A degenerate fashy boy gets arrested for going on a killing spree. Of course, Big Daddy gets shoehorned into the conversation.

14  2018-02-05 by NoGroidsNoJoos


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Very, very fine people on both sides.


Yeah I totally agree with th-

wtf u literal nazi acknowledge your white privilegeee stop being transmysoginistic

On second thought Mayocide when

Tbh anyone who plucks heir eyebrows and shaves their beard to look like the devil was fairly obviously going to be a Nazi, in retrospect

He looks like an even more retarded Anton LaVey.

While the internet proves the majority of people have short attention spans and are in fact stupid as shit it has somehow, simultaneously, convinced all these stupid fucking idiots they are actually the smart one and everyone else is stupid. Amazing.


Edit: Downvoted? Apparently not wanting to judge people is an extremist opinion.

Or maybe they just disagree with you lol

So we should judge groups based on the actions of a few?

It's not even judging immigrants, they just think letting them in will do more harm than good. And yeah, obviously there's a difference in responses, people have these things called biases. Don't act like whatever political group you are a part of isn't guilty of that.

Where did I say or imply my political group is incapable of negatively judging other groups?


It's not even judging immigrants, they just think letting them in will do more harm than good.

So they shoot random people? They base their perception of harm off of random events. In the same way I could base my perception of all right wingers based on this one off event, but I imagine they would disagree. That was all I was saying.

So we should judge groups based on the actions of a few?

Yes. That's why I'm scared of literally every ethnic group and I have a CHL
