Local autistic man virtue signals about how much he hates virtue signaling.

13  2018-02-04 by IAmAN00bie


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Being a stupid asshole is the opposite of virtue signalling

Just because someone has shit virtues doesn't stop it from being virtue signaling

Am I virtue signalling right now?

No, you're asking a question.

Why am I asking a question?

How would I know?

Jew magic

Got me there.

The majority of times I've seen someone use the term it's because they want to feel justified in being a stupid asshole though.

/u/istlion are you frustrated that thos autistic kid accomplished something that your less-autistic self couldn't do?

That bitch traveled.