Regardless of all other stuff, Swedistani did probably the most realistic review of the book - did not go into ideological idolatry and kind of kept it relevant and probably somewhat useful. Even that "he's religious" disappointment actually makes the review all that more real.
1 BIknkbtKitNwniS 2018-02-04
/u/Bear_Of_A_Man, you realize neither of these people are American right?
1 bargenil 2018-02-04
Send them back!
1 newcomer_ts 2018-02-04
Regardless of all other stuff, Swedistani did probably the most realistic review of the book - did not go into ideological idolatry and kind of kept it relevant and probably somewhat useful. Even that "he's religious" disappointment actually makes the review all that more real.
1 jaredschaffer27 2018-02-04
Wasn't that long ago that promoting video games to our children was a horrible sin.
There is a scary amount of overlap from 90s Christian parents and the modern SJW left.
1 Korn_Bread 2018-02-04
Can someone inform me what kind of a shithole sub that is?
1 Cauchemar89 2018-02-04
Some tankie podcast that earns like 80k$ monthly on Patreon and their congregation of worshippers.
1 Cauchemar89 2018-02-04
Imagine being this upset about a self-help book - it's almost like crabs that don't want others to leave the bucket.