Parent acts like a parent; /r/NintendoSwitch drops tendies everywhere

38  2018-02-05 by better_bot


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Somewhere in there a manchild calls this abusive, but I'm not going back in to find it.

Hmm... I wonder what the age of the average r/nintendoswitch user is? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

ninetenyearolds whining about their parents???



u/theovermangoesunder if you want your son to be successful then you should encourage sociopathy

/u/spiffywhale infertility is a terrible thing and I’m truely sorry. If you need someone to talk to I’m always here for you.

But it’s no reason to hate children, please understand this.

Sick burn bro!

If it burns I can find you some nice ointment

Plz. Would love your top 10 recs.

Oh wait that would be implying one is better than another. Nvm

Oh wait that would be implying one is better than another. Nvm

Autism speaks, it's time to listen.

He should have congratulated his son for asserting his dominance by giving him a real man's console like a PS4 😀😀😀

^ PS4 faggot spotted.

Xbox is way better.

Tfw trumpeting a system with 0 worthwhile exclusives

Which drama mod got grounded?

/u/gamefreak924 did you breastfeed from your mommy until you were 5? Or maybe you still drink from her titties

Agenda posting, op is gay.

Go to bed.

Visits aww, gaming, front page subreddit, gets butthurt over another person problem.

Sorry kiddo, too much autism.

Sorry kiddo, too much autism.

You'll find a way to cope.

I will post about bullying kids victims too, It will help me cope about Chad spanking me.

/u/theovermangoesunder you're doing the right thing. I usually post here to shit on people, but it's so rare to see parents doing actual parenting these days. So sorry you had to deal with all those idiots (who'd be the first to rag on your parenting when your kid does something bad).

Wow, didn't expect that from you. You just rose in my eyes from retarded to maladjusted.

I swear I wish parents around me (including some in my family) were able to act like that (and resist the peer pressure from immature idiots who don't understand that teaching your kid not to be a garbage human being is worth more than every console ever).

I see kids having a hard start in adult life because they were never told no, and suddenly when you leave your parents the world isn't so forgiving (and those who didn't learn to cope with the idea that actions have consequences early on might fuck up their life early on, and it's sad because it's not even their fault given the way they were parented).

Also since when is being deprived of videogames some kind of human rights abuse? Don't get me wrong, I grew up loving games, but at the same time if I couldn't play I would read books or play sports or something else. Those reddit "adults" frighten me because they react worse at the idea of having a kid deprived of his games than an actual 9yo kid.

I think I might have been triggered by that topic.

Tbh I haven't really kept up with srs since I unsubscribe a while ago. (I was sort of getting tired of the constant negativity on my front page) But yeah you're gay now, thank me later πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

BRB going out to buy Truvada and assless chaps

I see kids having a hard start in adult life because they were never told no, and suddenly when you leave your parents the world isn't so forgiving (and those who didn't learn to cope with the idea that actions have consequences early on might fuck up their life early on, and it's sad because it's not even their fault given the way they were parented).

The Sanders campaign in a nutshell.

American universities nowadays.

At the very least /u/theovermangoesunder should bully his son for a week so he can see how it feels. I don't know if I'd beat him, but definitely put a few lasting psychological scars in to show him what words can do.

Give that little shit one good punch in the liver.

Jeeze, Kid acts like an Alpha Chad and gets punished for it. /u/theovermangoesunder you should be rewarding him for his initiative in teaching losers their place in the world. Without bullying we get furries and no one wants that.

Great find op

Personally I in no way agree with this

I agree u/vmh21, I think the father should also record the scene of the kid crying and send it along with the Switch to the victim.