seriousposter like everyone else here.

Just another butthurt seriousposter like everyone else here.

beep ...beep.... beep... translation completed!


What a faggot.

What a fucking effort post

Has to be on drugs like adderall lol

Just weed. It's a lot of weed, though, and it's pretty high-quality stuff. Hate to disappoint.

Woah, you smoke weed?

Amazing, you are so cool!


What a faggot.

Trees! Dude weed lmao.

Bro, weed? You like weed, too? Shit bro, we should hang out and talk about weed and stuff.

I stopped going on Reddit when I take Adderall after I realised I had spent two hours writing and sourcing a comment on fucking /r/trashy. Deleted the whole thing and reevaluated my life after that one.

Has to be on drugs like adderall

Don't put me on the same levels as those morons.

What's wrong with the people on that subreddit?

The only relevant question here so far...

They think they are le masters of comedy because they dont think dankmemes posts are funny

What's wrong with the people on Reddit?

They just found out that posts from iFunny that their friends on Facebook posts aren't really funny.

if you think the original joke isn’t funny, you probably spend too much time on Twitter and lie about your dick size

if you think the second joke isn’t funny, it’s probably because you’ve heard that one a couple times since Family Guy made the exact same joke like 15 years ago

pasta accuracy: 99.99%

The original joke is funny because of the inclusion of the iPhone naming scheme and display size aspect. It's was least given thought and doesn't come across as "le edgy top kek" bullshit.

thx for the explanation

As weak and pathetic as this comment is, I do at least appreciate the use of the term "broadflake". So many people jump straight to screaming "snowflake" when they disagree with someone, and it can result in a weird situation where someone says "look at those fucking snowflakes" while failing to explain which side they think is the snowflakes, resulting in confusion. I've never heard the term "broadflake" before, but I'm assuming that you're trying to combine snowflake with broad in order to mean "a snowflake who failed to disagree with a broad, or woman". It's cringey as fuck, but it's at least specific.

As to your assumption that anyone is offended here except for you, I can't really help you with that. Self-awareness eludes plenty of people, especially at your age. Perhaps when you get to high school there will be a school psychologist who can help you work through these issues; until then I think the people around you are just going to be stuck with an annoying little doucebag.

How did a sub that is supposed to just be about unfunny jokes turn into such a cesspit of "this joke offends me" or "this joke doesn't agree with my politics"?

If you’re inclined to write paragraphs about why a joke is or isn’t funny it’s likely you don’t know anything about funny.

Wamxn are funny, deal with it.


I got dicked on there

Maidens! Feminism is the membership-ticket of the Monoculture.

Shaykh Abdal-Hakim Murad

/u/aoeuidhtnszvwm Boy you sure sound very thirsty. Is this ugly ass cunt giving hand jobs to any random guy that says she's funny?


Why is /r/drama just the right-wing /r/SubredditDrama?

Because Daddy Trump gives us his free cummied if we be good frog boys.

Jesus, that sub turned into a white knight den.