All porn companies are run by Jews

3  2018-02-05 by Starship_Litterbox_B

that is a searchable fact. The yearly porn statistics are a complete lie, and porn afficianados and Chads know it. Have you ever met a chick that enjoys watching porn? I havent. I am in my early 30s and have never met one. When a dude gets comfortable with a girl or vice versa, i think thats one of the most common questions asked. And i have never heard a yes answer. They all obviously admitted to masturbating, but none of them go turned on by porn. Its a fact that most women don't like it at all. So either the major porn sites are basing their yearly search percentages off of basically 5% of the whtie women who watch porn, or they are just making it up to push an agenda to seperate white men and women. Much like the sex doll crap and the 30 million threads on here each day talking about how horrible white women are. And this thread is one of those. I remember the first time my girlfriend at the time wanted to have phone sex. I thought it was goofy as all hell and didn't want to do it. I told her to turn on some porn and I would do the same. She said no and that it was a turn off and that shed rather masturbate to times we had fucked before. So i did it. Girls don't like the shit man. Porn companies are fake news. And the majority of white guys reading this know I am telling 100% fact.


You make my head hurt, I’ve deleted and rewritten this reply five or six times trying to grasp your position here.

One of these days I want to meet you in real life, just to see what a person who acts like you on the internet is actually like.

I feel like the reason I disagree with you so much is because you misinterpret textual cues and react to them in wildly different ways, compared to most people. I’ve genuinely followed none of the points you’ve made in this whole argument, and have found myself in the unwinnable position of having to reply to just the little bantering insults, because your other positions make these logical leaps I’m not equipped to accurately follow.

JCF. do i have to spell it out. the penis is an invader. it is a symbol of war. you, as a man, could never know true violation unless by another man, like in the case below. i'm sorry that happened to him. the prison system needs to be thrown in the garbage and writ again. you minimized porn, but porn is a driver of industry. if it weren't for porn, we may not have the internet as we know it. we ALL know that. "'s so much more" no shit!! but why isn't it enough that TWO women's bodies are being exploited for your pleasure / revenge / whatever it is that men think up?????

Well put, /u/niggerpenis

This but unironically

Are you an idiot?

I mean seriously?

do you wanna have a discussion or what?

we can determine which punchline lies where and how crashing one yoke with another contradicting one works, or not and where a continuation of aggression leaves the field of humor, and what was funny about one thing when it isn't funny if you show the thing which it in fact is about cause not showing it makes the yoke so i think we can have a real good conversations since i guess you got brilliant insights to show me about the where when and how so I'm eagerly looking forward towards your by all means promised top be no less than brilliant reply.

Correlation does not equal causation. A million things are happening in the world. Doesn't mean they are causing the correction. Maybe it's just sinking in that Prince Harry is polluting the royal bloodline. Maybe it's because the US is involved in the 17th year of an unwinnable war. Or maybe the market was just overheated. Oh, and Bitcoin was always a ponzi selling worthless garbage. At least you can plant a tulip and get a pretty flower.

DAE le randum response ecks dee ?

DAE posting the same le quirky pasta all over drama XD?

Thot begone 😡😡😡

no u

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