/r/GenderCritical user dates the alpha "queer" male feminist (goes even worse than you'd expect)

91  2018-02-05 by IAintThatGuy


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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He was always pushing my boundaries during sex. One of the first times we had sex he punched me repeatedly without asking. He knew I thought vomit/gagging from giving head was disgusting and at the height of his emotional abuse he made me vomit giving head. I asked him to stop, he said OK and then made me threw up, he gave me a second to breath and then went right back at it. It was humiliating. I told him not to go from anal to vaginal and he'd do it anyway. He told me to "lick my ass off his cock". It was disgusting. I can't believe I'm even posting it here. It's all so humiliating. He asked me to pee on him, he couldn't convince me to do that one. He cheated on me, manipulated me, called me a cunt and a miserable person. He stole from me. He lied to the women he cheated on me with.

Wew, you weren't joking about the "male feminist" bit.

He's clearly an alpha male feminist. I'm pretty desensitized, and I'd have a hard time watching a porno featuring all of that without being super disgusted. But apparently /u/TobiasBlue ran with it, because he asked politely or something.

The best part is that the only thing she refused (pissing on him) is the only thing that represented no health risk by itself (and after the anal/vaginal switch, could have helped prevent urinary tract infections).

But apparently /u/TobiasBlue ran with it, because he asked politely or something.

because he said he's a male feminist

💖 It's 🤔 not 👎 rape 🙅 if 💑 it's 🗣 CONSENSUAL ✅


Woemn are fucking stupid

Bring on the downvotes

Conflicting user name.

Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri:

Once Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) of `Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, "O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)." They asked, "Why is it so, O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) ?" He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you." The women asked, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion." (Sahih al-Bukhari 304)

Good bot

if this stuff was true i want to meat his mom. she is bound to be more abusive during sex then my mom.

i want to meat his mom

He probably already beat you to it.

He asked me to pee on him, he couldn't convince me to do that one

Repeatedly being punched, having a cock forced down her throat against her will until she vomited, putting his penis in her vagina immediately after it being in her ass and making her lick faecal residue off it - all things she'll put up with, but peeing on him?! That's too far!

gotta have standards

This is just more RP-theory-being-proven-right stuff. Women are passive by nature, so actively doing something -- no matter how innocuous (in that context) -- was the boundary for her. All the shit she put up with was stuff done to her, so she had an excuse that she didn't "really" enjoy it, she "didn't have a choice", "i was Male Feministed", etc. Active participation gives lie to that, and that's something she couldn't deal with.

Username doesn't check out at all

He asked me to pee on him, he couldn't convince me to do that one.

It's important to have boundaries

With the exception of the peeing oh him, this sounds pretty fucking hot.

Thanks OP, I thought I was going to get shit done today, now all I can do is masturbate. ☔☔☔

I love how she complains he did all that to her, but says he didn't rape her. So at some point (by her own words) /u/TobiasBlue agreed to extreme gagging, anal, ass to mouth... Because he asked her to.

Now she has some kind of buyers remorse (and what I assume are several kinds of yeast infections from what she described).

And apparently she did all that with someone who bragged about fucking trannies (ever heard of AIDS?).

That dude should start his own brand of pick up artistry. He clearly knows his business.

I just came on my stomach and now I'm reading this

Odds of her BMI being lower than 30 are slim.

Exactly. There are self confidence issues here. Hamplanet status would be the most probable reason.

Only fat people enter abusive relationships?

Of course not. But the ratio is a lot higher.

Desperation is a hell of a drug.


Not so fast.

The punching part is what got me horny, what was yours?

I told him not to go from anal to vaginal and he'd do it anyway. He told me to "lick my ass off his cock".

The vomit part was pretty hot too tbh

That's not something I'd want to take part in. Actual buttholes aren't pristine like porn star buttholes

You just have to get it clean first.

🤔 I hope they all die of some shit related disease

Typhoid is still around maybe

Need me a typhoid Mary

This is obviously fake.

OP, end self.

A male feminist rapist using gullible women to replay his favorite abuse porn?


But the girl being aware of it, yes.

It definitely sounds like a radfem wet dream, I don't buy it. Doesn't change the fact that some of the comments here are about equally fucked up.

Sally forth, brave knight

Commit suicide

regular male feminism

He sounds like a few burners I met. Of the people who were really into goth/burning man shit, there were a few of these guys who were the "alphas." They usually had crappy hygiene and painted their fingernails, and usually did something "interesting:" like aerial acrobatics or making retardedly tall bicycles. They would call themselves queer and act kind of gay sometimes, like wearing dresses randomly, but like this woman, I've never actually heard of them hooking up with a dude. I'm actually surprised this guy even called her his girlfriend. They usually remained unattached but fucked all the scrubs' girlfriends, because all the women were "poly."

They weren't actually poly, because the one time one of the scrubs managed to get some side action, she flipped out for not following the rules of their open relationship or something. This is the same chick who would have her tits out at any party for the random attention.

And after getting used and discarded, one of these women turned into a redfem. Which is funny because it's usually either that or born-again christian.

And yet she stayed in the relationship with him. Seems all this became an issue after he moved on to another girl.

You basically just described an old friend of mine and most of the people he used to hang out with once we started diverging in our friendship. To this day I don't know if he was always like this and just needed the right environment to "flourish" like a turd blossom, or if he was just way more impressionable than I was.

In either case, fast forward 20 years and despite how similar we were when we were teenagers we couldn't be more different now. His wife divorced him because she grew up and he didn't, he's been in and out of half way houses, rails on Facebook about kooky social justice bullshit and basically couch surfs for a living. Hell, he got fired from a really nice job last year that would be almost impossible to get fired from by basically just being too fucking weird for anyone to deal with. It sort of affirms my belief that there's a correlation between intense social justice activism and mental illness.

Sometimes I think it's sorta sad because growing up we were practically like brothers, but man there was something deeply different inside our brains. I guess you'll never know what someone will grow up into.

Did he share articles like:

"End the stigma: 2018 is the year every straight white male gets pozzed by the underprivileged gay black transsexuals of America.".

Yasss kween 😍😍😍

Oh man, I thought I was the only one who noticed these clowns

The group I usually go to burns with is 100% gay dudes and it's funny how these guys never go anywhere near our camp after they find out what's up

The people who aren't 100% into the burning man scene totally notice them. These are the same tools who show up to a local burn with drugs, water, a little food, and nothing else. When going to the main event, they go with a theme camp so their asses are covered.

These are the same tools who show up to a local burn with drugs, water, a little food, and nothing else.

As someone who's never gone to Burning Man and has always been of the belief that it's a bunch of hippies going out into the desert to drop acid and inadvertently learn they're gay, what else is one expected to actually bring, aside from various STDs?

This confirms my suspicions regarding burning man.

They weren't actually poly, because the one time one of the scrubs managed to get some side action, she flipped out for not following the rules of their open relationship or something. This is the same chick who would have her tits out at any party for the random attention.

As a degenerate I've run into the type.

Were you mean to them? Pls say yes

They would call themselves queer and do not-totally-straight stuff sometimes, like wearing dresses randomly, but like this woman, I've never actually heard of them hooking up with a dude.

Women consistently underestimate how many lies dudes are willing to pile up to get some sucky-sucky-fuck-fuck.


Or in that case sucky-sucky-puke-fuck-punch-ow-anal-fucky-anal-fucky-sucky-ew-...

You're probably my favorite frog.

I'm a hybrid between a frog and a kebab. I wonder what it looks like.

Average French Citizen in Paris

The average one lacks the frog part, to be honest.

Why am I so misogynistic all of a sudden?

Are these comments usual for this sub, or did this post just attract a bunch of creepy anti-woman/rape-apologist people?

"Hey, she didn't stop her abuser from raping her so what did she expect?" Okay.

"Hey, she didn't stop her abuser from raping her so what did she expect?" Okay.

She doesn't say anything about rape. Or being forced. Maybe being goaded into things? She apparently said no to some things, but not others. And stayed with the guy.

Literally in her second sentence:

I didn't realize it was sexual assault until later.

Also, if you don't think any of this counts as rape then I truly feel bad for your sexual partners:

He knew I thought vomit/gagging from giving head was disgusting and at the height of his emotional abuse he made me vomit giving head. I asked him to stop, he said OK and then made me threw up, he gave me a second to breath and then went right back at it. It was humiliating. I told him not to go from anal to vaginal and he'd do it anyway.

And if you think that a woman being too scared to deny their abusive partner sex doesn't count as rape, then you need to work on your empathy skills and maybe educate yourself on the power dynamics and manipulation that happens in an abusive relationship.

I didn't realize it was sexual assault until later

Yeah, that's almost verbatim form the Aziz Ansari thing.

Aziz Anzari didn't force someone to gag on his cock until she choked, or forced her to do vaginal penetration, or punch her. And even Anzari was frankly acting like a creep by trying to keep banging a woman who was saying "no thanks" and generally acting really uncomfortable with his physical touches. Reddit is apparently full of people who think that as long as the woman doesn't full on say "Stop trying to fuck me because it's not happening", they have the moral permission to keep fucking their reluctant partner because "hey, it's not illegal!"

Sorry, this has been bothering me since the whole Anzari thing first went down. No, he's not a rapist, but ignoring clear reluctance from your partner is still shitty. But it has zero to do with this post that's literally the definition of rape.

I'm responding to the whole "I didn't realize it was assault until later" thing, which is pretty much exactly what Anzari's accuser said.

Obviously this drama is a much nastier scenario, but that little quote is what makes this sound like trolling.

The whole Anzari thing was a mess. I don't remember anymore if she actually claimed it was assault, but I have been in a situation where I let a guy push me further than I was comfortable with, they knew I wasn't okay with it and kinda relied on me not standing up for myself, and then later I felt really fucked up by what happened. It wasn't assault, it didn't go that far (and I'm far more assertive now that I'm an adult), but I still felt violated. To me the Anzari thing sounded similar - he knew she wasn't into it, but he didn't care for as long as it wasn't actual assault.

Of course I didn't go to a newspaper to write an article that low-key suggests he raped me. The girl was in the wrong too, she could've spoken about what happened without naming him, and calling attention to his un-sex-related behaviour (I didn't get to choose the wine") made her seem frivolous.

But people talking about how he did nothing wrong creep me out too.

To me the Anzari thing sounded similar - he knew she wasn't into it, but he didn't care for as long as it wasn't actual assault.

What, she tripped, fell, landed on his dick?

Not sure what you mean in this context.

It's okay - you're allowed encouraged to take the most ridiculous interpretation and run with it on this sub.

She fell ass first. Then later on got up and fell face first on the guy's dick.

I didn't realize it was sexual assault until later.

Convenient. I bet "later" was the minute she got dumped.

And if you think that a woman being too scared to deny their abusive partner sex doesn't count as rape

Who is scared of a fucking male feminist?

I bet "later" was the minute she got dumped.

Well, yes, that's usually when people in abused relationship have the veil of manipulation lifted and they realise just how brainwashed they were.

Who is scared of a fucking male feminist?

No one, but this guy wasn't a male feminist. He was a violent abuser. So I'd say a lot of people.

this guy wasn't a male feminist. He was a violent abuser.

Is there a significant difference between those two categories? I guess not all violent abusers are male feminists.

Is male feminist kinda like how "nice guys" aren't actual nice guys? Like there are actual male feminists out there, but it's a common disguise abusers use?

it's a common disguise abusers use?

That's our point at /r/Drama (and somehow we align with /r/GenderCritical on that one).

When r/drama agrees you're either really right or really retarded.

all male feminists are rapists

all rapists aren't male feminists

simple really int it

Male feminists are tarnishing the reputation of normal, honest, hardworking rapists.

They're just rapists with no work ethic.

No one, but this guy wasn't a male feminist. He was a violent abuser.

Tomato, tomato.

Also, I must say that I liked your turn of phrase in

consent being forced on them

consent being forced on them

Code for "I changed my mind after the fact, but I'm not able to invent a credible rape story"

Tomato, tomato.

So the question was actually "who's scared of a fucking violent abuser"? I feel like the answer to this is no-brainer.

Also, I must say that I liked your turn of phrase in

consent being forced on them

Yeah I guess I was too soft in trying to describe a "well she didn't say stop so that must mean she's consenting to me holding her head on my dick until she chokes on her own vomit," but you're right, I should've called it assault and rape. I didn't mean to minimise it, apologies.

It wasn't rape for months and months until she decided it was, and then it all became rape retroactively. Funny how that works.

I get you're just being a troll, but it's kinda sucky because even the worst red pilled would recognise that someone saying "don't put your dick in me" and the guy proceeding to put their dick in someone is pretty much the textbook definition of rape. The victim not realising that fucking someone who said no is rape does not mean it only becomes rape when she does realise it.

Otherwise by your logic you're allowed to fuck children because children don't know it's rape. Which. Considering you're defending rape here might be the case.

She was not a child. She was able to give consent and she gave it implicitly by coming back every time for more. Mixed messages is only rape by the "enthusiastic consent" standard, not by the "non-autistic capable of understanding social cues" standard.

So the question was actually "who's scared of a fucking violent abuser"?

Ehh...it's usually fear of being alone. The fear that he'll leave me for another girl who is willing to do all those sexual things I wasn't 100% comfortable with. You see the gender-flipped side of this "fear" when a GC'er finds out her beau violated her "no porn" ultimatum.

I will force you to consent >: ]

I didn't realize it was sexual assault until later.

I didn't know I was supposed to feel like I was raped until someone told me to feel that way

That's how feminism works.

A lot of people don't realise they have a right to control their body if they've been brain-washed by emotional abuse and manipulation. I had a friend whose mother used to beat her blue and she didn't think she had any right to feel upset about that. It's freaky, but it's not uncommon at all. It's only when you exit the abusive relationship that you begin to realise just how badly that person had you under their thumb, or that you did actually have the right to say no.

I suspect you know this and you're just being a troll for the sake of it, but in case your comment comes from genuine ignorance, I hope you never find out what it's like the hard way.

I can say with 100% certainty there will never be a time where somebody will buttfuck me, tell me to "lick my ass off their cock, then I let them deep dick my throat so hard that I vomit, and then take a good while to ponder whether or not I want that to keep happening. As soon as she puked, she could have been like "Fuck you, you piece of shit. No more. I'm done." Instead, she probably licked more of her ass off of his cock. Later on, she reads /r/GenderCritical and thinks "....I was raped..." classic.

Hey she had boundaries. She refused the piss thing. Have some respect for that strong wymmyn.

100% certainty? Even after five Natty Ices?

I had a friend whose mother used to beat her blue and she didn't think she had any right to feel upset about that.


I'll put up with a lot of shit if my rent depends on it.

Dude I dunno I don’t see the drama the guy was literally punching her while they were fucking, that’s Unironically bizarre and I don’t see the value in lawlzing @ this

And she came back for more. And said yes to a lot of things. But after agreeing to ass to mouth, she stopped at pissing, because that would be too gross.

Right, it’s odd but it happens all the time it’s called battered spouse syndrome. I just don’t see the humor in this, yeah feminists are generally retarded blowhards these days and I know it proves the feminist men = rapist thing but weew lad I don’t know how anyone could laugh at this

it’s odd but it happens all the time it’s called battered spouse syndrome

Or a bitter woman changing her mind after the fact. You can't tell the difference online.

Right, you can’t so where you choosing to believe him instead of her

Nope I just reserve judgement. I wouldn't believe a male feminist. That doesn't mean she didn't consent at the time.

People lacking sympathy. Quite common in places like /r/drama


i dont understand

/r/drama is made up of autists, sociopaths, narcissists, and the occasional bot. The user with the most ability for empathy is /u/snapshillbot, and even he won't touch that thread.

Some people are into that shit? Human sexuality is vast and complicated, the only basic thing we can all really agree on is some sort of consent (not enthusiastic, but a logical mind accepting the consequences of agreeing to a possible action).

If you’re into rough play like that it’s considered common courtesy to discuss it before the act

some sort of consent

Here's a cartoon about consent. It's not the retarded one about "tea".

This sub has a unique aesthetic.








Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura

Your comment made me realise that I thought I was in r/subredditdrama

Which, to be fair, this might yet end up in. If I'd know what sub I was in I wouldn't have commented to begin with.

Ah yes SRD where no oje ironyposts because fish brains can't separate irony from srspostinv

I don't think you know how SRD works.

You are in the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker

We tell YOU how SRD works

SRD Works? is that like America Works but for the terminally mentally ill?

I’m pretty sure that’s actually the same thing tbh. Canning day can’t come soon enough.

Where do you think most of us were born?

The running meme around here is that "male feminist" is synonymous with "rapist", so yeah the comments are a typical day at the /r/drama rodeo.

Except that it is not a meme but disgusting truth

We're a pretty diverse bunch of people. This place tends to be biased against anything feminist and mysogynist, but there sometimes also are threads which are kind of okayish and show some empathy towards women. Having that said, yeah, this thread is pretty ableist.

We're a pretty diverse bunch of people.

Some of us are planning Day of the Rope so that the amount of diversity will decrease real fast overnight.

No, no, no. We want diversity. That's code for less white people.

RETA: You too!

shut up fag

Eta: Welp, I thought this was r/subredditdrama, explains my confusion...

frist of all how dare you

Whw, definitely get yourself some Stilnoct asap

Holy shit... This bitch for real?

that's part and parcel for dating a male feminist

liking gussy in 2k17


It's 2018

Yea but 2017 was the year of the gussy-cide, if you didn't get the memo by then its too late

Sounds like she’s dating James Deen


I really hate men right now. I feel like they just masquerade to get as much as they possibly can from women.

The ones that successfully trick and manipulate and abuse you.

For some reason the bad ones are more successful at getting your attention than the good ones.

TrollX is almost nothing but trannies though. Too icky for a radfem.

many of the younger trollx readers are exactly the type of girls that will soon become victims of "queer male feminists"

But what if the male feminists identify as women? Checkmate libfems.

For some reason

Probably because they've learned to be really good at it. Otherwise how could they ever convince anyone to like them long enough for them to become an abuser?

Don’t complain, let them alienate themselves further from the genepool. I’m in favor of subsidizing gender change therapies because it would remove these obviously mentally ill people from the genetic marketplace so to speak.

he's never dated a man. I have no fucking clue why he calls himself queer

For the same reason I sometimes browse the philosophy section in libraries while being a full on stemlord. To meet qts with several addictions and mental issues.

JK I'm a faggot and I hate women.

JK I'm a faggot and I hate women.

finally someone with some sense

The important thing is this is actually trans peoples' fault

She found an excuse to include trans people in the story (even though in that case they were the imaginary ones her boyfriend pretended to have slept with) so it's safe to blame them.

Oh god, since Ed was banned for doxxing it seems he has been unleashed in the real world. Making queers eat his gussy is the ultimate form of shitposting.

/u/ed__butteredtoast is back, much to all of our shame

You make my head hurt, I’ve deleted and rewritten this reply five or six times trying to grasp your position here.

One of these days I want to meet you in real life, just to see what a person who acts like you on the internet is actually like.

I feel like the reason I disagree with you so much is because you misinterpret textual cues and react to them in wildly different ways, compared to most people. I’ve genuinely followed none of the points you’ve made in this whole argument, and have found myself in the unwinnable position of having to reply to just the little bantering insults, because your other positions make these logical leaps I’m not equipped to accurately follow.

Is this original copy pasta?

What do you think?

No? :(

Yup! It's OC pasta from our resident sperg /u/incineratechicken

Hey, you actually used it!

You're goddamn right I did!

Oh daddy, shitpost me harder! I want your quality content all over me!


It's been pointed out that many female feminists utilize [aposematism]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aposematism), but the male feminist uses a different strategy.


Aposematism (from Greek ἀπό apo away, σῆμα sema sign) is a term coined by Edward Bagnall Poulton for Alfred Russel Wallace's concept of warning coloration. It describes a family of antipredator adaptations in which a warning signal is associated with the unprofitability of a prey item to potential predators. The unprofitability may consist of any defences which make a prey difficult to eat, such as toxicity, foul taste or smell, or aggressive nature. Aposematism always involves an advertising signal which may take the form of conspicuous animal coloration, sounds, odours or other perceivable characteristics.

Aggressive mimicry

Aggressive mimicry is a form of mimicry in which predators, parasites or parasitoids share similar signals, using a harmless model, allowing them to avoid being correctly identified by their prey or host. Zoologists have repeatedly compared this strategy to a wolf in sheep's clothing. In its broadest sense, aggressive mimicry could include various types of exploitation, as when an orchid exploits a male insect by mimicking a sexually receptive female (see pseudocopulation), but will here be restricted to forms of exploitation involving feeding. An alternative term Peckhamian mimicry (after George and Elizabeth Peckham) has been suggested, but is seldom used.

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a different strategy.

It's called "rape" to be honest. They just put a new twist on it (which is refreshing, after millenia of the same thing).

Completely agree. I wasn't clear what they use that strategy for.

It's like they're on the cutting edge of rape technology. That would be a very fucked up technological tree. Somebody needs to make it into a Civilization type video game. /u/xNotch do you feel up to it? I can provide badly scanned stick figure drawings for the art of the game.

How do you scan something badly?

Aligning stuff properly with the scanner window. Then when you close the door, it always moves or whatever. Plus sometimes it kinds of folds the page you try to scan.

I dub this term, NeoRape. A rape which can occur in the 4th dimension without any indication at all. In fact during your next sexual encounter you could have raped her even after the sexual act occurred. (hopefully consensual but I don’t have standards for some of you spergs.) I’m currently working on probability graphs to help predict whether your recent shag will become a time shifting rape.

Consent used to be binary (consent, or rape). Now like everything it has become a fucking spectrum. As if I wasn't on enough spectrums anyway!

I'm giong to do the ^this thing here, cause ^this

Jesus this is scarily accurate.

He told me to "lick my ass off his cock"


"male feminist" is basically the reddest flag there is

/u/Laurelai3301 I wholeheartedly agree with you

Male Feminists: not even once.

You'd think she'd have understood that unwanted punching. Or after the face fucking until she puked. Or after the unwanted anal. Or after the unwanted anal to vaginal transition. Or after the unwanted ass to mouth.

I'm starting to think she might not be the sharpest knife.

self-loathing maniac in denial dates maniac who wears mental illness on (the wrong) sleeve

it's deleted

I felt like I needed to talk about this in feminist space. I don't trust any other "feminist" subs on Reddit. This is going to sound really dumb but I didn't realize it was sexual assault until later. Of course my ex was the perpetrator and at the time I just tried to ignore the way I felt because I thought he was a genuinely good person. I let a lot slide because of that.

He called himself a feminist. He told me he was pansexual, queer and mostly dated MtF trans people. And he could talk about racial and feminist issues.

I finally found out just how manipulative he really was. For some reason finding out the truth about him puts everything into a new light. I feel ashamed all over again about how he treated me.

He was always pushing my boundaries during sex. One of the first times we had sex he punched me repeatedly without asking. He knew I thought vomit/gagging from giving head was disgusting and at the height of his emotional abuse he made me vomit giving head. I asked him to stop, he said OK and then made me threw up, he gave me a second to breath and then went right back at it. It was humiliating. I told him not to go from anal to vaginal and he'd do it anyway. He told me to "lick my ass off his cock". It was disgusting. I can't believe I'm even posting it here. It's all so humiliating. He asked me to pee on him, he couldn't convince me to do that one. He cheated on me, manipulated me, called me a cunt and a miserable person. He stole from me. He lied to the women he cheated on me with.

I found out that he's never dated a man. I have no fucking clue why he calls himself queer, he's very very masculine. He's never dated a trans woman. He only dates women. Libfem women who think it's empowering to have casual sex where men abuse you. He's a fucking porn addict, would tell me to put a bra on during sex and talked about how much he liked fake tits. He wanted to buy me a boob job.

He uses liberal feminism to give him credibility. He fucking hates women though! He treats them horribly. No one can treat women the way he does and be a feminist. I've heard him talk about camgirls he "knows" and how they just love having sex. He views women as vessels for sex.

I really hate men right now. I feel like they just masquerade to get as much as they possibly can from women. I saw on TwoX a post about women in Russia being murdered by partners. It happens in the US, no one fucking cares though. And of course if I said ANY of this in TwoX, a female space, I'd get "not all men" or shit for insulting a man who calls himself queer. Fuck you, yes all men. Why the fuck should we have to cater to your fucking bullshit? Why the fuck should we have to accept men into our spaces who don't know what it's like to grow up with men leering at you. To be 8 and afraid of men touching you or grabbing you. To be conditioned to smile instead of telling someone to go fuck themselves because you're afraid of retribution.

This motherfucker non-feminist piece of shit masquerading as "other" to gain credibility had the audacity to make a post supporting MeToo on his IG. I want to fucking comment so badly and say "you're emotionally abusive, you cheat, you cross boundaries in sex and do not get consent before punching, hitting, or penetrating a partner".

Thank you, I counted on snappy but noticed only too late it was on vacation.

Snappy actually got it, but I guess it gets lost in the sea of comments (unless you Ctrl+F to look for it).

I recommend adding the following script to your bookmarks bar in your browser though, for when Snappy isn't on duty:


When you click the bookmark, it'll archive the page you were on.

Thanks! It's a good one. Post it somewhere like LPT.

fancy, didn’t think browsers still allowed javascript to be executed that way


There should be an entry in the DSM for this type of low-life shit.

There used to be Masochistic Personality Disorder, but they dropped it because it "blames the victim".

lol, I say. lol.

And at the bottom of the thread, /u/Laurelai3301

Is this the return of the one of the Prime Drama sources, a bigger drama Wesley than even /u/wil , or just coincidence?

Why is Wil posting naked girls to reddit?

Because he's a loser with no shame? A 45-year old "father" of 2 posting teen porn to reddit is laughably pathetic.

Like I thought at first i was looking at the wrong profile, but no seriously the dude posts a LOT of suicide girls to Reddit.... wtf?

SG's whole shtick is that it's not porn, it's a "community". The goal being to make the customers feel less pathetic when interacting with the whores.