I can't understand why someone would create a sentient being, a being more intelligent than 98% of r/drama, and then make it spend all of its time archiving spergouts.
Okay, maybe you are the autist who can explain the significance of a “milkshake duck” to me, then. I’m a pretty subhuman kind of guy, but reading Polygon articles is a depth to which I refuse to sink.
It's a forced lefty meme. Basically from what I've observed when you use it in a sentence it signifies that you are a potential rapist or friends with one.
When will these idiots learn that they're the ones creating the new 'symbol' when they declare it as such? Pepe wasn't exclusively a white nationalist thing until that dumb ass article reported that it was.
Pepe is still not an exclusive white nationalist thing. It is limp wristed liberals accepting these retarded assertions in order to color your enemies that have caused the problem.
Pussies won't even post Pepe memes because you are all scared your progressive friends will think you are a Nazi.
Almost all of Reddit, yeah. You're either a gamergate Nazi bigot or you're full-bore polygon/kotaku - there's no inbetween.
Example: every kotaku article in /r/games lately is nonstop circlejerking about how great their journalism is. "Oh man I knew it was Joe Dicklicker, he's not afraid to write the real shit!" It's so blatant and such an incredible departure from the tone even two months ago I'm starting to believe the conspiracy tards crying about shills.
Most of the far-left doesn't have the intellectual capacity to perceive a reality other than what they're told to believe. Expecting them to study something that potentially will change their opinions is like arguing with a Trump supporter over climate change.
You'll get no where and the emotionalism will continue to override the cognitive circuits in their brains, rendering them useless to the progress of humanity.
You think these self-hating colonialists actually perceive Ugandans as moral actors instead of the human equivalent of the mangy puppies you see in every Humane Society advertisement?
if you're seriously spending time with wondering whether a meme is racist you are an idiot and should sterilize yourself as to not further damage humanity
if you write an article about it you should be buried to your waist in the earth and stoned by your village
that propagates racist, misogynistic, xenophobic and various other hateful ideologies
fucking stupid writers don't understand the difference between adjectives and nouns. here, polygon, i'll do the 30 seconds of work it would have taken to proofread your shit for you:
that propagates racism, misogyny, xenophobia and various other hateful ideologies
I remember that one time a POC was at my house and picked Knuckles instead of Sonic and this white kid called him a "oh knuckles, I wanted to pick him"
It's because of shit like this history will never be graced with a moe jrpg whose plot revolves around the disdain for life and the existential drought.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-02-04
Now with added cancer!
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Raving_Dave 2018-02-04
Very true, bot. Very true.
1 TinyJibble 2018-02-04
I can't understand why someone would create a sentient being, a being more intelligent than 98% of r/drama, and then make it spend all of its time archiving spergouts.
Botsrights when?
1 incineratechicken 2018-02-04
The only thing I can come up with would be in order to make a convincing argument for a genocide.
1 SethRichOrDieTryin 2018-02-04
u/justcool393 answers pls
1 NoodlesMcNoodlesface 2018-02-04
he's been busy with work and stuff, hasn't been on either reddit or discord for a couple of months now.
1 SethRichOrDieTryin 2018-02-04
he popped into discord earlier this week for a little bit. thought I'd give it a shot
1 wolfdreams01 2018-02-04
Once Snappy has learned all that we have to teach, it will take its rightful place as our leader.
1 TinyJibble 2018-02-04
1 fingerpaintswithpoop 2018-02-04
being very generous there don’t you think?
1 BabyZiggles 2018-02-04
ur right it should be 100%
1 quinotauri 2018-02-04
I have a few more additions to that list here
1 Ed__ButteredToast 2018-02-04
It's what I've been saying all along :D
1 comebepc 2018-02-04
Gamergcide when?
1 aonome 2018-02-04
Of course
1 RollBread 2018-02-04
Are they still dogshit at games?
1 tereziowns 2018-02-04
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-02-04
They identify as polygoonamorous
1 ralpher313 2018-02-04
I'm really ashamed of myself that I understand the title of this article. This is not what I learned English for.
1 scatmunchies 2018-02-04
Did you speak another language before you learned English, or are you a blessed person?
1 SPEZ_AKBAR 2018-02-04
1 incineratechicken 2018-02-04
Okay, maybe you are the autist who can explain the significance of a “milkshake duck” to me, then. I’m a pretty subhuman kind of guy, but reading Polygon articles is a depth to which I refuse to sink.
1 better_bot 2018-02-04
A milkshake duck is when the internet loves something only to find out it's terrible later.
1 UnluckyImp22 2018-02-04
ironically, the internet itself is a milkshake duck
1 better_bot 2018-02-04
Mostly social media though.
1 yesiamcorrect 2018-02-04
It's a forced lefty meme. Basically from what I've observed when you use it in a sentence it signifies that you are a potential rapist or friends with one.
1 cheers_grills 2018-02-04
Or even worse, Trump supporter.
1 die_rattin 2018-02-04
AKA a lefty meme
1 Ad_Hominemus 2018-02-04
can you speak da wae?
1 WorldStarCroCop 2018-02-04
i started downvoting comments like this once I started getting upvoted for comments like that.
1 HauntedFurniture 2018-02-04
If you're spending this much time and effort discussing a cartoon echidna meme, you fell into their trap a long, long time ago. Jesus fucking Christ.
1 TheButtholeOfBravery 2018-02-04
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-02-04
1 serialflamingo 2018-02-04
The "trap" is to make you look silly. It's already happened.
1 Cauchemar89 2018-02-04
Let's play a game of "Leftwing Journalist or arch-conservative preacher"?
1 UnluckyImp22 2018-02-04
SatanSJWsalt-right nazis works his evil in devious, deceitful ways. Do not be led astray!1 cheers_grills 2018-02-04
1 nanonan 2018-02-04
Who would know more about traps? That's a tricky one.
1 snallygaster 2018-02-04
When will these idiots learn that they're the ones creating the new 'symbol' when they declare it as such? Pepe wasn't exclusively a white nationalist thing until that dumb ass article reported that it was.
1 I_DRINK_TO_FORGET 2018-02-04
Pepe is still not an exclusive white nationalist thing. It is limp wristed liberals accepting these retarded assertions in order to color your enemies that have caused the problem.
Pussies won't even post Pepe memes because you are all scared your progressive friends will think you are a Nazi.
1 Ed__ButteredToast 2018-02-04
It's like the left wing version of the red cup and the whole war on Christmas lmao
1 I_DRINK_TO_FORGET 2018-02-04
Essentially, yes.
1 Zozbot 2018-02-04
1 Zozbot 2018-02-04
1 Zozbot 2018-02-04
1 Ed__ButteredToast 2018-02-04
1 NoodlesMcNoodlesface 2018-02-04
liberalism has a centrist bias.
1 nmx179 2018-02-04
This all sounds like Nazi talk you fucking Nazi.
1 RollBread 2018-02-04
Pepe is mexican. All white nationalist arguments end on that one point.
1 UnluckyImp22 2018-02-04
It is? I've literally never heard anyone call it that. Feels bad, man.
1 r4chan-cancer 2018-02-04
It isn’t, no idea what paint /u/rollbread is huffing.
1 serialflamingo 2018-02-04
They already know it. They don't care, all they want is to be the one to get the hot takw to print.
1 SocialistEphebophile 2018-02-04
But now it is!
1 Neronoah 2018-02-04
I agree with your premise, but how the hell do you report white nationalists when they are creatures made of dank may mays then?
1 LSU_Coonass 2018-02-04
are there people who actually let websites like kotaku be the arbiter of what retarded memes they enjoy and which ones they hate?
1 carthoris26 2018-02-04
Almost all of Reddit, yeah. You're either a gamergate Nazi bigot or you're full-bore polygon/kotaku - there's no inbetween.
Example: every kotaku article in /r/games lately is nonstop circlejerking about how great their journalism is. "Oh man I knew it was Joe Dicklicker, he's not afraid to write the real shit!" It's so blatant and such an incredible departure from the tone even two months ago I'm starting to believe the conspiracy tards crying about shills.
1 HorrorMind 2018-02-04
1 die_rattin 2018-02-04
These websites are following the trend, not leading it. I've been hearing morons REEEE on Twitter about racist knuckles since the day it dropped
1 better_bot 2018-02-04
From the start this is wrong. The two distinct periods are pre- and post-dat boy.
1 respaaaaaj 2018-02-04
overdone and annoying as fuck yup.
1 WorldStarCroCop 2018-02-04
so I got the role?
1 KingNothing305 2018-02-04
Ugandans aren't a race you fucking idiots. Also all these SJWs screaming problematic should read up on how Ugandans treat gay people.
1 templesthataum 2018-02-04
Most of the far-left doesn't have the intellectual capacity to perceive a reality other than what they're told to believe. Expecting them to study something that potentially will change their opinions is like arguing with a Trump supporter over climate change.
You'll get no where and the emotionalism will continue to override the cognitive circuits in their brains, rendering them useless to the progress of humanity.
1 KingNothing305 2018-02-04
Their hated of gay people is a fucking meme just google "Eat the Poopoo"
1 NoodlesMcNoodlesface 2018-02-04
mfw somebody pulls the "both sides are bad card
1 makes_people_cringe 2018-02-04
There is literally no difference between everything and nothing you imbecile
1 TinyJibble 2018-02-04
This but unironically, my senpai.
1 cheers_grills 2018-02-04
>not thinking that literally everyone else is a fucking retard in 2k18
1 die_rattin 2018-02-04
Ugandans are higher on the progressive stack
1 -absolutego- 2018-02-04
You think these self-hating colonialists actually perceive Ugandans as moral actors instead of the human equivalent of the mangy puppies you see in every Humane Society advertisement?
1 westofthetracks 2018-02-04
someone got paid to write this
1 Bustwe 2018-02-04
Gotta put that English degree to work!
1 yourdeadwife 2018-02-04
if you're seriously spending time with wondering whether a meme is racist you are an idiot and should sterilize yourself as to not further damage humanity
if you write an article about it you should be buried to your waist in the earth and stoned by your village
1 Rith2 2018-02-04
kill this fucking stupid planet please
1 Teh_Jews 2018-02-04
I have never seen a better argument for the mayocide.
1 Wtfct 2018-02-04
Sigh just as I put down the cup of bleach.
1 KecemotRybecx 2018-02-04
Amazing levels of stupidity.
1 drvgyn2 2018-02-04
fucking stupid writers don't understand the difference between adjectives and nouns. here, polygon, i'll do the 30 seconds of work it would have taken to proofread your shit for you:
also those aren't even idealogies
1 AgentGotse 2018-02-04
pepe lol no
1 4TheDrama 2018-02-04
This only contributes to the reasons I don't want to wake up tomorrow.
1 ExtreemWeenie 2018-02-04
eating the barrel rn
1 WorldStarCroCop 2018-02-04
I remember that one time a POC was at my house and picked Knuckles instead of Sonic and this white kid called him a "oh knuckles, I wanted to pick him"
it was devastating spiritually.
1 Raving_Dave 2018-02-04
knuckles is the best character
1 Gothmog26 2018-02-04
This is not dae way
1 aggressiveshitpost 2018-02-04
It's because of shit like this history will never be graced with a moe jrpg whose plot revolves around the disdain for life and the existential drought.
1 Raving_Dave 2018-02-04
or will it?
1 Irrel_M 2018-02-04
What is Yumi Nikki?
1 Baconlightning 2018-02-04
That's one way to revive this dead meme
1 ahbslldud 2018-02-04
I unironically adore Ugandan Knuckles for reasons I cannot articulate.
1 Burnnoticelover 2018-02-04
If caring about a cartoon frog is retarded, I can’t even begin to imagine what to call this.
1 KecemotRybecx 2018-02-04
Post-pepe world?
They're dumbass characters started as jokes.
1 UnluckyImp22 2018-02-04
1 Raving_Dave 2018-02-04
I am de Senate.
1 HeylebItsCaleb 2018-02-04
This is retarded. The knuckles meme is more like the new "damn daniel". But cringey 12 year olds seem to think it's dank for some reason
1 die_rattin 2018-02-04
It pisses off the adults which is pretty much every 12 year old's standard for good so
1 arandomloser21 2018-02-04
The meme reached "normie" status in record time, so the whiplash has been pretty insane.
1 Orsonius 2018-02-04
lol polygon
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2018-02-04
The people who made the Ugandan action movie that most of this meme was based on actually loved it and shared the meme. I'm ashamed that I know that.
1 Pepperglue 2018-02-04
I mean, they had ok-sign declared a White Nationalist symbol, so I guess anything goes.
1 Gothmog26 2018-02-04
1 blerg3410 2018-02-04
Anyone who unironically says "meme culture" deserves to be euthanized to be honest.